  • RPG
  • RPG
  • RPG
  • RPG
  • RPG
  • RPG
  • RPG
  • Role-Playing Game
  • An RPG or role-playing game is a game that allows the player to take control of a character or a set of characters and progress them through a usually defined story. Only one official Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon RPG has been released, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story, by Angel in 1995.
  • This wiki will be telling you about RPG. Its time to explore and learn more about RPG. So come and get help from admins so you can learn so much more about RPG.
  • The RPG is a rocket launcher featured in Max Payne 3. Unlike other weapons, It can only be obtained in the Multiplayer mode. Along with the LAW, they are the only rocket launchers in the game.
  • A Rocket Propelled Grenade, or RPG for short, is a long weapon that fires grenades a long distance. RPG's are equppied with a scope as they can be quite inaccurate, and the area where the user holds it is sometimes wrapped in heat-proof tape. The warhead can fly at up to 295 meters per second. They are a very common weapon in present wars, as they can cause a large explosion when they strike their target. The most commonly used RPG is the RPG-7.
  • The RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) is a shoulder-mounted launcher used by many factions as an anti-armor and anti-personnel weapon featured in both Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction and Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.
  • Acronym for Role Playing Game
  • RPGs (Role-Playing-Games) are games in which the user pretends to be a different character, and makes decisions affecting their world. There are many types of RPGs that can be made on a graphing calculator. Text Adventures Text adventures use the Menu( function to create text-based selections to advance gameplay. Very easy to program. Fighting RPGs Such as The Ledgend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, or Pokemon, these games incorporate fighting into the progression of the storyline.
  • The RPG, short for Rocket Propelled Grenade, is a weapon featured in Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion. As the name suggests, it is a rocket launcher and is designed for maximum carnage.
  • Rare weapon with rare ammunition but it packs one hell of a payload. Very useful to take down vehicles in a single hit and will knock out or even kill people caught in the explosion blast.
  • RPG是一首初於《太鼓の達人 どんとかつの時空大冒険》登場的日本流行音樂。
  • RPG is a t-shirt being sold in the Penny Arcade Store for $17.99.
  • The RPG, known as the "usrpg" within files, is a rocket launcher available in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty Online.
  • The Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game (abbreviated as RPG) was produced in line with GURPS Third Edition, focusing on the Lite Ruleset. It introduce the original story Dakini.
  • 기존의 컴퓨터 게임에서는 컴퓨터 프로그램으로 이미 짜여진 스토리, 짜여진 배경, 짜여진 스크립트 안에서만 행동할 수 있습니다. 흔히 말하는 '보이지 않는 투명한 벽'이 이렇게 생기는 것입니다. 나는 저 바다로 뛰어들어가 수영을 하고 싶은데 물에 닿기만 하면 바로 빠져죽지요(수영을 못하는 모험가인가?) 하지만 RPG에서 이런 일은 별로 없습니다. 이해할 수 있는 선에서는 어느정도의 자유도가 보장되지요. 또 컴퓨터 게임에서는 화려한 그래픽과 음향효과를 보여주지만 RPG에서는 그런 것은 없거나 적은 편입니다. 많은 경우 상상력에 의존한다는 점이 다르지요.
  • Аббревиатура от Role-Playing Game Означает Ролевая Игра или Игра с Отыгрыванием Роли. Применяется для обозначения группы игр, в которых игрок берёт на себя роль какого-то игрового Персонажа, и играет от его лица. Частый элемент таких игр это возможность развития Персонажа, его характеристик и способностей. Категория:Сокращения
  • The Barnstormer, known in-game as the RPG, is a heavy artillery weapon in Booker DeWitt's arsenal in BioShock Infinite. Although it can only fire a total of two shots before having to reload, each one delivers an explosive payload capable of taking out large groups as well as fortified constructs. In between shots, Booker must crank the weapon to chamber the next rocket. Booker can also use it to aim, although its range is limited to its crosshairs.
  • RPG is an acronym for "Role Playing Game". It is used to describe a genre of gaming in which a player or players assumes the persona, or "role" of a character within the gaming environment for the duration of the game. In the TPPCRPG, Players assume the role of Trainers, battling their Pokemon against each others' teams and otherwise raising their team in order to reach their personal goals.
  • In diesem Wiki soll es sich rein um (Computer-)Rollenspiele aus dem fernen Osten drehen. Großteils um japanische, aber auch koreanische und chinesische sollen abgehandelt werden. Angefangen vom Brettspiel bis hinüber zu 2D-Spielen bis zu den 3D-Spielen der heutigen Zeit. Diese Thematik steigt im EU Raum auch immer weiter im Interesse gerade weil viele Games gar nicht erst bei uns erscheinen. Hier soll natürlich speziell der Hebel angesetzt werden genauso wie bei den großen Klassikern.
  • RPG – wyrzutnia rakiet występująca w Call of Duty: Black Ops II. (do uzupełnienia)
  • When Pack-a-Punched, it becomes the Rocket Propelled Grievance. It now has eight rockets in one clip, is fully automatic, and deals more damage. It also is more accured, making clear shots more possible. It still deals a lot of splash damage, so PhD Flopper can be useful with this weapon, if available on the map.
  • Special Part(s): [RPG Variants] RPG is the title of a group of common rocket launchers and are manufactured exclusively by Vladof. The RPG is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source.
  • RPG Vasiliy ?? is an Energizer and Devisor. He is from St. Petersburg, Russia. He is in the US on a special mutant Visa.
  • The RPG-7 (Russian: РПГ-7) is a portable, unguided, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Originally the RPG-7 (Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт – Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyot, Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher) and its predecessor, the RPG-2, was designed by the Soviet Union; it is now manufactured by the Russian company Bazalt. The weapon has the GRAU index 6G3. The English-language term "rocket-propelled grenade", though frequently encountered and reasonably descriptive, is a backronym for "RPG" and not based on a literal translation. ] ]
  • The RPG is a Dragon Ball Z based game that was created by Michiavelli on January 2004. It is a place where members can role-play fictional characters invented by themselves or taken from an anime/Tv show (i.e.: Goku, Batman, Naruto, etc.). Once you create the character and have it approved by a moderator, you work on developing its stats and back-story. Despite the considerable changes the RPG has gone through over the years, the way to improve your has remained basically the same:
  • RPG (ang. Role Plaing Games- Gra w odgrywanie Ról) Zwieńczenie drabiny ewolucji gier towarzyskich, lub jak kto woli następna forma w ewolucji teatru. Są to gry w których gracze przemierzają rozmaite światy(ba, niekiedy nawet są światami!), walczą z wiatrakami, podstępnymi korporacjami, smokami, orkami, przybyszami z kosmosu,karczmarzami i każdym kto stanie na ich drodze. RPG Powstało w 1975, stworzone zostało jako modyfikacja dla systemu figurkowego Chaimnal. Pierwszym systemem było D&D(dungeons and dragons).
  • RPG (englisch Role Playing Game: Rollenspiel) kann man in Club Penguin als das berühmte und beliebte Spiel So-Tun-Als-Ob bezeichnen, dass nicht nur in Club Penguin und auch gar nicht nur von Kindern gespielt wird. Wenn man zum Beispiel in Club Penguin einen Buddy hat, den man auch im realen Leben kennt, telefoniert man mit diesem, und spricht als wäre man der Pinguin. Währenddessen bewegt man sich aber auf Club Penguin mit seinem Pinguin und tut so als erlebe man dort einen Tag mit seinem Buddy. Dabei werden auch oft neue Orte erfunden oder bekannte umbenannt bzw. "zweckentfremdet": Der Gift Shop wird beispielsweise. zum Supermarkt wo man sich auch Essen kauft, der Pet Shop zu einem Möbelladen und das unmöblierte Iglu wird zu einer Villa. Weitere bekannte Beispiele sind Hochzeiten oder Ban
  • RPG é o acrônimo de Role-playing game, ou jogo de interpretação de papéis, um tipo de jogo em que os participantes assumem os papéis de personagens e criam uma história colaborativamente. Tormenta, antes de se desenvolver em histórias em quadrinhos, contos, romances, game e sua tentativa de anime, iniciou como um cenário de RPG para ser utilizado em conjunto com vários jogos. Tormenta já teve versões oficiais compatíveis com vários sistemas de RPG, como:
  • RPG: Role Playing Game In Anarchy Online refering to roleplaying your character. But what does that mean? It's not about equipment, it's not about perks, it's not about being the best, not even about being high level and it's certainly not about cybersex as soo many seem to think of that as the only form of 'roleplaying' their characters. [AFAIK strictly forbidden on all servers] So again what is it about? It's about living your character. Acting as if you are the person on the screen acting accordingly in any given situation.
