  • Speak to the vicar
  • From: [[]] You plan to pose as a solicitor, looking for a beneficiary of a difficult will. It's been a useful trick for you in the past. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Challenge information
  • *42 - straightforward
Success title
  • A helpful clergyman
From Card/Storylet title
  • Ambition: Light Fingers! 8
Unlocked with
  • 30
Success description
  • The vicar […] made enquiries and found that the mother of the child was a music-hall singer. He doesn't know where she went after she left the child. But her name is familiar. Your contact... What was Mr Fires' Representative doing at her grave? […]
  • You plan to pose as a solicitor, looking for a beneficiary of a difficult will. It's been a useful trick for you in the past.
  • From: [[]] You plan to pose as a solicitor, looking for a beneficiary of a difficult will. It's been a useful trick for you in the past. [Find the rest of the story at ]