  • Rhadé Sarasvati Nalanda's wardrobe
  • As Queen of Naboo, Rhadé Nalanda was most prominently seen in her traditional mode of dress and make-up, designed to not only show her dedication to the people of Naboo but to hide her relative youth as she was sixteen when she was first elected. Her red throne room gown had wide shoulders and a heavy gold collar which was worn over an embroidered stole which was placed around her neck. The sleeves were heavily embroidered too. The gown itself was made up of stiff panels made of shimmersilk that were sewn together, it was supported by thin lengths of wire that ran between the layers giving the gown a conical shape. With this gown Nalanda wore an ornate faceframe with gold panels that extended flat either side of her head, her hair was arranged over a padded frame.
  • As Queen of Naboo, Rhadé Nalanda was most prominently seen in her traditional mode of dress and make-up, designed to not only show her dedication to the people of Naboo but to hide her relative youth as she was sixteen when she was first elected. Her red throne room gown had wide shoulders and a heavy gold collar which was worn over an embroidered stole which was placed around her neck. The sleeves were heavily embroidered too. The gown itself was made up of stiff panels made of shimmersilk that were sewn together, it was supported by thin lengths of wire that ran between the layers giving the gown a conical shape. With this gown Nalanda wore an ornate faceframe with gold panels that extended flat either side of her head, her hair was arranged over a padded frame.