  • Love Makes You Dumb
  • Being in love is dangerous for a character. Occasionally, a 'main' character who more or less pulled his weight at the start of the series starts to feel affection for another, and the writers like the idea. Suddenly, his own personal plot starts to become almost exclusively about that, and we have nothing to balance out the inherent goofiness and clumsiness that occurs dealing with his emotions. This has an extra layer of trouble if the demographic of the viewers isn't too heavily interested in the romance, or romance in general. On the other hand, other demographics can relate.
  • Being in love is dangerous for a character. Occasionally, a 'main' character who more or less pulled his weight at the start of the series starts to feel affection for another, and the writers like the idea. Suddenly, his own personal plot starts to become almost exclusively about that, and we have nothing to balance out the inherent goofiness and clumsiness that occurs dealing with his emotions. This has an extra layer of trouble if the demographic of the viewers isn't too heavily interested in the romance, or romance in general. On the other hand, other demographics can relate. This can send someone on the edge of Can't Catch Up straight into a ditch and relegate him to the side lines of a story, especially if it's fairly clear that the writers haven't used the character for a while because they don't know what to do with him. If this doesn't happen, expect the character to fall out of his depth in a painful and excruciating way. Extremely common in Shonen, when she's one of the three or so main characters. Likewise The Chick in the Five-Man Band. A female character in particular often becomes a Faux Action Girl this way. For people who hold this as their viewpoint about love, see Silly Rabbit, Romance Is for Kids. For a specific form, see Cannot Talk to Women. Granted, Dumb might be better than the alternatives. Examples of Love Makes You Dumb include: