  • JFK
  • JFK
  • JFK
  • JFK is the seventh track from the album Drones.
  • One of the Virgin authors revealed he was, in fact, the assassin, apparently? In celebration of the anniversary of JFK's death, the Master arranged the deadly assassination of the Time Lord president, killing him so fatally that he died to death. Doctor Who: Born with John F. Kennedy, died with John N. Turner.
  • John F. Kennedy International Airport, or JFK, is an international airport located in the borough of Queens in New York City, owned by the City of New York and leased to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, about twelve miles (nineteen kilometres) southeast of Lower Manhattan.
  • JFK is the clone of 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy.
  • JFK was a film centering around the Kennedy assassination. In 2001, Jimmy Bond mentioned the difference between the film and John F. Kennedy. (TLG: "All About Yves")
  • Jim Garrison prosecuted Clay Shaw on the charge that Shaw and a group of right-wing activists, including David Ferrie and Guy Banister, were involved in a conspiracy with elements of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the John F. Kennedy assassination. After World War II Shaw had helped start the New Orleans International Trade Mart and became managing director. When Kennedy was assassinated, he was on his way to a luncheon at the Dallas International Trade Mart. 9/11 was the destruction of the Word Trade Centre in NYC, another name for the New York International Trade Mart.
  • Das Attentat an John F. Kennedy startete eine makabere Kette, die bis heute noch weiter geht. Oswald tötete Kennedy und Jack Ruby tötete Oswald; das ist alles, was wir bis jetzt wissen. Was aber viele Leute nicht wissen, ist, dass es danach noch weiter ging.thumb|300px Sei einfach vorsichtig draußen. (Original) en:JFK Kategorie:Tod Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Übersetzung Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Theorie
  • The assassination of John F. Kennedy started a macabre chain that continues to this day. Oswald killed Kennedy, and Jack Ruby killed Oswald; this much we do know. What many people aren't aware of is how far it continued after that. In 1967, while awaiting retrial for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, Ruby died in Parkland Hospital (the place of death of both Oswald and JFK), some say due to the negligence of the doctor overseeing him. A few years following this, that same doctor died in an auto accident while on his way home. Just be careful out there.
Row 4 info
  • John F. Kennedy , Wally and Carl
Row 1 info
  • Male
Row 4 title
  • Family:
Row 2 info
  • Brown
Row 6 info
Row 1 title
  • Gender:
Row 5 info
  • Christopher Miller
Row 2 title
  • Hair:
Row 6 title
  • First Appearence:
Row 5 title
  • Voiced By:
Row 3 info
  • 16
Row 3 title
  • Age:
Box Title
  • John F. "JFK" Kennedy.
  • John F. Kennedy International Airport
  • Airport
  • N/A
Image size
  • 200
  • 28
Image File
  • Char jfk.gif
  • Jim Garrison prosecuted Clay Shaw on the charge that Shaw and a group of right-wing activists, including David Ferrie and Guy Banister, were involved in a conspiracy with elements of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the John F. Kennedy assassination. After World War II Shaw had helped start the New Orleans International Trade Mart and became managing director. When Kennedy was assassinated, he was on his way to a luncheon at the Dallas International Trade Mart. 9/11 was the destruction of the Word Trade Centre in NYC, another name for the New York International Trade Mart. The London International Trade Mart was blown up in 1996 Docklands Bombing, a few years after it was built. International Trade Marts belong to the World Trade Centres Association.
  • JFK is the seventh track from the album Drones.
  • One of the Virgin authors revealed he was, in fact, the assassin, apparently? In celebration of the anniversary of JFK's death, the Master arranged the deadly assassination of the Time Lord president, killing him so fatally that he died to death. Doctor Who: Born with John F. Kennedy, died with John N. Turner.
  • John F. Kennedy International Airport, or JFK, is an international airport located in the borough of Queens in New York City, owned by the City of New York and leased to the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, about twelve miles (nineteen kilometres) southeast of Lower Manhattan.
  • Das Attentat an John F. Kennedy startete eine makabere Kette, die bis heute noch weiter geht. Oswald tötete Kennedy und Jack Ruby tötete Oswald; das ist alles, was wir bis jetzt wissen. Was aber viele Leute nicht wissen, ist, dass es danach noch weiter ging.thumb|300px 1967, während dem Wiederaufnahmeverfahren vom Mörder Lee Harvey Oswald, starb Ruby im Krankenhaus (das gleiche Krankenhaus, in dem auch Kennedy und Oswald starben). Einige sagen, dass es durch die Vernachlässigung des behandelnden Arztes erst soweit kam. Einige Jahre später starb der Doktor bei einem Autounfall. Der Fahrer, der ihn tötete, machte eine lange Erholung und musste nun die Kosten dafür zahlen, was ihn den Bankrott machte und in die Kriminalität trieb. Ein Ladenbesitzer, der in Notwehr handelt, wird dann derjenige sein, der sein Leben beendet. Und somit die Kette forführen. Wenige haben die ganze Kette nachvollziehen können, oder wie weit sie von Dallas aus weiterging. Aber viele glauben, es geht noch weiter. Noch weniger Leute sind sich sicher, dass es nicht mit John F. Kennedy und Oswald angefangen hat, sondern es noch viel weiter zurück geht... und dass dies einige unbekannte Vergehen aus Kennedys Vergangenheit verrät. Sei einfach vorsichtig draußen. (Original) en:JFK Kategorie:Tod Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Übersetzung Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Theorie
  • JFK is the clone of 35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy.
  • JFK was a film centering around the Kennedy assassination. In 2001, Jimmy Bond mentioned the difference between the film and John F. Kennedy. (TLG: "All About Yves")
  • The assassination of John F. Kennedy started a macabre chain that continues to this day. Oswald killed Kennedy, and Jack Ruby killed Oswald; this much we do know. What many people aren't aware of is how far it continued after that. In 1967, while awaiting retrial for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald, Ruby died in Parkland Hospital (the place of death of both Oswald and JFK), some say due to the negligence of the doctor overseeing him. A few years following this, that same doctor died in an auto accident while on his way home. The driver of the car that struck him would make a full recovery, though the medical costs would bankrupt him and drive him to a life of crime. A store owner acting in self-defense would be the one to claim his life, and so on. Few have kept full track of the chain up until now, or how far from Dallas it has actually traveled, but many believe it still continues on after this! Fewer still are sure if it started with Oswald and JFK, or if perhaps it goes further back than that... betraying some unknown transgression from President Kennedy's past. Just be careful out there.