  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • Noob
  • right|300px Schreibe deinen ersten Abschnitt hier.
  • En noob er en rigtig dårlig spiller. De bliver også kaldt: noob, jad, newb, scooby doo, n00b, noobcake, zez, nub, nubblet, nubcake, noobie, newbie, froob, choob og narb. (noob opstod tilbage i 1996 fra bruger på blizzard velkendte "" og står for "New one on battlenet" Eksempler på noobs: -Tz tok-jad -Anna Pihl -Zezima -Superman -Noob
  • A noob is someone who recently made a account to fantage (or any other game) and doesn't know what things are and how to do things on the game or how much things are worth.
  • A Noob is a common term for a player with low levels in the combat. Usually a noob can be recognised by their below level 50 combat level, or excessive begging for items. Other types of noob can include players who attempt to annoy other players.
  • Noob - gość, który nie umie czytać FAQ, spamuje oraz denerwuje innych graczy. Od 2006 przez wszystkich uznawany za rasę dzieci neo w Tibii, Metinie lub w Nostale. Przeciwieństwem nooba jest pro.
  • Noob es un término que significa "Newbie out of brain (novato descerebrado)". La mayoria de la gente cree que es sinonimo de Newbie (novato), pero incluye parte de insulto. Mucha gente llama a otras personas noob sin saber lo que de verdad significa, por lo que no se usa siempre de forma ofensiva, pero el termino fue creado con tal fin.
  • Not neccessarily a newer player, just a stupid one.
  • A noob can be defined as either a new player to a game that does not know what to do, or a person who uses "cheap" tactics to kill people.
  • Noobs, (aka Newbie) even existed back at Stone ages! One famous noob was wraner. wraner was so noobish that they had to ban him from every major city. In march, 2010, Wetsoul was crowned the King of the Noobs. Currently, there are some 250,000 noobs on Zanpo. Some experts predict the noob population in Zanpo by 2012 will reach at least 2,000,000.
  • This guide is designed to give you a better understanding of what a noob is, how to recognize them, some details about them, and how to avoid or get rid of them. It mostly applies to online forums, which are the main targets of migrating noobs.
  • A NOOB IS... ga
  • Noob is a new or unexperienced person.
  • Noobs, betyr ny-begynner.
  • A Noob is someone who generally has supreme talents in everything. To be a Noob, you have to be considered cool, calm, and you have to know when is a good time to have a nice twinkie.
  • Noob (aka Newb) betyder "ny spelare" som man får höra nästan dagligen i RuneScape. Många spelare använder det för att förolämpa andra människor, även om man spelat 2-3 år. Om du känner dig kränkt av att någon säger noob så bör du inte rapportera spelaren eftersom Jagex inte anser att det är så kränkande, t.o.m Jagex använder ordet då och då.
  • Ennewbie (akanewb,nub (kake ), noob, eller n00b) er en spiller som enten er ny påWorld of Warcrafteller opplevd i spillet ennå uvitende om hvordan du spiller. Vær oppmerksom på at mens alle disse betingelsene er utledet fra ordet nybegynner og har den samme bokstavelige betydning, deres konnotasjoner er ganske annerledes. Noen eksempler er "The Paladin boblet mens bærer flagget, noob!" og "Selv om jeg har vært gjennom Waling huler 3 ganger, jeg fortsatt føler meg som en noob der."
  • In Island Troll Tribes, noobs are quite detrimental to the team. There are three categories of noobs.
  • A noob is a person usually in an online game that can be annoying or immature, like the person that made this wiki...
  • El término "Noob" o "napa" es un término despectivo que designa a una persona novata, nueva, o que no sabe hacer algo en concreto. En Habbo, este término podría ser considerado como un insulto algo bestia para los que son nuevos y lo entienden, otros si les llamas Noob, se limitan a decir ¿Que significa Noob?
