  • The Ghost Ship
  • A cargo ship, hopelessly lost in the fog... from out of the darkness comes an eerie glow, bringing with it an impossible spectre from the past - and disaster! Again and again the terrifying scene is played out, until the city can bear the attacks no more. Our heroes take to the water to bring this menace to an end - but can even The Red Panda solve the mystery of The Ghost Ship?
  • This discovery is difficult to track down since it wanders over the Dark Rift. The easiest way to find it is to go to Esparanza, save and reload the game, leave Esparanza, and head immediately south-southwest. You should run into it fairly quickly, with it headed in an eastern direction. Alternatively, you could try your luck with waiting around for it to show up above the Dark Rift's entrance or Exit that you pass through for the storyline after leaving Esparanza. You can also try your luck by checking back at regular intervals.
  • The Ghost Ship is an episode from the Stingray TV series.
  • The Ghost Ship is a ship that was destroyed, and came back as a spirit. Ratchet & Clank fought it on Gorn during season 2 of Ratchet and Clank: The televison series.
  • Captain Plunder and his crew are in mid-flight, searching for the Ghost Ship of Tantaragor. They manage to get a glimpse of it, but lightning strikes the main mast and the ship begins to fall. Luckily, they reach land sooner than expected when they come into contact with the Floating Island. Elsewhere on the island, Knuckles is trying to enlist Porker Lewis into fixing some ancient technology, but Porker doesn't understand it and Knuckles has no technical diagrams. Whilst marvelling at what the Emerald Hill Folk have done with the Mushroom Hill Zone and hoping Doctor Robotnik never finds them, a villager runs and tells Knuckles of a ship landing on the island. He leaves Porker at the village and investigates, only to find Plunder.
  • In space, Firestorm, Cyborg and Superman are returning from a mission in the Meridian star system with Superman noting the orange sun cuts his powers in half. Darkseid emerges in a ship behind the heroes via a stargate and starts firing on them. One shot puts a hole in the hero's ship and Firestorm uses his powers to save the three from being sucked out the hole into space. With their engines crippled, Darkseid's heat seeking missiles hone in and destroy their ship but not before Firestorm changes the cockpit into a lifeboat that is hidden by an asteroid and out of the immediate sight of Darkseid.
  • 1
  • 1620.0
ep num
  • 1
season num
  • 6
  • 3
  • 10
  • 1776
  • Stingray
  • Assassin's Creed III
  • Superhero Adventure
  • Naval location
  • 1964-10-18
  • 60.0
Air Date
  • 1985-09-14
  • The Ghost Ship
  • -
  • Andrea Lyons
  • -
  • Find the Octavius and recover Captain Kidd's treasure map.
  • FFD700
  • The Red Panda Adventures
  • --05-13
  • Gregg TaylorClarissa Der NederlandenM. John KennedyScott MoyleMichael BoothJonathan LlyrGregory Z. Cooke
  • DC143C
  • 56
  • FCE8EC
  • A cargo ship, hopelessly lost in the fog... from out of the darkness comes an eerie glow, bringing with it an impossible spectre from the past - and disaster! Again and again the terrifying scene is played out, until the city can bear the attacks no more. Our heroes take to the water to bring this menace to an end - but can even The Red Panda solve the mystery of The Ghost Ship?
  • This discovery is difficult to track down since it wanders over the Dark Rift. The easiest way to find it is to go to Esparanza, save and reload the game, leave Esparanza, and head immediately south-southwest. You should run into it fairly quickly, with it headed in an eastern direction. Alternatively, you could try your luck with waiting around for it to show up above the Dark Rift's entrance or Exit that you pass through for the storyline after leaving Esparanza. You can also try your luck by checking back at regular intervals.
  • The Ghost Ship is an episode from the Stingray TV series.
