  • ATP
  • ATP
  • ATP
  • ATP
  • ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a vital chemical in Creatures 3 and Docking Station, used for almost every aspect of metabolism in a creature. It degrades into ADP when used, which can be converted back into ATP by a creature's natural breaking down of glucose. Without ATP, the creature would drop dead near-instantly. A poison called ATP Decoupler takes advantage of this, which, even in the smallest of its doses, can kill a creature within seconds. It is also a real chemical.
  • Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) - Stowarzyszenie profesjonalnych tenisistów męskich. Powstała w 1972 roku. Żeńskim odpowiednikiem jest Women's Tennis Association. Ponad ATP i WTA stoi jeszcze Internetional Tennis Federation (ITF), która określa zasady gry w Tenisa. Od 1990 roku organizuje ATP Tour.
  • The acronym ATP may refer to: * Acceptance test plan * Acceptance test procedure * Advanced Technology Program (NIST) * Automatic Train Protection
  • ATP is a division of Xenos Corporation. It trades in chemicals.
  • ATP is biochemist-talk for Adenosine Tri Phosphate, the chemical responsible for new car smell. It was invented in 1703 for use in the nascent field of biochemistry humour. It is still used chiefly in The Biochemistry Joke, although recent studies claim it may also be important in certain fields of the pseudoscience of Biology.
  • ATP ( API : /a te pe/ ) 1. * Protéine produite lors de la phosphatation de l’adénosine diphosphate (ADP) et destinée à l’apport d’énergie pour les synthèses moléculaires dans une cellule vivante. ATP ( API : /a te pe/ ) 1. * Association regroupant les joueurs de tennis professionnels. * classement ATP * Apt * pat * * ADP
  • (lfn) Adenosine trifosfate (ATP en ce la P representa la elemento fosfor) es un molecula usada en la corpo de vivantes per furni la enerjia a reatas cimical. El es produida continuante, ma ance consumada continuante. La reservas de ATP tenida en tempo corta en un organisme es per no plu ce alga secondos de consuma. Donce cada prosede ce bloco se produi (per esemplo, en casos serta de gas de combata) provoca conseguente un mori rapida.
  • Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is the chemical within a cell that allows it to store and transfer energy. ATP is formed within the mitochondria, where it's precursor, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), is modified by adding an additional phosphate group. The working parts of a cell extract energy from ATP by breaking off the phosphate group again, which releases energy in the reaction.
  • Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme. It is often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. It is one of the end products of photophosphorylation, cellular respiration, and fermentation and used by enzymes and structural proteins in many cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility, and cell division. One molecule of ATP contains three phosphate groups, and it is produced by a wide variety of enzymes, including ATP synthase, from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and various phosphate group donors. Substrate level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation in cellular respiration, and photophosphorylatio
  • La unidad de energía biocelular, como lo describió Sir Hans Krebs se cuantifica en moleculas de ATP, macromoléculas que constan de grupos reducidos de enlaces iónicos en las composiciones genéticas del ADN y ARN. Este enlace permite que se separen los enlaces glucosídicos que forman parte de las proteinas empaquetadas y enviadas a los cloroplastos para producir energía y llevar a cabo el metabolismo siendo las siglas de "ABUNDANTES TROZOS DE PIZZA", que incluyen por lo menos 2 trocitos de pizza, 1 vaso de cocacola y un Marlboro rojo completo y tabaqueado. Excepto en el oeste y centro del estado. Un ATP equivale a aproximadamente 30 minutos de energía para locución de incoherencias o 32 minutos de juego de cartas.
  • Chemicals
  • None
  • ATP
  • Manufacturing
  • [[starwars:Duro
  • 13
  • ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is a vital chemical in Creatures 3 and Docking Station, used for almost every aspect of metabolism in a creature. It degrades into ADP when used, which can be converted back into ATP by a creature's natural breaking down of glucose. Without ATP, the creature would drop dead near-instantly. A poison called ATP Decoupler takes advantage of this, which, even in the smallest of its doses, can kill a creature within seconds. It is also a real chemical.
  • Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) - Stowarzyszenie profesjonalnych tenisistów męskich. Powstała w 1972 roku. Żeńskim odpowiednikiem jest Women's Tennis Association. Ponad ATP i WTA stoi jeszcze Internetional Tennis Federation (ITF), która określa zasady gry w Tenisa. Od 1990 roku organizuje ATP Tour.
  • The acronym ATP may refer to: * Acceptance test plan * Acceptance test procedure * Advanced Technology Program (NIST) * Automatic Train Protection
  • Adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) is a nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme. It is often called the "molecular unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. ATP transports chemical energy within cells for metabolism. It is one of the end products of photophosphorylation, cellular respiration, and fermentation and used by enzymes and structural proteins in many cellular processes, including biosynthetic reactions, motility, and cell division. One molecule of ATP contains three phosphate groups, and it is produced by a wide variety of enzymes, including ATP synthase, from adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or adenosine monophosphate (AMP) and various phosphate group donors. Substrate level phosphorylation, oxidative phosphorylation in cellular respiration, and photophosphorylation in photosynthesis are three major mechanisms of ATP biosynthesis. ATP is consumed in the cell by energy-requiring (endothermic) processes and can be generated by energy-releasing (exothermic) processes. In this way ATP transfers energy between spatially separate metabolic reactions. ATP is the main energy source for the majority of cellular functions. This includes the synthesis of macromolecules, including DNA and RNA (see below), and proteins. ATP also plays a critical role in the transport of macromolecules across cell membranes, e.g. exocytosis and endocytosis.