  • Znany też jako n0oB, nuub ang. Noob - Nobody / nikt Z pewnością osobom grającym w gry mmorpg i multi fps nie jest ono obce. Jest to gracz który zamiast myszki ma ziemniaka 50 pdi, a jego umiejętności przeszły do legendy nieumiejstwa. Ginie równie często, jak zostaje bannowany z serwerów za mordowanie członków drużyny z powodu braku umiejętności.
  • A noob is a derogetory term derived from the word Newbie (a newcomer to a particular field). The term noob is used on the Internet, where it might refer to ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. (Note: Newb is different from noob. Newb refers to new player while noob is described above)
  • Een Noob, Newb, N00B, etc.. is waarschijnlijk het meeste gebruike woord in MMORPG games. Het betekent beginneling, maar word vaker gebruikt in de betekenis van stommeling. Mensen voelen zich vaak aangevallen door dat woord, maar het heeft geen zin om iemand te rapporteren die je uitscheldt voor Noob! Je kan beter die persoon in je Ignore list zetten of weggaan.
  • By the time of the Fel Empire, an unseasoned recruit of the stormtrooper corps' 407th Division was pejoratively labeled a noob by his fellow compatriots. When Anson Trask was promoted to Joker Squad in 137 ABY, he acquired the moniker, which ironically saved him from the retribution of Darth Maleval when Trask annoyed the Sith Lord. He would outgrow the title in the eyes of his peers after he later shot and killed Maleval.
  • Noob is a term for new members on Sploder. Most people are known to make fun of noobs, because they have the default avatar, and sometimes they act "nooby". Sometimes "noob" would mean a member that has the default avatar and is inactive, even though noob is short for newbie. It is also used as an insult, or is sometimes used to describe a immature user.
  • Als Noob wird ein Spieler bezeichnet, der noch sehr unerfahren, also ein Anfänger ist. Auch Spieler, die Vollelite sind, können Noobs sein. Noobs begehen oft schwere Fehler im Spiel, zum Beispiel eine Battlefahrt auf der Heimatmap angreifen oder bei einem Angriff regungslos stehen bleiben und sich plöppen lassen. Viele Noobs sind vogelfrei und besitzen viel Minusehre. Noobs können auch User sein, die keine vernünftigen Konfigurationen haben, z.B "Null-Schild"-Konfis, oder immer mit wenig HP rumfliegen. Kategorie:Interaktion
  • Noob (inaczej n00b, nób, nub) – maniak komputerowy o niespecjalnie rozwiniętej mózgownicy. Mimo braku pojęcia na dany temat, noob podejmuje się grania w gry online, gdzie do jego najczęstszych zajęć należy dręczenie administratorów tychże gier i wyzywanie zwracających na niego uwagę graczy od niego samego.
  • The word, "noob" is partly not synonymous with "newbie" in the ROBLOX community. "Newbie" refers to a new or inexperienced user and has a mostly neutral connotation. However, "noob" is generally used with a negative connotation.
  • Noob - pokrewne do newbie pojęcie wymyślone przez graczy, bardzo często używane, szczególnie w grach MMO. Oznacza początkującego użytkownika, który najpewniej nie przeczytał regulaminu lub zasad, bądź uprzykrza zabawę innym osobom. W odróżnieniu od newbie jest negatywnym określeniem. Kategoria:Rodzaje graczy
  • A noob "otherwise known as a drooling rock" is a type of NR member frowned upon by all the staff, and everyone on the Internet. Noobs appear in several ways, and one kind has been put on NR way too much.
  • Νουμπάς h alliws n00bas einai autos p dn 3erei n paizei to game. Proerxetai apo tin aggliki le3i newbie p gia kapoion elliniko logo legetai n00bas. Polles fores i frasi xrisimopoieitai xwris na exei kapoio idiatero noima apla gia na meiwsei ton allon.
