  • Ancient Greek flood myths
  • Greek mythology knows four floods, the flood of Ogyges, the sinking of Atlantis, the flood of Deucalion, and the flood of Dardanus. Two of these ended two of the Ages of Man: the Ogygian Deluge ended the Silver Age, and the flood of Deucalion ended the First Bronze Age. In addition to these floods, greek mythology says the world was also periodically destroyed by fire. See Phaëton.
  • Greek mythology knows four floods, the flood of Ogyges, the sinking of Atlantis, the flood of Deucalion, and the flood of Dardanus. Two of these ended two of the Ages of Man: the Ogygian Deluge ended the Silver Age, and the flood of Deucalion ended the First Bronze Age. In addition to these floods, greek mythology says the world was also periodically destroyed by fire. See Phaëton.