  • Disney * Level 1: Disney Town (Boss: Pete) * Level 2: Port Royal (Boss: Cutler Beckett) * Level 3: Pride Lands (Boss: Scar) * Level 4: Arendelle (Boss: Hans) * Level 5: Prydain (Boss: The Horned King) * Level 6: Halloween Town (Boss: Oogie Boogie) * Level 7: Olympus Coliseum (Boss: Hades) * Level 8: La Cite des Cloches (Boss: Claude Frollo) * Level 9: Hollow Bastion (Boss: Maleficent) * Level 10: Symphony of Sorcery (Boss: Chernabog) South Park Adventure Time My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Horror The Amazing World of Gumball Transformers
  • Level 40
  • Completing Suffer With Me
  • Poziom 40.
  • Orange
  • 1
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 114
  • 5
  • 3.292
  • 「映画クレヨンしんちゃん バカうまっ!B級グルメサバイバル」より
  • Launcher
  • Speed Boost
  • Clip Increase
  • Damage Boost 1
  • Damage Boost 2
  • 6
  • 3
  • No
variants link
  • on
  • common
  • 7
  • 3
  • 4
  • Bukinoya
  • Medium
  • Explosion Radius
  • Any
  • Saints Row IV, Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
  • None
  • 2009-02-05
  • Slow
  • 蠟筆小新系列
  • Inaktiv
  • 18
  • Single Shot
  • Single-shot
  • Pojedynczy
  • In use
  • Borderlands 2
  • RPG
  • Barnstormer RPG
  • 187
  • Low
  • J-POP
  • Explosive
  • Launcher
  • Rocket Launcher
  • "J7 Rocket Launcher" RPG
  • The RPG as it appears in Mercenaries 2
  • The seamless blend of a first-person-shooter and an RPG. Also a rocket launcher.
  • 950
  • 200
  • A Pleasant DayThe Saints FlowKing Me
  • 350
  • Yes
  • 太鼓の達人 プラス
  • Unknown
  • Vladof
  • More ammo, higher magazine, higher mobility, becomes Fully-automatic, reloads all 8 rockets at once
  • 新 太鼓の達人
  • 3
  • Explosives
  • ja
  • white
  • 35000
  • 333.0
  • 385.0
  • 816.0
  • キミに100パーセント
  • 虹色の戦争
  • Medium
  • Low
  • 150
  • 1250
  • High
  • Direct Impact: 150
  • Explosion: 150-70
  • Very high damage
  • 炎と森のカーニバル
  • ファミリーパーティー
  • Fukase
  • Single
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • Increases RPG clip size by 50%.
  • Increases RPG damage by 25%.
  • Increases RPG projectile speed by 100%.
  • 太鼓の達人 どんとかつの時空大冒険
  • See Article
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1200
  • 600
  • 200
  • Fully-Automatic
  • RPG
  • High
  • 20
  • RPG Wiki
  • 40
  • 3.292
  • 187
  • 1
  • N/A
  • Single-Shot
  • de.rpg
  • 8
  • 150
  • Rocket Propelled Grievance
  • Very Low
  • 200
  • 3.292
  • 1
  • First Located
  • Rate of Fire
  • 1
  • Role-Playing Game
  • An RPG or role-playing game is a game that allows the player to take control of a character or a set of characters and progress them through a usually defined story. Only one official Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon RPG has been released, Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story, by Angel in 1995.
  • RPG é o acrônimo de Role-playing game, ou jogo de interpretação de papéis, um tipo de jogo em que os participantes assumem os papéis de personagens e criam uma história colaborativamente. Tormenta, antes de se desenvolver em histórias em quadrinhos, contos, romances, game e sua tentativa de anime, iniciou como um cenário de RPG para ser utilizado em conjunto com vários jogos. Tormenta já teve versões oficiais compatíveis com vários sistemas de RPG, como: * Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (AD&D; a partir do Tormenta - 1ª Edição); * Defensores de Tóquio - 3ª Edição (3D&T; a partir do Tormenta - 1ª Edição); * Dungeons & Dragons - 3ª Edição (D&D 3.0) e Edição 3.5 (D&D 3.5); * Generic Universal Role Playing System (GURPS; a partir do Tormenta - 1ª Edição).