  • Noob is a slang term for a newcomer or a player who has an unfair advantage over everyone else. It can also be used to indicate an individual inexperienced and unexperienced in any other activity. It can have derogatory connotations, but is also often used for descriptive purposes only, without a value judgment. They seen often in Nevah Nevah Land as a martyrs.
  • Abwertende Bezeichnung für Spielanfänger, oft auch als Schimpfwort benutzt Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
  • Teh Noob, a.k.a TEH NUBINATOR LOLOLOL!!11!!, is an animal that inhabits teh intawebby lol. lololololol teh noob isnt teh l33t nd teh noob iz u OMGROFLOLMAO!!!11one!!!! lol we noobs r vry lolololol lol nd lol lololololololroflmaoloaalmojdwop!!!11one!!! omg nub!!! llolololollll Uncyclopedia is teh worst roflmaolololololollolololol!!!11!!!one!!11!!!!! so is Illogicopedia!!11!!!!one!! ur teh n00b if u cum heer fur funee stuf.
  • Noob (also n00b) is a derogatory form of "newb", short for "newbie", which refers to a new player.
  • There are few better examples of the unique means of survival and propagation used by the Cybertronian race than the twin brothers Saibot and Noob. Twins are a rarity in Cybertronian procreation, which is accomplished by a strange biomechanical process unique to the species, commonly referred to as ‘budding’. This process usually takes place in strictly defined situations, when the balance of electromagnetic waves in the Cybertronian’s system are at an optimum level suggesting tranquillity and the abundance of fuel, meaning that population growth is normally proportional to the surroundings of the budding group. When this electromagnetic balance has been attained, the individual beginning to ‘bud’ begins to experience symptoms similar to seizures or convulsions, often blacking out with pai
  • Selon certains, newbie, noob ou n00b est un terme pour discriminer les petits bleus de ceux qui ont déjà une certaine expérience, au lieu de les conseiller et de les aider dans la rude épreuve qui les attend dans leur chambre devant leur ordi alors qu'ils pourraient sortir avec leurs amis (en même temps, la question ne se pose pas, vu qu'ils n'ont pas d'amis).
  • Ein Noob ist jemand, der sich bei Onlinespielen nicht (oder schlecht)auskennt (meistens Anfänger). Der Begriff "Noob" entstammt hierbei ursprünglich dem englischen Wort "newbie", was übersetzt etwa soviel wie "Neuling" entspricht. Es ist zwar keine Beleidigung, jedoch fühlen sich diese Leute jedoch beleidigt und melden die Spieler, die sie als "noob" bezeichnet haben (Jedoch ist es kein Regelverstoß jemanden so zu nennen) Bei JaGeX Es gibt auch spezielle Sorten von Noobs z.B.: oder auch, sehr beliebt, jemanden zu nennen
  • Noob on nettislangi, joka tarkoittaa pelaajaa, joka on jo pelannut kauan, mutta on yhä Newbien tasolla. Jos sinulle sanotaan tälläistä kannattaa antaa mennä ohi ja voit laittaa herjaavan tyypin Ignore-listalle välittömästi. Jos olet jo edistyneempi pelaaja, kannattaa miettiä tuliko käyttäydyttyä tason vaatimalla tavalla. Vaikka jotain voi tehdä, ei aina tarkoita, että niin pitäisi toimia. Esimerkiksi ei tarvitse kiusata alempitasoisia menemällä kääpiöiden kaivokseen hiiltä kaivamaan, jos pääsee jo kaivoskiltaan.
