  • Refuse the request
  • From: Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (sincere) or Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (dupe) You won't be involved in their scandals. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Success title
  • Their business is their own
From Card/Storylet title
  • Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (sincere) or Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (dupe)
Success description
  • You're terribly sorry, of course, but you don't want your own good name anywhere near that tale of what they did behind the arras with the drunken dandy. That's untrue? Well, doesn't that prove your point?
From field formatted
  • yes
  • You won't be involved in their scandals.
Friend Accept description
  • [Your name] does not wish to associate themselves in your scandals. * Hoping for Help With a Scandal [your name]
Action cost
  • 0
Accept description
  • *You refused to involve yourself in [friend's name]'s scandals. *You completed Social Event: Help in Laying Rumours to Rest with [friend's name]
Friend unlocked with
  • [your name]
  • From: Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (sincere) or Help in Laying Rumours to Rest (dupe) You won't be involved in their scandals. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__