  • Captain Plunder and his crew are in mid-flight, searching for the Ghost Ship of Tantaragor. They manage to get a glimpse of it, but lightning strikes the main mast and the ship begins to fall. Luckily, they reach land sooner than expected when they come into contact with the Floating Island. Elsewhere on the island, Knuckles is trying to enlist Porker Lewis into fixing some ancient technology, but Porker doesn't understand it and Knuckles has no technical diagrams. Whilst marvelling at what the Emerald Hill Folk have done with the Mushroom Hill Zone and hoping Doctor Robotnik never finds them, a villager runs and tells Knuckles of a ship landing on the island. He leaves Porker at the village and investigates, only to find Plunder. Later, Knuckles raises the Floating Island to its highest point yet and finds the ghost ship again. In exchange, Knuckles expects a trunk full of ancient documents from Plunder, but he doesn't have it with him. A zipline is attached to the ghost ship and the pirates head over on to it, with Knuckles in close pursuit. On board, they eventually find what they came for - The Tantaragor Idol. On picking it up, they all hear a scream from upstairs. On investigating, they find that the Tantaror have returned, along with Mobian slaves. Plunder orders his pirates to attack the new enemies, but they are easily beaten. The crew try to flee on the zipline, but the Tantaror break the rope mid-escape. The others escape downstairs but are in hot pursuit. Climbing down a ladder into a vault, they are faced with dozens more slaves, obviously badly looked after. The Tantaror arrive but Plunder has worked out how to use the idol to its true purpose - a teleportation device. Knuckles and the pirates end up at Scourge Bay, home of the pirates. In Plunder's shack, Knuckles is overjoyed to see the chest full of documents. Plunder is ready to transport Knuckles home with the idol when the echidna objects, saying he wants to rescue the slaves. A large brawl breaks out, which sees Plunder and Knuckles smash out of the window and into the path of Queen Zorabel, leader of the town. Before she can really force Plunder to get rid of the idol, it begins glowing by itself and Plunder's house is transported into another dimension. The crowd now face Ekkletos, spiritual leader of the Tantaror. Ekkletos reveals he meant to transport the 'heretics', the slave masters on the ghost ship, instead of Knuckles and co. He tells the story of Orkym-Ro, an evil priest who died recently. The three believed he should be buried in a sacred monument and conscripted Mobian slaves to build one. Knuckles volunteers himself to go and help the slaves, so Ekkletos remotely uses the idol to teleport him out. Knuckles makes it to the slaves and right in front of the Tantaror. Knuckles leaps into a fight, but he is swatted aside. One Tantaror then magically reaches through Knuckles' chest to grab the Idol, leaving him in great pain. The heretics attempt to teleport back to their own dimension, but the idol doesn't respond and the ship starts to break apart. The leader realises they are already there, and they turn to face a giant Ekkletos. He reveals that Knuckles was just a decoy so he could remotely operate the idol and transport everyone back. Promising a severe punishment for the heretics, Ekkletos teleports everyone back to Scourge Bay, minus the Idol. Angry that the Idol is gone, Plunder refuses to hand over the chest, but Zorabel has other ideas. Angry that she could've got killed, she hands Knuckles the documents and gets ready to "teach Plunder a lesson".
  • In space, Firestorm, Cyborg and Superman are returning from a mission in the Meridian star system with Superman noting the orange sun cuts his powers in half. Darkseid emerges in a ship behind the heroes via a stargate and starts firing on them. One shot puts a hole in the hero's ship and Firestorm uses his powers to save the three from being sucked out the hole into space. With their engines crippled, Darkseid's heat seeking missiles hone in and destroy their ship but not before Firestorm changes the cockpit into a lifeboat that is hidden by an asteroid and out of the immediate sight of Darkseid. The heroes come upon a large ship even as Darkseid realizes his quarry might not be dead. Venturing inside the very large ship, (which according to Cyborg was comparable in size to Manhattan) the three heroes find it dark and deserted. Entering a room, they find a large botanical garden tended by small robot farmers. Suddenly, a female figure named Princess Aliana appears and declares they are trespassing and demands they leave or face the consequences. When the heroes try to catch up to the woman, they find she has disappeared. Traveling along, the heroes find a library and a computer system. Aliana appears again, warns them to leave and disappears abruptly with giant robots entering the area and attacking the heroes. After a brief battle, the heroes manage to defeat the robots. Darkseid and Kalibak fly by the large ship and scan in the interior looking for the heroes and any powerful weapons Darkseid can use. The heroes head for the control room but are stopped by a giant red and yellow ball of energy moving in their direction. Cyborg cuts a hole in a nearby wall and the three escape the ball and find themselves in the control room and Aliana, who fires on them with a wand. Firestorm disables Aliana's wand and she realizes she has made a mistake in attacking them when she is introduced to Superman, whose name she recognizes. Aliana explains that her home world was destroyed in a chain reaction and she was entrusted to take her people to a new world in the Beta system. Aliana goes on to say that with the food supply running low, the entire population was reconfigured onto a single microchip Aliana keeps on a medallion she wears and when the ship reaches its destination, she will restore her people back to normal. Using his ship's sensors, Darkseid hears what Aliana says and uses a stargate to enter the ship, grab the medallion and leaves the ship where he plans to destroy once he is a safe distance away. Firestorm uses his powers to transform an asteroid near the ship into an object that mimics the effects of a yellow sun, which fully restores Superman's power. Re-energized, Superman flies out and stops the energy blast fired by Darkseid with the intent of destroying Aliana's ship. Next, Superman grabs Darkseid's ship and prevents it from escaping through a stargate. Darkseid appears via a stargate behind Superman and tosses the medallion in the direction of the artificial sun. Superman manages to retrieve the medallion before it hits the artificial sun and gets fried, while Darkseid manages to finally get away. Some time afterward, with her people restored, Aliana gives Superman the medallion as a token of her people's appreciation and the heroes depart for home once again.
  • The Ghost Ship is a ship that was destroyed, and came back as a spirit. Ratchet & Clank fought it on Gorn during season 2 of Ratchet and Clank: The televison series.
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