  • Unresolved Sexual Tension
  • Two people are obviously attracted to each other, but some element of the story is keeping them apart. This tension is frequently referred to as UST in fandom, where it is pronounced "oost" or Yu-Ess-Tee. Also known as "Long Unresolved Sexual Tension". Belligerent Sexual Tension is a way to keep the UST by having the couple fight each other too much to actually get together. They Do is when it gets resolved (Literally Falling in Love might help). Shipping Bed Death and Strangled by the Red String are when it gets resolved badly. Examples of Unresolved Sexual Tension include:
  • Two people are obviously attracted to each other, but some element of the story is keeping them apart. This tension is frequently referred to as UST in fandom, where it is pronounced "oost" or Yu-Ess-Tee. Also known as "Long Unresolved Sexual Tension". Belligerent Sexual Tension is a way to keep the UST by having the couple fight each other too much to actually get together. They Do is when it gets resolved (Literally Falling in Love might help). Shipping Bed Death and Strangled by the Red String are when it gets resolved badly. Compare Will They or Won't They?, Just Friends, Moment Killer (a staple of a UST relationship), My Sensors Indicate You Want to Tap That (a funny way to Lampshade Hanging UST), But I Would Really Enjoy It. Contrast Official Couple, when the the couple are already together, and Friends with Benefits, where the primary bond in the relationship is sex. Not to be confused with the University of Santo Tomás (in the Philippines), or the infamous Universidad Santo Tomás in Chile, or the University of St. Thomas (Missouri, Texas, OR Minnesota). Examples of Unresolved Sexual Tension include: