  • Killian
  • Killian
  • Here you can list and keep the unfolding events of your characters life. Keep everyone up to date on the latest actions of your character by posting them here.Background Here you can list the events of your characters past. Tell us all about your characters history and past actions.Family Here you can list your characters Family and close Friends. Tell us about the people that are most important to your character.
  • While challenging for the World Championship, Killian switches back to the Shadow. His offense is higher compared to the Katushai challenge but lesser than what he displays in WAR Invitational. He is usually among the upper to middle tier of challengers, usually ranked between 11 to 20.
  • Killian is a resident of Chester's Mill.
  • Killian is a protagonist in Sleepy Hollow, and he is played by Steve Waddington.
  • PFC Killian (first name unknown) is a member of the U.S. Army working at L.A.N.R.L.U.N.M. as part of the security detachment there. As "Bravo Ten" he inspects the bus that Brian Peters is on when he visits the facility. He is walking with Cpl Gregory as they pass Fey and Whisper.
  • The killian is a hairy animal from the planet Mulbekh. Its hair is a pale green hue (the colour of jade) and is used to make luxury carpets, which are exported all over the Confederation.
  • Un tempo Killian era la gloriosa capitale della Repubblica, uno fra i più grandi e importanti regni di Entara fondato su quella che in origine era chiamata Isola Verde e che arrivò a comprendere oltre 700.000 abitanti e un esercito di quasi 20.000 militari. Su tutta Ero la Repubblica era sinonimo di pace, fratellanza e giustizia, soprattutto per il clima armonioso e protettivo che quel luogo e quel popolo riusciva a manifestare. La costruzione del più grande edificio religioso devoto alla Triade portò la Repubblica ad essere persino indicata in tutta Ero come la patria degli Dei della Luce.
  • Killian was a Manticoran citizen and an enlisted crewmember of the Royal Manticoran Navy. In 1900 PD, he held the rank of Chief Petty Officer and served as helmsman of the light cruiser HMS Fearless. He had experience in boarding parties while serving on a superdreadnought. He was chosen to be a part of the Fearless team on Medusa and was later wounded at the First Battle of Basilisk against the PMSS Sirius. (HH1)
  • The planet of Killian housed the massive Killian Shipyards, responsible for upholding the strength of the Confederated Navy, as well as the Naval Headquarters of the Confederacy. It was heavily industrialized, with 7 large cities spread across the two continents. Killian housed little over 13 billion people, equally divided between Fulleri and Decuri. Most of the population worked in the spaceports or at the shipyards. There were seven large starports on Killian, one for each major city. The planet was ruled by Planetary Governor Hikos Tel'Anh, a Decuri known for his excellent ship designs.
  • Killian was born in New York in 1871. He was already killed in 1906. But he revied by his own demon. His favorite number was 21 (oh no! this is the killian curse!) He likes slending someone elses souls. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN!
  • Golden Amber
  • Go Ask Malice
  • 1
  • 1
  • *Humans *Decuri
  • 400
  • 24
  • Space vessels
  • 60.0
  • TSPR - Dark Jedi
Full Name
  • Killian Quane
  • Tilly City
  • 33
  • Alive
  • Standard
  • Blood Red
  • Killian
  • Unknown Regions
  • Democracy
  • Kenny
  • 200.0
  • The Reaver
  • Grasslands, lakes, forests, mountains
  • ~13 billion
  • 2.0
  • Human
  • *Killian Shipyards *Confederate Naval Command
  • Arbiter
  • Terrestrial
  • Brother - Draven
  • Temperate
  • Killian Alpha
  • Cato Neimoidia
  • Breathable
  • Companion
  • Foodstuffs, luxuries
  • Here you can list and keep the unfolding events of your characters life. Keep everyone up to date on the latest actions of your character by posting them here.Background Here you can list the events of your characters past. Tell us all about your characters history and past actions.Family Here you can list your characters Family and close Friends. Tell us about the people that are most important to your character.
  • While challenging for the World Championship, Killian switches back to the Shadow. His offense is higher compared to the Katushai challenge but lesser than what he displays in WAR Invitational. He is usually among the upper to middle tier of challengers, usually ranked between 11 to 20.
  • Killian is a resident of Chester's Mill.
  • Killian is a protagonist in Sleepy Hollow, and he is played by Steve Waddington.
  • PFC Killian (first name unknown) is a member of the U.S. Army working at L.A.N.R.L.U.N.M. as part of the security detachment there. As "Bravo Ten" he inspects the bus that Brian Peters is on when he visits the facility. He is walking with Cpl Gregory as they pass Fey and Whisper.
  • The planet of Killian housed the massive Killian Shipyards, responsible for upholding the strength of the Confederated Navy, as well as the Naval Headquarters of the Confederacy. It was heavily industrialized, with 7 large cities spread across the two continents. Killian housed little over 13 billion people, equally divided between Fulleri and Decuri. Most of the population worked in the spaceports or at the shipyards. There were seven large starports on Killian, one for each major city. The planet had standard gravity, and average temperature was around 20 degrees Celsius. A Killiani day lasted about 24 standard hours, while a Killiani year lasted 400 standard days. The planet was ruled by Planetary Governor Hikos Tel'Anh, a Decuri known for his excellent ship designs.
