  • Shaman Warpull
  • Shaman Warpull is one of the village elders of the Nameless Zone and is probably the oldest and most senior of the group. Endowed with great wisdom and magical powers, the fox took up temporary leadership of the Zone when the Enchanter Kings were kidnapped by Trogg and also assisted Miles "Tails" Prower at the beginning of two of the youngster's adventures.
  • Like most other residents of the Nameless Zone, Shaman Warpull believes that Tails is the hero of Mobius whose sidekick is Sonic. He frequently mispronounces Sonic's name, calling him "Tonic" and "Sonic the Hedgecutter".
  • Shaman Warpull is one of the village elders of the Nameless Zone and is probably the oldest and most senior of the group. Endowed with great wisdom and magical powers, the fox took up temporary leadership of the Zone when the Enchanter Kings were kidnapped by Trogg and also assisted Miles "Tails" Prower at the beginning of two of the youngster's adventures.
  • Like most other residents of the Nameless Zone, Shaman Warpull believes that Tails is the hero of Mobius whose sidekick is Sonic. He frequently mispronounces Sonic's name, calling him "Tonic" and "Sonic the Hedgecutter".