  • The Harry Potter Dimension is conquered by the Empire
  • With the anti-magical projectiles, Emperor Palpatine was finally in a position to eliminate the Hogwarts Magicians, who had sabatoged the Eye of Palpatine in 18 BBY and had until then managed to escape Imperial subjugation. The Galactic Empire invaded the Harry Potter dimension, using the anti-magical Star Destroyers and the service of Acolytes Marek, Skywalker, and Jade to overwhelm the Hogwarts Magicians. Hogwarts Academy was decimated by Imperial warships, who also exterminated Voldemort's Resistance. The Empire then occupied the dimension and installed a garrison there, seeking to gather the dimension's secrets for the Emperor. Hogwarts Magicians Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley, however, managed to escape the Empire's assault, and established a resistance in the dime
  • With the anti-magical projectiles, Emperor Palpatine was finally in a position to eliminate the Hogwarts Magicians, who had sabatoged the Eye of Palpatine in 18 BBY and had until then managed to escape Imperial subjugation. The Galactic Empire invaded the Harry Potter dimension, using the anti-magical Star Destroyers and the service of Acolytes Marek, Skywalker, and Jade to overwhelm the Hogwarts Magicians. Hogwarts Academy was decimated by Imperial warships, who also exterminated Voldemort's Resistance. The Empire then occupied the dimension and installed a garrison there, seeking to gather the dimension's secrets for the Emperor. Hogwarts Magicians Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ronald Weasley, however, managed to escape the Empire's assault, and established a resistance in the dimension.