  • Noob est un terme péjoratif (contraction du terme Newbie) qui désigne un joueur n'ayant pas saisi toutes les ficelles du jeu, constituant souvent une entrave pour un groupe/raid de par son manque d'expérience et son comportement insouciant. Le "noob" a une fâcheuse tendance à provoquer la mort prématurée de ses équipiers, et à attirer les monstres proches car il ne surveille pas son rayon d'aggro, ni sa menace, du moins la plupart du temps. Il y a deux catégories de noob:
  • Een Noob, Newb, N00B, etc.. is waarschijnlijk het meeste gebruike woord in MMORPG games. Het betekent beginneling, maar word vaker gebruikt in de betekenis van stommeling. Mensen voelen zich vaak aangevallen door het woord, maar het heeft geen zin om iemand te rapporteren die je uitscheldt voor Noob! Want Jagex ervaart dit woord niet als kwetsend of discriminerend. Je kan beter die persoon in je Ignore list zetten of weggaan, mensen die voor noob worden uitgescholden zijn vaak mensen die irritant zijn, gratis spullen vragen of opscheppen. Het woord wordt vooral gezegd tegen personen met lage levels. Tegen personen met hoge levels zeggen ze meestal froob, wat stommeling van een hoog level betekend. Als je voor noob of froob wordt uitgemaakt, moet je je daar niet al te veel van aantrekken. V
  • Noob, Newb, Nub, or Newbie are terms used amongst RuneScape players and much of the gaming communities in general. Both "noob" and "newb" are used to refer to a new player or newcomer who generally has an incompetent or low Combat or skill level. Despite it being an insult, it is popular as players cannot be reported for using it unless it is done to such a degree that it constitutes spamming, which would have to be sufficient "to render the chat window useless". This is in violation of Jagex's Code of Conduct, and it may result in temporary mutes or other punishments.
  • I found all this helpful IMVU Information at Many people have been asking what an IMVU Noob is so I am going to try to explain it to you. A noob may be a person who is new on IMVU and just wears the same clothing that IMVU equipped your avatar with. This means anyone with a guest name who still wears the starter outfit that was given when they are no longer a new avatar. You have the right to ban anyone from your chat rooms; however, make sure there is a good reason to ban them. Even if they have a guest name they may be a cool person to hang out with and get to know.
  • Training Installation Freemont, Proving Ground Alatza, Terran Dominion Daleth IV, Daleth System 12.13.2451 S.C.D.T. “Hey noob, get over here! Yeah, I’m talking to you! Get your damn noob ass here ASAP! Are you deaf or something? Finally! It took you long enough. Well, my name is Sergeant Roland Boxer. I’m one of the 133t anti-armor infantrymen on the godforsaken planet. I dunno why they pulled me off of duty to train your noob ass. I really don’t, because this is just going to prolong your life by a single damn second.” “Good luck. Don’t die, noob.”
  • . Image:Cquote1.pngIn Soviet Russia, noobs still get pwnd!Image:Cquote2.png — Everyone who is not a noob Image:Cquote1.pngThe few, the geeky, the noobs.Image:Cquote2.png — Noob campaign Image:Cquote1.pngWHY ISN'T MY AIMBOT WORKING!!!Image:Cquote2.png — Some noob Image:Cquote1.pngHey fresh meat!Image:Cquote2.png — A Grunt upon seeing a n00b Image:Cquote1.pngYour mom!Image:Cquote2.png — A n00b in response to a player saying "please stop spawn camping!" Image:Cquote1.pngh44xor h0w did yo se mee i wuz invisible!!Image:Cquote2.png — n00b owned in Active Camouflage Image:Cquote1.pnglol pwns.Image:Cquote2.png — n00b on all aspects of life Image:Cquote1.pngOMG, how did I die on easy?Image:Cquote2.png — Random Noob Image:Cquote1.pngZ0mg d1s th1ng r t3h cut3zors! m0mm
  • A noob is a derogatory term derived from the word Newbie (a newcomer to a particular field). The term noob is used on the Internet, where it might refer to ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. (Note: Newb is different from noob. Newb refers to new player while noob is described above)
  • right|300px Schreibe deinen ersten Abschnitt hier.
