  • Hindu Pantheon
  • The Hindu Pantheon or "Devas" were the collective gods worshiped by the people of Ancient India and Persia, located beyond the lands of Sumeria and west of Chin. Unlike the majority of gods on Earth, except perhaps the Olympians, the Hindu pantheon is made up of several different races and smaller pantheons, such as the Devas, Adityas, Yazatas, Rakshasas and Asuras. They presided in a multi-layered cosmology of worlds with a multi-layered underworld known as Patala and the heaven of Swarga Loka where most of their gods dwell. Unlike the Olympians, the Hindu gods lived apart from their worshipers and very rarely trafficked with mortals or produced half-immortal children known as Demigods. As Hinduism encompasses numerous beliefs and cultures, accounts of their origins vary and frequently co
Race Name
  • Hindu Gods
race origin
  • Hinduism
race age
  • Millions of years old
race classification
  • Deities
race gender
  • Male/Female
  • The Hindu Pantheon or "Devas" were the collective gods worshiped by the people of Ancient India and Persia, located beyond the lands of Sumeria and west of Chin. Unlike the majority of gods on Earth, except perhaps the Olympians, the Hindu pantheon is made up of several different races and smaller pantheons, such as the Devas, Adityas, Yazatas, Rakshasas and Asuras. They presided in a multi-layered cosmology of worlds with a multi-layered underworld known as Patala and the heaven of Swarga Loka where most of their gods dwell. Unlike the Olympians, the Hindu gods lived apart from their worshipers and very rarely trafficked with mortals or produced half-immortal children known as Demigods. As Hinduism encompasses numerous beliefs and cultures, accounts of their origins vary and frequently contradict each other. According to Aryan myths, they were descended from the ancient mother-goddess Aditi, who sired the Adityas, the first generation of the Hindu Gods. The Adityas were ruled over by the god Varuna, who was known to the Persians as Ormazd, but he was supplanted by Vishnu, the ascendant god of the Hindu religion, who ruled as part of a trimurtri with the gods Brahma and Shiva. Despite this fact, worship of the Hindu gods (Hinduism) and worship of the Persian gods (Zoroasterism) co-existed for several centuries. Several of the Adityas or Vedic gods had roles in both the Hindu and Persian pantheons; such as Vayu, the wind-god and father of Hanuman, who was known as Vata in Persia. It is not known how these events unfolded in the Xenaverse.