  • Pedophilia
  • As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia (or paedophilia) is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older) characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary).
  • Pedophilia is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for children.
  • Pedophilia is the strong love for children and child-like features, including childish face, childish voice, playful attitude, flat breasts(Petite), etc. It involves aesthetic, romantic and sexual attraction towards children. The issue here is that the child's own intelligence might not have matured enough to deal with Romance or understand sexual conduct. Also at issue, if the child is Prepubecent, is that their body is not prepared to have children. On the other hand is the issue of law creating stereotypes, that all people, only above a fixed age are capable of having mature thoughts.
  • Pedophilia (or paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older) for whom prepubescent children are the primary or exclusive sexual object of their sex drive. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), pedophilia is a paraphilia in which a person has intense and recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children they have either acted on or cause distress or interpersonal difficulty.
  • Paedophilia is combined from the greek words "paedo", meaning child, and "philia", which phonetically sounds like "feel ya" or "feel you". People suffering from (or in some cases enjoying) this condition are called paedophiles and are constantly at risk of being sexually abused by children. Despite this, parents often go out of their way to make pedophiles feel comfortable by registering pedophiles with the police, and inviting them into their neighborhoods.
  • Paedophilia is combined from the greek words "paedo", meaning child, and "philia", which phonetically sounds like "feel ya" or "feel you". People suffering from (or in some cases enjoying) this condition are called paedophiles and are constantly at risk of being sexually abused by children. Despite this, parents often go out of their way to make pedophiles feel comfortable by registering pedophiles with the police, and inviting them into their neighborhoods. It's a general misconception that paedophiles actively persuade children to have sexual relationships, but this is far from the truth. Much study has been conducted and many paedophiles have been interviewed and the story is always the same. The child is interested in establishing a sexual relationship with the paedophile, and since paedophiles are adults with weak psychology, their fears of disappointing and letting down the child make it impossible for them to resist the pressure from the child. The father of Japanese anime, Sigmund Freud postulated that for a paedophile to have more of an interest in the child than the other way around was impossible as the Oedipal and Electra complexes are strongest in the phallic phase from ages three to six, as with penis envy. It's also a misconception that there is a difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia, when in actuality they are legally and ethically equivalent as the sentencing is exactly the same regardless of age. There's no degrees of severity or legal grey zone to be taken into account like with distinguishing between 3rd degree murder or manslaughter; a seventeen yer old and a baby are both 3rd degree sexual assault, neither having more of an ability to comprehend than the other. A child who actively seeks paedophiles to pressure them into sexual relationships is called a child molester. Their attraction to much older people is a mental illness known as decrepiphilia. Methods they employ to seduce vulnerable adults include sitting on their laps, exposing their unsuspecting victims to Child Porn, and forcing them to buy Girl Scout cookies more addictive than nicotine.
  • As a medical diagnosis, pedophilia (or paedophilia) is typically defined as a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older) characterized by a primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children (generally age 13 years or younger, though onset of puberty may vary).
  • Pedophilia (or paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in adults or late adolescents (persons age 16 and older) for whom prepubescent children are the primary or exclusive sexual object of their sex drive. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), pedophilia is a paraphilia in which a person has intense and recurrent sexual urges towards and fantasies about children they have either acted on or cause distress or interpersonal difficulty. The disorder is common among people who commit child sexual abuse; however, some offenders do not meet the clinical diagnosis standards for pedophilia. In strictly behavioral contexts, the word "pedophilia" has been used to refer to child sexual abuse itself, also called "pedophilic behavior". In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is loosely used without formal definition to describe those convicted of child sexual abuse or the sexual abuse of a minor, including both prepubescent children and pubescent or post-pubescent adolescents. An example of this use can be seen in various forensic training manuals. Researchers recommend that this imprecise use be avoided. In common usage, the term refers to any adult who is sexually attracted to young children or who sexually abuses a child or adolescent minor. The causes of pedophilia are not known; research is ongoing. Most pedophiles are men, though there are also women who are pedophiles. Studies in the United Kingdom and United States suggest that a range of 5% to 20% of child sexual abuse offenses are perpetrated by women. In forensic psychology and law enforcement, there have been a variety of typologies suggested to categorize pedophiles according to behavior and motivations. No significant curative treatment for pedophilia has yet been found. There are, however, certain therapies that can reduce the incidence of pedophilic behaviors that result in child sexual abuse.
  • Pedophilia is a psychological disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a sexual preference for children.
  • Pedophilia is the strong love for children and child-like features, including childish face, childish voice, playful attitude, flat breasts(Petite), etc. It involves aesthetic, romantic and sexual attraction towards children. The issue here is that the child's own intelligence might not have matured enough to deal with Romance or understand sexual conduct. Also at issue, if the child is Prepubecent, is that their body is not prepared to have children. On the other hand is the issue of law creating stereotypes, that all people, only above a fixed age are capable of having mature thoughts. Pedosexual is the sexual orientation towards children. The term was first used by Richard von Krafft-Ebing in 1886 and denoted a persistent and exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children. Today, pedophile is a catch-all term used to describe not only violent child rapists, but also statutory rapists, situational child molesters, people who download child porn, adults attracted to teenagers, Jack McClellan, and the boneheads entrapped by perverted justice. There’s a presumption today that a pedophile is a criminal. That presumption did not exist in Krafft-Ebing’s definition. [1]