  • Session Twenty-Seven, The Intermission
  • To help Skullstone adapt to the loss of their religious and political leader, the Silver Prince, Amber maneuvered Roseblack into taking command of the Archipelago. To quell Coral's strife over the party's disregard for their laws and procedures, the party presented the city's goddess, Verclia (?) with a tweaked Brass Leviathan, with promises to improve it soon.
  • To help Skullstone adapt to the loss of their religious and political leader, the Silver Prince, Amber maneuvered Roseblack into taking command of the Archipelago. To quell Coral's strife over the party's disregard for their laws and procedures, the party presented the city's goddess, Verclia (?) with a tweaked Brass Leviathan, with promises to improve it soon.