  • This wiki will be telling you about RPG. Its time to explore and learn more about RPG. So come and get help from admins so you can learn so much more about RPG.
  • The RPG is a rocket launcher featured in Max Payne 3. Unlike other weapons, It can only be obtained in the Multiplayer mode. Along with the LAW, they are the only rocket launchers in the game.
  • A Rocket Propelled Grenade, or RPG for short, is a long weapon that fires grenades a long distance. RPG's are equppied with a scope as they can be quite inaccurate, and the area where the user holds it is sometimes wrapped in heat-proof tape. The warhead can fly at up to 295 meters per second. They are a very common weapon in present wars, as they can cause a large explosion when they strike their target. The most commonly used RPG is the RPG-7.
  • Disney * Level 1: Disney Town (Boss: Pete) * Level 2: Port Royal (Boss: Cutler Beckett) * Level 3: Pride Lands (Boss: Scar) * Level 4: Arendelle (Boss: Hans) * Level 5: Prydain (Boss: The Horned King) * Level 6: Halloween Town (Boss: Oogie Boogie) * Level 7: Olympus Coliseum (Boss: Hades) * Level 8: La Cite des Cloches (Boss: Claude Frollo) * Level 9: Hollow Bastion (Boss: Maleficent) * Level 10: Symphony of Sorcery (Boss: Chernabog) South Park * Level 1: South Park Elementary Stage 1 (Boss: Hall Monitor Leader) * Level 2: Stan's House (Boss: Stan) * Level 3: South Park Elementary Stage 2 (Boss: Kyle & Cartman) * Level 4: Graveyard (Boss: Baboon Monster) * Level 5: The Caverns (Boss: Crab People Leader) * Level 6: UFO Crashsite (Boss: ManBearPig) * Level 7: Christmas Town (Boss: Anti-Christ) * Level 8: Hell (Boss: Satan) * Level 9: South Park (Boss: Clyde) * Level 10: The Blimp (Boss: Head of the CIA) Adventure Time * Level 1: Tree Fort (Boss: Finn & Jake) * Level 2: Grasslands (Boss: Kee-Oth) * Level 3: Candy Kingdom (Boss: Princess Bubblegum) * Level 4: Desert (Boss: Death) * Level 5: Red Rock Pass (Boss: Marceline) * Level 6: Ice Kingdom (Boss: Ice King) * Level 7: Fire Kingdom (Boss: Flame Princess) * Level 8: Lumpy Space (Boss: Lumpy Space Princess) * Level 9: Nightosphere (Boss: Hunson Abadeer) * Level 10: Multiverse (Boss: The Lich) My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic * Level 1: The Everfree Forest (Boss: Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon) * Level 2: Ponyville Stage 1 (Boss: Gilda) * Level 3: Warped Ponyville (Boss: Discord) * Level 4: Ponyville Stage 2 (Boss: Ursa Minor) * Level 5: Ponyville Stage 3 (Boss: Trixie & Twilight) * Level 6: Canterlot (Boss: Princess Cadance/Queen Chrysalis) * Level 7: Sweet Apple Acres (Boss: Babs Seed) * Level 8: The Crystal Empire (Boss: King Sombra) * Level 9: The Castle of the 2 Sisters (Boss: The Pony of Shadows) * Level 10: Destroyed Equestria (Boss: Star Swirl the Bearded) Horror * Level 1: Tales From The Crypt (Boss: The Cryptkeeper) * Level 2: Silent Hill (Boss: Pyramid Head) * Level 3: Hellraiser (Boss: Pinhead) * Level 4: Halloween (Boss: Michael Meyers) * Level 5: Friday the 13th (Boss: Jason Voorhees) * Level 6: A Nightmare on Elm Street (Boss: Freddy Krueger) * Level 7: Minecraft (Boss: Herobrine) * Level 8: Someone's House (Boss: The Rake) * Level 9: SCP Foundation (Boss: SCP-173) * Level 10: Forest (Boss: Slender Man) The Amazing World of Gumball * Level 1: Elmore Stage 1 (Boss: Mr. Robinson) * Level 2: Elmore Junior High (Boss: Miss Simian) * Level 3: Elmore Stage 2 (Boss: Nicole) * Level 4: Elmore Park (Boss: Tina Rex) * Level 5: Downtown Elmore (Boss: Sal Left Thumb) * Level 6: Elmore Stage 3 (Boss: Bobert) * Level 7: Forest of Doom (Boss: Gumball & Penny) * Level 8: Elmore Outskirts (Boss: Mountain Goblin) * Level 9: Elmore Stage 4 (Boss: Anderous) * Level 10: Elmore Stage 5 (Boss: Maximus Vice) Transformers * Level 1: Crimson Sky (Boss: Laserbeak) * Level 2: Break Earth (Boss: Bumblebee) * Level 3: Savage Ravage (Boss: Ravage) * Level 4: The Colossus War (Boss: Trypticon) * Level 5: Mountain of Fire (Boss: Soundwave) * Level 6: Secret Complete (Boss: Grimlock) * Level 7: Crate It Up (Boss: Starscream) * Level 8: The Omega Corps (Boss: Omega Supreme) * Level 9: The Sunset Sights (Boss: Megatron) * Level 10: Toll to Victory (Boss: Optimus Prime)
  • The RPG (Rocket Propelled Grenade) is a shoulder-mounted launcher used by many factions as an anti-armor and anti-personnel weapon featured in both Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction and Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.
