  • Bruce Banner (FMCU2)
  • Robert Bruce Banner is an American superhero, by the alter-ego alias, Hulk. Following an accident that transformed him into a huge green monster, with massive strength, Bruce was sought to be hunted by the military, but he escaped and settled in Norway, with the aid of Betty Ross and Rick Jones. He exchanged information with an Oscorp scientist, Samuel Sterns, and they both discussed about how he could cure his Hulk transformation.
  • Robert Bruce Banner is an American superhero, by the alter-ego alias, Hulk. Following an accident that transformed him into a huge green monster, with massive strength, Bruce was sought to be hunted by the military, but he escaped and settled in Norway, with the aid of Betty Ross and Rick Jones. He exchanged information with an Oscorp scientist, Samuel Sterns, and they both discussed about how he could cure his Hulk transformation. Samuel betrayed him and led the military to him. Banner was captured, and was to be executed before a soldier went rogue being exposed to gamma radiation. Banner was forced to side with the military, and he defeated the rogue soldier, Abomination. Samuel later became the Leader, a revolutionary leader and former of a cult revolving around human advancement. With the help of the mercenary Deadpool, SHIELD agents Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton, with Thunderbolt, Hulk was able to defeat Samuel who dispersed a chemical gamma cloud around New York, that turned everyone into gamma freaks, however this problem was resolved. Later onwards, he escaped to South Brazil, where Nick Fury offered him immunity for his vigilancy and also help. Bruce accepted this offer, and he was granted immunity in exchange of collaborating crimefighting with SHIELD, with Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne. Banner later joined the Avengers to counteract against a massive threat, and after the defeat of the enemy, Hulk later became a permanent ally of the Avengers, after people saw him as a hero.