  • There are few better examples of the unique means of survival and propagation used by the Cybertronian race than the twin brothers Saibot and Noob. Twins are a rarity in Cybertronian procreation, which is accomplished by a strange biomechanical process unique to the species, commonly referred to as ‘budding’. This process usually takes place in strictly defined situations, when the balance of electromagnetic waves in the Cybertronian’s system are at an optimum level suggesting tranquillity and the abundance of fuel, meaning that population growth is normally proportional to the surroundings of the budding group. When this electromagnetic balance has been attained, the individual beginning to ‘bud’ begins to experience symptoms similar to seizures or convulsions, often blacking out with pain and exertion. Once the process has begun in earnest, the very metal of the individual’s body begins to shift and liquefy, with vast streams and rivulets coalescing around the vital areas of the torso or abdomen, notably around the individual’s now frantically pulsating spark chamber.
  • En noob er en rigtig dårlig spiller. De bliver også kaldt: noob, jad, newb, scooby doo, n00b, noobcake, zez, nub, nubblet, nubcake, noobie, newbie, froob, choob og narb. (noob opstod tilbage i 1996 fra bruger på blizzard velkendte "" og står for "New one on battlenet" Eksempler på noobs: -Tz tok-jad -Anna Pihl -Zezima -Superman -Noob
  • A noob is someone who recently made a account to fantage (or any other game) and doesn't know what things are and how to do things on the game or how much things are worth.
  • A Noob is a common term for a player with low levels in the combat. Usually a noob can be recognised by their below level 50 combat level, or excessive begging for items. Other types of noob can include players who attempt to annoy other players.
  • Noob - gość, który nie umie czytać FAQ, spamuje oraz denerwuje innych graczy. Od 2006 przez wszystkich uznawany za rasę dzieci neo w Tibii, Metinie lub w Nostale. Przeciwieństwem nooba jest pro.
  • Noob es un término que significa "Newbie out of brain (novato descerebrado)". La mayoria de la gente cree que es sinonimo de Newbie (novato), pero incluye parte de insulto. Mucha gente llama a otras personas noob sin saber lo que de verdad significa, por lo que no se usa siempre de forma ofensiva, pero el termino fue creado con tal fin.
  • Not neccessarily a newer player, just a stupid one.
  • A noob can be defined as either a new player to a game that does not know what to do, or a person who uses "cheap" tactics to kill people.
  • Noob, Newb, Nub, or Newbie are terms used amongst RuneScape players and much of the gaming communities in general. Both "noob" and "newb" are used to refer to a new player or newcomer who generally has an incompetent or low Combat or skill level. Despite it being an insult, it is popular as players cannot be reported for using it unless it is done to such a degree that it constitutes spamming, which would have to be sufficient "to render the chat window useless". This is in violation of Jagex's Code of Conduct, and it may result in temporary mutes or other punishments. In May 2009, various news sources reported that "noob" was a candidate to be the one millionth word in the English language, which was expected on 10 June. At that time, unofficial definitions of the word included "a derogatory name for someone new to a particular task or community". However, "noob" ultimately entered the language officially as the 999,998th word, with the millionth being Web 2.0 on 10 June.
  • Een Noob, Newb, N00B, etc.. is waarschijnlijk het meeste gebruike woord in MMORPG games. Het betekent beginneling, maar word vaker gebruikt in de betekenis van stommeling. Mensen voelen zich vaak aangevallen door het woord, maar het heeft geen zin om iemand te rapporteren die je uitscheldt voor Noob! Want Jagex ervaart dit woord niet als kwetsend of discriminerend. Je kan beter die persoon in je Ignore list zetten of weggaan, mensen die voor noob worden uitgescholden zijn vaak mensen die irritant zijn, gratis spullen vragen of opscheppen. Het woord wordt vooral gezegd tegen personen met lage levels. Tegen personen met hoge levels zeggen ze meestal froob, wat stommeling van een hoog level betekend. Als je voor noob of froob wordt uitgemaakt, moet je je daar niet al te veel van aantrekken. Vaak is het niet eens de bedoeling van de speler die jouw uitscheldt om beledigend over te komen, want meestal wordt dit woord gebruikt als grapje, en een speler wiens bedoeling het écht is om je te kwetsen, zal iets veel ergers zeggen. Iemand die discrimineert of iets anders naars zegt, moet je uiteraard rapporteren. Het woord noob, wordt op verschillende plekken gebruikt in RuneScape, zo staat dit woord bijvoorbeeld geschreven op de vloer van de God Wars Dungeon en is het een afkorting voor New Order Occult Bookists.
