  • Valtiel Tor
  • Valtiel was born in in the Tor Villiage located in the forbidden zones on the mainland owned by the Yuuzhan Vong on the planet Zonama Sekot. He is the son of Ulo Tor, his half human mother and Aga'ma Tor Shai, a pure blood Yuuzhan Vong Warrior father. along with an older brother, Ral Tor. Both him and his late brother were born Force Sensitive taking up the Force Sensitivty and effect a generation after his Force absent mother from his Force Sensitive grandmother. His mother, Ulo, was born to a human mother and a Yuuzhan Vong father who lived in a small human colony on Zonama Sekot.
  • * Hoggil Swinely
  • Crystal blue
  • 22
  • Black
  • Valtiel Tor Shai
  • Valtiel Serpente
  • * Covenant Jedi Knight
  • * Order of the Jedi Covenant
  • Aga'ma Tor Shai
  • Male
  • Valtiel was born in in the Tor Villiage located in the forbidden zones on the mainland owned by the Yuuzhan Vong on the planet Zonama Sekot. He is the son of Ulo Tor, his half human mother and Aga'ma Tor Shai, a pure blood Yuuzhan Vong Warrior father. along with an older brother, Ral Tor. Both him and his late brother were born Force Sensitive taking up the Force Sensitivty and effect a generation after his Force absent mother from his Force Sensitive grandmother. His mother, Ulo, was born to a human mother and a Yuuzhan Vong father who lived in a small human colony on Zonama Sekot. His mother grew up with human customs but returned to the villiage of her race to raise her own family. His grandmother was a Force Sensitive human from the human colony where his mother was born. His father, Aga'ma Tor Shai was born 30 years before the Yuuzhan Vong Wars on the Galaxy and is a survivor and veteran from the war. He later took over a large portion of the Yuuzhan Vong territory on Zonama Sekot a hundred years later and is the oldest living Yuuzhan Vong of his species to date due to the changes in their culture and organic tech which no longer lengthens their life spans. His father is cold and stern and very strict in forcing his beliefs and the old ways on others and expects complete obedience from all and will punish anyone severly if his commands are not followed with no acceptions, even with his own offspring.