  • RPG (ang. Role Plaing Games- Gra w odgrywanie Ról) Zwieńczenie drabiny ewolucji gier towarzyskich, lub jak kto woli następna forma w ewolucji teatru. Są to gry w których gracze przemierzają rozmaite światy(ba, niekiedy nawet są światami!), walczą z wiatrakami, podstępnymi korporacjami, smokami, orkami, przybyszami z kosmosu,karczmarzami i każdym kto stanie na ich drodze. Na zespół graczy RPG składa sie grupa: Mistrz gry(on kreuje wimaginowany świat swojim głosem. W jego opowieści toczy się cała akcja gry),oraz grupa graczy(oni z kolei tworzą postacie zwane BG - Bohaterowie graczy, które żyją, walczą, piją i kochają w opowieści snutej przez MG(Mistrz Gry) Każdy z nich posiada swoją postać, w którą ma za zadanie się wcielić. Odtąd patrzy jej oczami, mówi jej językiem, czuje jej smutki...) RPG Powstało w 1975, stworzone zostało jako modyfikacja dla systemu figurkowego Chaimnal. Pierwszym systemem było D&D(dungeons and dragons). Od tamtego czasu nadeszła prawdziwa fala rozmaitych systemów, dzięki czemu dziś można zagrać wieloma postaciami w kadżym świecie, na każdych zasadach. Największym polskim autorytetem w dziedzinie gier fabularnych jest pan Ignacy Trzewiczek (Choc zdradza tę formę rozrywki na rzecz gier planszowych). Skróty MG - Mistrz gry (GM - Game Master) BG - Bohater gracza (PC - Player Character) BN - Bohater Niezależny (NPC - Non Player Character lub Non Playable Character) Mob - z ang. mobile, czyli ruchomy. Jest to zazwyczaj postać, którą możemy zabić i za to otrzymamy doświadczenie. 30pxUwaga! To jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go]. Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów
  • Acronym for Role Playing Game
  • RPGs (Role-Playing-Games) are games in which the user pretends to be a different character, and makes decisions affecting their world. There are many types of RPGs that can be made on a graphing calculator. Text Adventures Text adventures use the Menu( function to create text-based selections to advance gameplay. Very easy to program. Fighting RPGs Such as The Ledgend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, or Pokemon, these games incorporate fighting into the progression of the storyline.
  • The RPG, short for Rocket Propelled Grenade, is a weapon featured in Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion. As the name suggests, it is a rocket launcher and is designed for maximum carnage.
  • Rare weapon with rare ammunition but it packs one hell of a payload. Very useful to take down vehicles in a single hit and will knock out or even kill people caught in the explosion blast.
  • RPG是一首初於《太鼓の達人 どんとかつの時空大冒険》登場的日本流行音樂。
  • RPG is a t-shirt being sold in the Penny Arcade Store for $17.99.
  • The RPG, known as the "usrpg" within files, is a rocket launcher available in Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Call of Duty Online.
  • The Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game (abbreviated as RPG) was produced in line with GURPS Third Edition, focusing on the Lite Ruleset. It introduce the original story Dakini.