  • Noobs, (aka Newbie) even existed back at Stone ages! One famous noob was wraner. wraner was so noobish that they had to ban him from every major city. In march, 2010, Wetsoul was crowned the King of the Noobs. Currently, there are some 250,000 noobs on Zanpo. Some experts predict the noob population in Zanpo by 2012 will reach at least 2,000,000.
  • This guide is designed to give you a better understanding of what a noob is, how to recognize them, some details about them, and how to avoid or get rid of them. It mostly applies to online forums, which are the main targets of migrating noobs.
  • A NOOB IS... ga
  • Training Installation Freemont, Proving Ground Alatza, Terran Dominion Daleth IV, Daleth System 12.13.2451 S.C.D.T. “Hey noob, get over here! Yeah, I’m talking to you! Get your damn noob ass here ASAP! Are you deaf or something? Finally! It took you long enough. Well, my name is Sergeant Roland Boxer. I’m one of the 133t anti-armor infantrymen on the godforsaken planet. I dunno why they pulled me off of duty to train your noob ass. I really don’t, because this is just going to prolong your life by a single damn second.” “This is your D-14 Impaler gauss rifle, a badass gun. I swear, don’t lose it. Okay. Since your noob ass couldn’t even read the Standard Operations & Procedures Manual, there’s a hundred n’ twenty rounds in a clip of the gauss rifle. Rounds are hypersonically propelled by synchronous overlapping magnetic fields powered by miniature supermagnets. What?! You don’t even know what that means? Didn’t you take physics class? You dropped out of college? Damn stupid noob. That’s how they breed ‘em today. No minds inside those bodies. Damn. Okay. You’ll probably want to hold something like five or six clips for the gauss rifle. I swear, don’t lose them. Your clips are there, in that gray box.” “This is your CMC-300 Integrated Mobile Heavy Battle Armor, or just your IMHBA, or just the damn thing that’ll prolong your life by one second on the battlefield. Hell, lose this, die a pathetic death, so that I will get pulled off of this stupid instruction duty. And, yes, I do smoke. That’s a cigarette. Don’t like the smell? So kill your self about it. Your armor in N/B/C shielded - offering some protection against nuclear and biochemical warfare. Chemical agents, even corrosive ones, will not be able to breach the second layer of your suit. Biological agents can not be contracted through the pulmonary area because of the lack of a rebreather module installed on the IMHBA that circulates with the external atmosphere. There are integrated chemical dispensers. Yes, these are controlled injectors, and also have injector ports for external dispensing, like from one of ‘em hot medic babes. Yes, the needles are sharp. Don’t whine about them, little pussy. All of you noobs are fucking babies, I swear. You’ll normally use the dispensing system for stimulants - it’s a mixture of 4-(1-hydroxy-2-(methylamino)ethyl)benzene-1,2-diol along with other chemicals. You retard, that’s called epinephrine. You haven’t taken organic chemistry? Damn noob. Oh right, you dropped out of college. Shut up. Don’t want to here it. Anyway, this stim-pack will amplify the strength of your muscles temporarily: you’ll run faster and also, it will increase blood pressure by increasing heart volume, and will increase combat stress. If you actually survive your first combat mission, pop a chill pill to counter the stim-pack’s lasting effects.” “This is a Jeep. It is green. This is a Vulture hover-cycle. This is an Arclite-class Siege Tank. This is a Goliath walker. That is a Wraith. That is a Valkyrie. That is a Scythe-class fleet bomber. We don’t have