  • Mr. Clipboard
  • Mr. Clipboard is one of the antagonists of the widely panned animated movie Foodfight!.
  • In order to get a life, Mr. Clipboard then made a movie called Foodfight. It was so bad, anyone who watched it immediatly died. God eventually had to intervene, which is why you've probably never heard of that movie. Mr. Clipboard then decided to get an education, so he went to preschool. On the first day of preschool, the teacher asked the class to draw something. So he drew the Teletubbies. His drawing accidentally came to life and destroyed the entire preschool. He was punished with OVER 9000 years in jail, but that never served those years because he drugged the entire staff at the prison. Mr. Clipboard now owns Shopper's Drug Mart, a pharmacy that has drugs injected into all of it's products.
type of villain
  • Robot, Business Villain
  • To make Brand X the leading brand
  • Foodfight!
  • Stomping, yelling, negotiating
  • Mr. Clipboard
  • Shoving Brand X onto store shelves, hating all other brands
  • Businessman, Brand X representative
  • Mister Clipboard / Lady X
  • 300
  • Mr. Clipboard is one of the antagonists of the widely panned animated movie Foodfight!.
  • In order to get a life, Mr. Clipboard then made a movie called Foodfight. It was so bad, anyone who watched it immediatly died. God eventually had to intervene, which is why you've probably never heard of that movie. Mr. Clipboard then decided to get an education, so he went to preschool. On the first day of preschool, the teacher asked the class to draw something. So he drew the Teletubbies. His drawing accidentally came to life and destroyed the entire preschool. He was punished with OVER 9000 years in jail, but that never served those years because he drugged the entire staff at the prison. Mr. Clipboard now owns Shopper's Drug Mart, a pharmacy that has drugs injected into all of it's products.