  • Tog Enterprises
  • Tog Enterprises is the company found in the future of The Semi-Continuing Adventures of This One Guy. It appears as the antagonists along with Crane Health Technology Research Federation in the Emotion Spectrum series. Supposedly the president is Tog, but this remains to be seen. They are practically merged with Crane Health, with Crane being more of a publisher and Tog Enterprises being more of a developer. Greyed Out explores the Crane Health Technology Research Federation, while Gustav's side of that story in the third ES game will explore Tog Enterprises.
  • Tog Enterprises is the company found in the future of The Semi-Continuing Adventures of This One Guy. It appears as the antagonists along with Crane Health Technology Research Federation in the Emotion Spectrum series. Supposedly the president is Tog, but this remains to be seen. They are practically merged with Crane Health, with Crane being more of a publisher and Tog Enterprises being more of a developer. Greyed Out explores the Crane Health Technology Research Federation, while Gustav's side of that story in the third ES game will explore Tog Enterprises.