any parked battlecruisers, stupid noob. They’re in space, fighting the enemy on its home front. Fucking retard. We call you noobs ‘tards at camp. Yeah, if you’re particularly dumb, we call you tardy. You have arrested psychological development if you’re wondering if we park battlecruisers. First of all, it’s land a battlecruiser. Second of all, it’s the Behemoth-class battlecruiser, not just the battlecruiser, because there are two classifications of a battlecruiser, Behemoth and Leviathan. Now, just SHADDYAUP! Good.” “This is your Standard Operations & Procedures Manual. This is your Armor Maintenance Manual. This is your Weapon Maintenance Manual. This is your Maintenance Kit. I spent an hour fixing up that little package for you. Stupid noob. I hate noobs. All they do is run around and get themselves shot, stabbed, eviscerated, or disintegrated. Scared little noob? Huh? Yeah, you should be.” “You’ve been assigned to the 336th Combat Battalion. That, in orbit, is the frigate Whelm. Do didn’t even realize when I left out frigates and corvettes when I mentioned all of our vehicles? Stupid noob. Okay. That’s your new home for the next couple of weeks, until when you get killed and pathetically die. Then, if they even bother to haul your noob ass onto the ship, it’ll become your expensive metal casket.” “This is your Organizational Manual. No, I’m not going to read it to you, noob. Find out who your fireteam leader, squad leader, platoon leader, company leader, regiment leader, battalion leader, and division leader are. Okay tardy boy? That’s what I thought.” “Oh, right. Now, that’s Umbra. She’s the finest piece of work I’ve ever seen. See that body? See those legs? Yeah...that’s what I’m talking about. She’s a Ghost-trooper. No, she’s da Ghost. I’d turn myself into a ghost just to know her. She’s going to be the one you whine to on the frigate, confess your fears. But watch your mouth around her. She snapped the neck of a noob who dared to ‘cuss around her. That noob was as green as you.” “Good luck. Don’t die, noob.”
  • . Image:Cquote1.pngIn Soviet Russia, noobs still get pwnd!Image:Cquote2.png — Everyone who is not a noob Image:Cquote1.pngThe few, the geeky, the noobs.Image:Cquote2.png — Noob campaign Image:Cquote1.pngWHY ISN'T MY AIMBOT WORKING!!!Image:Cquote2.png — Some noob Image:Cquote1.pngHey fresh meat!Image:Cquote2.png — A Grunt upon seeing a n00b Image:Cquote1.pngYour mom!Image:Cquote2.png — A n00b in response to a player saying "please stop spawn camping!" Image:Cquote1.pngh44xor h0w did yo se mee i wuz invisible!!Image:Cquote2.png — n00b owned in Active Camouflage Image:Cquote1.pnglol pwns.Image:Cquote2.png — n00b on all aspects of life Image:Cquote1.pngOMG, how did I die on easy?Image:Cquote2.png — Random Noob Image:Cquote1.pngZ0mg d1s th1ng r t3h cut3zors! m0mmy c4n i k33p it?Image:Cquote2.png — A Noob asking his mom about keeping a Noobasauras Rex for a pet. n00b - someone who sucks ass at the topic at hand and acts like a complete douchebag because of it. 1337(leet) speak,A.K.A. Elite speak (not to be confused with Wortish), is a common douchiness performed exclusively by noobs or people mocking noobs (distantly related to the jerk or asshole).Saying things such as: * "I'll pwn j00" * "ph41l" * "W7F?! j00 4R3 73H Ch347z0rz!!!11!!!one!!eleventy!" The n00b will in fact often call others n00bs, thus showing a complete lack of self-awareness. The only truly effective weapons against n00bs are "your momma" jokes and immediate and repeated termination, thereby giving them no room to insult. Be warned, the second course of action will often result in accusations of "h4x0r1ng", known to "normal" people as cheating.
