  • Zayra IV
  • Zayra IV
  • Lugar donde el Jefe Miles O'Brien tuvo que redirigir un emisor en una base de ese planeta... el problema fue que Miles tuvo que vencer su miedo atávico a los arácnidos, cuando por fuerza de las circunstancias se tuvo que animar a gatear en los Tubos Jefferies llenos de arañas Talarian Hook.
  • Zayra IV was an inhabited planet in its star system. A Federation starbase was located on this planet in the mid-24th century. A few years prior to 2369, Miles O'Brien was called to the facility to reroute an emitter array. The array system was infested with Talarian hook spiders. O'Brien overcame his phobia of spiders and successfully rerouted the array. (TNG: "Realm of Fear" )
  • Lugar donde el Jefe Miles O'Brien tuvo que redirigir un emisor en una base de ese planeta... el problema fue que Miles tuvo que vencer su miedo atávico a los arácnidos, cuando por fuerza de las circunstancias se tuvo que animar a gatear en los Tubos Jefferies llenos de arañas Talarian Hook.
  • Zayra IV was an inhabited planet in its star system. A Federation starbase was located on this planet in the mid-24th century. A few years prior to 2369, Miles O'Brien was called to the facility to reroute an emitter array. The array system was infested with Talarian hook spiders. O'Brien overcame his phobia of spiders and successfully rerouted the array. (TNG: "Realm of Fear" ) This planet was only mentioned in dialogue. Zayra IV's name was noted, in the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion, to be an inside reference to production associate Zayra Cabot. According to the Star Trek Encyclopedia (3rd ed., p. 574) , Zayra IV was in the Zayra system.