  • When You Wish on a Scrapbook
  • Irving's scrapbook is missing and suddenly all fingers point to Khaka Peu Peu, but he clams he didn't do It. It's a trial by awsomeness with Ultimate As the judge and Fossy as the prosicuter, meanwhile Phineas and Ferb Build a life-size carival style game board game in the backyard after being dissapointed by the new board game they got in the mail. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • Irving's scrapbook is missing and suddenly all fingers point to Khaka Peu Peu, but he clams he didn't do It. It's a trial by awsomeness with Ultimate As the judge and Fossy as the prosicuter, meanwhile Phineas and Ferb Build a life-size carival style game board game in the backyard after being dissapointed by the new board game they got in the mail. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.