  • RPG: Role Playing Game In Anarchy Online refering to roleplaying your character. But what does that mean? It's not about equipment, it's not about perks, it's not about being the best, not even about being high level and it's certainly not about cybersex as soo many seem to think of that as the only form of 'roleplaying' their characters. [AFAIK strictly forbidden on all servers] So again what is it about? It's about living your character. Acting as if you are the person on the screen acting accordingly in any given situation. I find it is easyer to roleplay if you aren't trying to hard just react as you think you're charackter should. As a little help imagine you are a charackter in a movie with no script, the game presents you with a scene but it is entirely up to you how you react to it.
  • 기존의 컴퓨터 게임에서는 컴퓨터 프로그램으로 이미 짜여진 스토리, 짜여진 배경, 짜여진 스크립트 안에서만 행동할 수 있습니다. 흔히 말하는 '보이지 않는 투명한 벽'이 이렇게 생기는 것입니다. 나는 저 바다로 뛰어들어가 수영을 하고 싶은데 물에 닿기만 하면 바로 빠져죽지요(수영을 못하는 모험가인가?) 하지만 RPG에서 이런 일은 별로 없습니다. 이해할 수 있는 선에서는 어느정도의 자유도가 보장되지요. 또 컴퓨터 게임에서는 화려한 그래픽과 음향효과를 보여주지만 RPG에서는 그런 것은 없거나 적은 편입니다. 많은 경우 상상력에 의존한다는 점이 다르지요.
  • The RPG-7 (Russian: РПГ-7) is a portable, unguided, shoulder-launched, anti-tank rocket-propelled grenade launcher. Originally the RPG-7 (Ручной Противотанковый Гранатомёт – Ruchnoy Protivotankovyy Granatomyot, Hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher) and its predecessor, the RPG-2, was designed by the Soviet Union; it is now manufactured by the Russian company Bazalt. The weapon has the GRAU index 6G3. The English-language term "rocket-propelled grenade", though frequently encountered and reasonably descriptive, is a backronym for "RPG" and not based on a literal translation. The ruggedness, simplicity, low cost, and effectiveness of the RPG-7 has made it the most widely used anti-armor weapon in the world. Currently around 40 countries use the weapon, and it is manufactured in a number of variants by nine countries. It is also popular with irregular and guerrilla forces, such as the Provisional IRA. The RPG has been used in almost all conflicts across all continents since the mid-1960s from the Vietnam War to the early 2010s War in Afghanistan. Widely-produced, the most commonly seen major variations are the RPG-7D paratrooper model (able to be broken into two parts for easier carrying), and the lighter Chinese Type 69 RPG. DIO of Iran manufactures RPG-7s with olive green handguards, H&K pistol grips, and a Commando variant. The RPG-7 was first delivered to the Soviet Army in 1961 and deployed at a squad level. It replaced the RPG-2, having clearly out-performed the intermediate RPG-4 design during testing. The current model produced byRussia is the RPG-7V2, capable of firing standard and dual high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds, high explosive/fragmentation, and thermobaric warheads (see below), with a UP-7V sighting device fitted (used in tandem with the standard 2.7x PGO-7 optical sight) to allow the use of extended range ammunition. The RPG-7D3 is the equivalent paratrooper model. Both the RPG-7V2 and RPG-7D3 were adopted by the Russian Ground Forces in 2001. The launcher is reloadable and based around a steel tube, 40 millimeters in diameter, 95.3 centimeters long, and weighing 7 kilograms. The middle of the tube is wood wrapped to protect the user from heat and the end is flared to assist in blast shielding and recoil reduction. Sighting is usually optical with a back-up iron sight, and passive infra-red and night sights are also available. As with similar weapons, the grenade protrudes from the launch tubes. It is 40–105 millimeters in diameter and weighs between 2.0 and 4.5 kilograms. It is launched by a gunpowder booster charge, giving it an initial speed of 115 meters per second, and creating a cloud of light grey-blue smoke that can give away the position of the shooter. The rocket motor ignites after 10 meters and sustains flight out to 500 meters at a maximum velocity of 295 meters per second. The grenade is stabilized by two sets of fins that deploy in-flight: one large set on the stabilizer pipe to maintain direction and a smaller front set to induce rotation. The grenade can fly up to 1,100 meters; the fuze sets the maximum range, usually 920 meters. According to the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Bulletin 3u (1977) Soviet RPG-7 Antitank Grenade Launcher—Capabilities and Countermeasures, the RPG-7 munition has two sections: a "booster" section and a "warhead and sustainer motor" section. These must be assembled into the ready-to-use grenade. The booster consists of a "small strip powder charge" that serves to propel the grenade out of the launcher; the sustainer motor then ignites and propels the grenade for the next few seconds, giving it a top speed of 294 