  • Adenosine triphosphate or ATP is the chemical within a cell that allows it to store and transfer energy. ATP is formed within the mitochondria, where it's precursor, adenosine diphosphate (ADP), is modified by adding an additional phosphate group. The working parts of a cell extract energy from ATP by breaking off the phosphate group again, which releases energy in the reaction. Because the chemical reaction involved does not destroy either the ADP or the phosphate group, this reaction can be maintained indefinitely. Therefore, although the body's cells process their own weight in ATP every day, at any one time only about 220 grams of ATP is available in the human body. In order to make ATP, mitochondria need simple sugars, such as glucose or fructose, or fat by-products such as fatty acids or glycerol. The reactions required to make ATP normally requires the presence of oxygen. The resulting chemical reaction releases molecular carbon dioxide.
  • ATP is a division of Xenos Corporation. It trades in chemicals.
  • La unidad de energía biocelular, como lo describió Sir Hans Krebs se cuantifica en moleculas de ATP, macromoléculas que constan de grupos reducidos de enlaces iónicos en las composiciones genéticas del ADN y ARN. Este enlace permite que se separen los enlaces glucosídicos que forman parte de las proteinas empaquetadas y enviadas a los cloroplastos para producir energía y llevar a cabo el metabolismo siendo las siglas de "ABUNDANTES TROZOS DE PIZZA", que incluyen por lo menos 2 trocitos de pizza, 1 vaso de cocacola y un Marlboro rojo completo y tabaqueado. Excepto en el oeste y centro del estado. Un ATP equivale a aproximadamente 30 minutos de energía para locución de incoherencias o 32 minutos de juego de cartas. En el 2008, El Señor del Sur, por medio del sistema de gestorias de comunicacion social del organo cientifico-energético y anexos, propone la re-evaluacion del sistema de cuantificacion del ATP, puesto que independientemente del tiempo de locucion de incoherencias (Con el cual se esta totalmente de acuerdo) preocupa que el alto valor de gasto que se efectua con una partida adecuada de cartas, sea estandarizado en un menor esfuerzo intelectual, por lo cual se busca someter a votacion la homologacion de valores energeticos a 30 minutos como medida estándar.(Esto sin considerar las variaciones geográficas, puesto que probablemente en el caso de los habitantes del Norte, V.Gr. en los Leñero, esta medida puede requerir ser aumentada). Posteriormente aparece el: PROYECTO DE TEXTO SOBRE LA DETERMINACIÓN DE EQUIVALENCIA DE MEDIDAS RELACIONADAS CON LA BIOLOGIA, DE ANIMALES Y PRODUCTOS DE ORIGEN ANIMAL COMRADES' CENTRAL ORGANISATION FOR THE RESEARCH, THE LEISURE AND MUNDANE IMPORTANCE IN PLURAL AREAS OF INVESTIGATION ADVISING (LA CO.C.O.R.E.LE.MU.I.P.A.I.A ) ATP. las siglas de "abundantes trozos de pizza", que incluyen por lo menos 2 trocitos de pizza, 1 vaso de coca cola y un marlboro rojo completo y tabaqueado. Excepto en el oeste y centro del estado. Un ATP equivale a aproximadamente 30 minutos de energía para locución de incoherencias o 32 minutos de juego de cartas. Valores energéticos a 30 minutos como medida estándar.(esto sin considerar las variaciones geográficas) como fue acordado.
  • ATP is biochemist-talk for Adenosine Tri Phosphate, the chemical responsible for new car smell. It was invented in 1703 for use in the nascent field of biochemistry humour. It is still used chiefly in The Biochemistry Joke, although recent studies claim it may also be important in certain fields of the pseudoscience of Biology.
  • ATP ( API : /a te pe/ ) 1. * Protéine produite lors de la phosphatation de l’adénosine diphosphate (ADP) et destinée à l’apport d’énergie pour les synthèses moléculaires dans une cellule vivante. ATP ( API : /a te pe/ ) 1. * Association regroupant les joueurs de tennis professionnels. * classement ATP * Apt * pat * * ADP
  • (lfn) Adenosine trifosfate (ATP en ce la P representa la elemento fosfor) es un molecula usada en la corpo de vivantes per furni la enerjia a reatas cimical. El es produida continuante, ma ance consumada continuante. La reservas de ATP tenida en tempo corta en un organisme es per no plu ce alga secondos de consuma. Donce cada prosede ce bloco se produi (per esemplo, en casos serta de gas de combata) provoca conseguente un mori rapida.