  • Aegyl
  • All aegyl, including Llyud, are cold and aloof. They are either incapable at showing emotions, or do not feel them at all. This is due to their use of auracite to summon the Yarhi and the sapping of their anima that results. The aegyl are not keen on other races, since most of the sky pirates arriving from Ivalice either attacked or enslaved them. This was also in part due to their leader Feolthanos and his dislike of all the other races.
  • All aegyl, including Llyud, are cold and aloof. They are either incapable at showing emotions, or do not feel them at all. This is due to their use of auracite to summon the Yarhi and the sapping of their anima that results. The aegyl are not keen on other races, since most of the sky pirates arriving from Ivalice either attacked or enslaved them. This was also in part due to their leader Feolthanos and his dislike of all the other races.
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