meters per second, making it slightly subsonic. The TRADOC bulletin provides anecdotal commentary that the RPG-7 has been fired from within buildings, which agrees with the two-stage design. It is stated that only a 2-meter standoff to a rear obstruction is needed for use inside rooms or fortifications. The fins not only provide drag stabilization, but are designed to impart a slow rotation to the grenade. Due to the configuration of the RPG-7 sustainer/warhead section, it responds counter-intuitively to crosswinds. A crosswind will tend to exert pressure on the stabilizing fins, causing the projectile to turn into the wind. While the rocket motor is still burning, this will cause the flight path to curve into the wind. The TRADOC bulletin explains aiming difficulties for more distant moving targets in crosswinds at some length. The RPG-7 has no noticeable recoil, the only effect during firing being that of the sudden lightness of the launcher as the rocket leaves the tube. [1][2]Inside of an RPG's three sections. The head contains the (1) trigger, (2) conductive cone, (3) aerodynamic fairing, (4) conical liner, (5) body, (6) explosive, (7) conductor and (8) detonator. The rocket motor consists of a (9) nozzle block, (10) nozzle and (11) motor body with (12) propellant in front of (13) the motor rear and (14) ignition primer. The booster charge includes the (15) fin, (16) cartridge, (17) charge, (18) turbine, (19) tracer and (20) foam wad.Current production ammunition for the RPG-7V2 consists of four types:Current production ammunition for the RPG-7V2 consists of four types:Current production ammunition for the RPG-7V2 consists of four types: Current production ammunition for the RPG-7V2 consists of four types: * PG-7VL [c.1977] Improved 93 mm HEAT warhead effective against most vehicles and fortified targets. Replaces the earlier 85mm PG-7V HEAT warhead [c.1961]. * PG-7VR [c.1988] Dual 64mm/105mm HEAT warhead for defeating modern armored vehicles equipped with reactive armor blocks. The first warhead (64mm HEAT) detonates the reactive armor block prematurely and the second warhead (105mm HEAT) passes through the gap to hit the exposed armor underneath. * TBG-7V [c.1988] 105 mm Thermobaric warhead for anti-personnel and urban warfare. * OG-7V [c.1999] 40mm fragmentation warhead for anti-personnel warfare (warhead is within caliber due to limitations of international treaties). * GSh-7VT [c.2013] Anti-bunker warhead with cylindrical follow-through blast-fragmentation munition followed by explosively formed penetrator. A U.S. Army evaluation of the weapon gave the hit probabilities on a 5 meter wide (15 ft), 2.5 meter tall (7.5 ft) panel moving sideways at 4 meters per second (9 miles per hour). This probability decreases when firing in a crosswind due to the unusual behaviour of the round; in a 11-kilometre (7 mi) per hour (3.0 m/s) wind, the gunner can not expect to get a first-round hit more than 50% of the time beyond 180m. * Afghanistan * Albania * Algeria * Angola * Armenia * Azerbaijan * Bangladesh[22] * Belarus * Benin * Botswana * Bulgaria * Burkina Faso * Burundi * Cambodia * Cape Verde * Central African Republic * Chad * Congo-Brazzaville * Croatia * Cuba * Cyprus * Czech Republic * Democratic Republic of Congo * Djibouti * Egypt * Eritrea * Free Aceh Movement * Georgia * Ghana * Guinea * Guyana * Hungary * Indonesia * Iran * Iraq * Israel * Jordan * Kazakhstan * Kyrgyzstan * Laos * Latvia * Lebanon * Liberia * Libya * Lithuania * Macedonia * Madagascar * Malaysia * Malta * Mauritania * Moldova * Mongolia * Morocco * New People's Army * Nicaragua * Nigeria * North Korea * Palestinian Authority * Pakistan * People's Republic of China * Philippines * Poland * Romania * Russia * Rwanda * [7] Sahrawi Republic * Sao Tome and Principe * Saudi Arabia: Saudi army * Senegal * Seychelles * Sierra Leone * Somalia * South Africa * Sudan * Syria * Tajikistan * Togo * Turkey * Turkmenistan * UNITA * Ukraine * Uzbekistan * Venezuela * Vietnam * Yemen * Zambia * Zimbabwe ] ]
  • Аббревиатура от Role-Playing Game Означает Ролевая Игра или Игра с Отыгрыванием Роли. Применяется для обозначения группы игр, в которых игрок берёт на себя роль какого-то игрового Персонажа, и играет от его лица. Частый элемент таких игр это возможность развития Персонажа, его характеристик и способностей. Категория:Сокращения
  • The Barnstormer, known in-game as the RPG, is a heavy artillery weapon in Booker DeWitt's arsenal in BioShock Infinite. Although it can only fire a total of two shots before having to reload, each one delivers an explosive payload capable of taking out large groups as well as fortified constructs. In between shots, Booker must crank the weapon to chamber the next rocket. Booker can also use it to aim, although its range is limited to its crosshairs.