  • Killian was a Manticoran citizen and an enlisted crewmember of the Royal Manticoran Navy. In 1900 PD, he held the rank of Chief Petty Officer and served as helmsman of the light cruiser HMS Fearless. He had experience in boarding parties while serving on a superdreadnought. He was chosen to be a part of the Fearless team on Medusa and was later wounded at the First Battle of Basilisk against the PMSS Sirius. (HH1) In 1903 PD, Killian served as the helmsman of the newly commissioned heavy cruiser HMS Fearless. He fought in the Battle of Blackbird and the Second Battle of Yeltsin's Star, during which he was briefly ordered to take some time to rest. (HH2)
  • Killian was born in New York in 1871. He was already killed in 1906. But he revied by his own demon. His favorite number was 21 (oh no! this is the killian curse!) He likes slending someone elses souls. File:Mario head smaller.jpg This thing's a . It doesn't appear in dictionaries, so listen up what a stub is: A very small garbage can, with only a little junk. ADD MORE JUNK TO IT SO IT BECOMES A GIANT GARBAGE CAN! Poop Image-2.jpg Derpy kid.jpg Image-1.jpg Blueberry2-300x298.png Weird-Al-Fat 400.jpg Holyshit.jpg The Sun.jpg Wall-e-29.jpg 250px-BnL.svg.png Arale.jpg Katsu war.jpg Raited !.png 180px-Miyamoto.jpg Scribblelazar POSTER.png Doc hudson.png 282px-Vaq-m wall•e.png 01_large.jpg
  • The killian is a hairy animal from the planet Mulbekh. Its hair is a pale green hue (the colour of jade) and is used to make luxury carpets, which are exported all over the Confederation.
  • Un tempo Killian era la gloriosa capitale della Repubblica, uno fra i più grandi e importanti regni di Entara fondato su quella che in origine era chiamata Isola Verde e che arrivò a comprendere oltre 700.000 abitanti e un esercito di quasi 20.000 militari. Su tutta Ero la Repubblica era sinonimo di pace, fratellanza e giustizia, soprattutto per il clima armonioso e protettivo che quel luogo e quel popolo riusciva a manifestare. La costruzione del più grande edificio religioso devoto alla Triade portò la Repubblica ad essere persino indicata in tutta Ero come la patria degli Dei della Luce. Le numerose guerre, che segnarono la storia di Entara, avevano condotto i repubblicani a scendere in campo molte volte, per lo più per aiutare coloro che richiedevano il loro aiuto. Tante furono le perdite che questa terra dovette affrontare nel corso degli anni, tuttavia gli ideali che dovevano essere difesi generavano grande convinzione e perseveranza. L’animo ferreo del Senato aveva portato la Repubblica a non arrendersi dinnanzi ai problemi ed a rimboccarsi sempre le maniche per tenere alti i valori della loro terra. Gli eventi che più sconvolsero queste terre furono la Guerra del Tradimento, durante a quale orde di creature malvagie distrussero la città marittima di Fiera, ed ovviamente il cataclisma provocato dalla pioggia di meteore, che sconvolse la geografia di queste zone. L’Isola Verde era adesso attaccata alla terra ferma da una nuova lingua di terra e Bosco Vento, la seconda città più importante della Repubblica dopo Killian, scomparsa inghiottita dalla terra. Chi aveva potuto, si era messo in salvo sotto lo scudo magico che il Drago d’oro Alendas aveva innalzato a difesa di Killian. Nel millennio che seguì la caduta del meteorite, avvenuta verso l’anno 3380 DA, queste terre conobbero la povertà, la disperazione, la paura ma anche la voglia di ricominciare e la speranza per il futuro. E’ il periodo che molti chiamarno “di decadimento”: città rase al suolo, migliaia di cadaveri carbonizzati, la capitale in parte distrutta, l'affollamento sotto lo scudo protettivo e il pensiero comune che la caduta del meteorite fosse una punizione degli Dei, era tutto ciò che era rimasto ai sopravvissuti della Repubblica. Questa società in crisi e fortemente scoraggiata cominciò inaspettatamente a riprendersi qualche decennio più tardi. A dar man forte a tutto fu il Drago d’oro che aveva alzato la barriera protettiva sopra la città di Killian. Ponendosi come entità benevola e predisposta ad assistere quella società nel suo risorgimento, il drago iniziò a placare gli animi tristi della gente e a far rifiorire la loro fede negli Dei benevoli, soprattutto in Darak. La città si proiettò in un nuovo periodo che venne nominato “di rinascimento”, contrassegnato da uno straordinario sviluppo demografico e militare, che condusse la città di Killian a riformare le sfere politiche di un tempo ed ergersi come una Nuova Repubblica.
is Headquarters of
is Homeworld of