  • RPG is an acronym for "Role Playing Game". It is used to describe a genre of gaming in which a player or players assumes the persona, or "role" of a character within the gaming environment for the duration of the game. In the TPPCRPG, Players assume the role of Trainers, battling their Pokemon against each others' teams and otherwise raising their team in order to reach their personal goals.
  • In diesem Wiki soll es sich rein um (Computer-)Rollenspiele aus dem fernen Osten drehen. Großteils um japanische, aber auch koreanische und chinesische sollen abgehandelt werden. Angefangen vom Brettspiel bis hinüber zu 2D-Spielen bis zu den 3D-Spielen der heutigen Zeit. Diese Thematik steigt im EU Raum auch immer weiter im Interesse gerade weil viele Games gar nicht erst bei uns erscheinen. Hier soll natürlich speziell der Hebel angesetzt werden genauso wie bei den großen Klassikern.
  • RPG – wyrzutnia rakiet występująca w Call of Duty: Black Ops II. (do uzupełnienia)
  • When Pack-a-Punched, it becomes the Rocket Propelled Grievance. It now has eight rockets in one clip, is fully automatic, and deals more damage. It also is more accured, making clear shots more possible. It still deals a lot of splash damage, so PhD Flopper can be useful with this weapon, if available on the map.
  • The RPG is a Dragon Ball Z based game that was created by Michiavelli on January 2004. It is a place where members can role-play fictional characters invented by themselves or taken from an anime/Tv show (i.e.: Goku, Batman, Naruto, etc.). Once you create the character and have it approved by a moderator, you work on developing its stats and back-story. Despite the considerable changes the RPG has gone through over the years, the way to improve your has remained basically the same: * Increase stats by training. * Learn attacks by choosing them from the attack list. * Assign your character a job to obtain zeni, the currency used in the RPG to purchase items. * Participate in battles to increment stats. * Participate in Sagas to advance in the RPG's Main Storyline. You obtain a large stat boost, and possibly a significant amount of zeni by the end of this event.
  • Special Part(s): [RPG Variants] RPG is the title of a group of common rocket launchers and are manufactured exclusively by Vladof. The RPG is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source.
  • RPG (englisch Role Playing Game: Rollenspiel) kann man in Club Penguin als das berühmte und beliebte Spiel So-Tun-Als-Ob bezeichnen, dass nicht nur in Club Penguin und auch gar nicht nur von Kindern gespielt wird. Wenn man zum Beispiel in Club Penguin einen Buddy hat, den man auch im realen Leben kennt, telefoniert man mit diesem, und spricht als wäre man der Pinguin. Währenddessen bewegt man sich aber auf Club Penguin mit seinem Pinguin und tut so als erlebe man dort einen Tag mit seinem Buddy. Dabei werden auch oft neue Orte erfunden oder bekannte umbenannt bzw. "zweckentfremdet": Der Gift Shop wird beispielsweise. zum Supermarkt wo man sich auch Essen kauft, der Pet Shop zu einem Möbelladen und das unmöblierte Iglu wird zu einer Villa. Weitere bekannte Beispiele sind Hochzeiten oder Bandgründungen ohne über Instrumente zu verfügen. Kategorie: Weiteres
  • RPG Vasiliy ?? is an Energizer and Devisor. He is from St. Petersburg, Russia. He is in the US on a special mutant Visa.
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