  • Noob est un terme péjoratif (contraction du terme Newbie) qui désigne un joueur n'ayant pas saisi toutes les ficelles du jeu, constituant souvent une entrave pour un groupe/raid de par son manque d'expérience et son comportement insouciant. Le "noob" a une fâcheuse tendance à provoquer la mort prématurée de ses équipiers, et à attirer les monstres proches car il ne surveille pas son rayon d'aggro, ni sa menace, du moins la plupart du temps. Il y a deux catégories de noob: Le noob temporaire: c'est un joueur fraîchement arrivé, un peu perdu par les rouages du jeu, mais en plein apprentissage et ne demandant qu'à progresser. Ce sont en général les moins pénibles pour la communauté car leur progrès sont rapides, et ils apprennent de leurs erreurs. Le noob incurable: c'est un joueur provoquant énormément d'attitudes négatives à son égard. Généralement jeune, ces joueurs sont assez reconnaissables par leur problème d'orthographe, leur pseudo souvent prohibitif ou anti roleplay ("darkiller", "letueurdedragon","mortnight", etc...), ou encore par leur comportement égoiste et irréfléchi (ce ne sont que des exemples) Néanmoins et malgré les désagrément qu'ils peuvent causer, n'oubliez pas que vous avez également été noob à vos débuts (personne ne commence niveau 90, connaissant tout l'univers de World Of Warcraft. Essayez d'être patients, et sachez qu'il est toujours plus facile et agréable de progresser quand quelqu'un nous apprends. Catégorie:Glossaire
  • Noob is a new or unexperienced person.
  • Noobs, betyr ny-begynner.
  • A Noob is someone who generally has supreme talents in everything. To be a Noob, you have to be considered cool, calm, and you have to know when is a good time to have a nice twinkie.
  • Noob (aka Newb) betyder "ny spelare" som man får höra nästan dagligen i RuneScape. Många spelare använder det för att förolämpa andra människor, även om man spelat 2-3 år. Om du känner dig kränkt av att någon säger noob så bör du inte rapportera spelaren eftersom Jagex inte anser att det är så kränkande, t.o.m Jagex använder ordet då och då.
  • Noob on nettislangi, joka tarkoittaa pelaajaa, joka on jo pelannut kauan, mutta on yhä Newbien tasolla. Jos sinulle sanotaan tälläistä kannattaa antaa mennä ohi ja voit laittaa herjaavan tyypin Ignore-listalle välittömästi. Jos olet jo edistyneempi pelaaja, kannattaa miettiä tuliko käyttäydyttyä tason vaatimalla tavalla. Vaikka jotain voi tehdä, ei aina tarkoita, että niin pitäisi toimia. Esimerkiksi ei tarvitse kiusata alempitasoisia menemällä kääpiöiden kaivokseen hiiltä kaivamaan, jos pääsee jo kaivoskiltaan. Useammat pelaajat sanovat noobeiksi useimmin ärsyttäviä pelaajia, ja esim Duel arenalla tai pvp:ssa joka syö, käyttää protecteja, pottuja tai käyttää apukeinoja. Monet pelaajat sanoo myös Noobeja N00beiksi, eli O:t nollina. Noob sanaa käytetään myös usein tappeluissa sanojen gf ja fr00b rinnalla. Noob on jo kaikille nettipelaajille tuttu sana. Sitä käytetään myös WoWissa, Aapelissa ja Habbossa. Sanontaa käytetään myös irlissä paljon. Noobia käytetään samoissa yhteyksissä, kuin sanaa lol, vaikka ne tarkottavat kahta aivan eri asiaa.
  • Ennewbie (akanewb,nub (kake ), noob, eller n00b) er en spiller som enten er ny påWorld of Warcrafteller opplevd i spillet ennå uvitende om hvordan du spiller. Vær oppmerksom på at mens alle disse betingelsene er utledet fra ordet nybegynner og har den samme bokstavelige betydning, deres konnotasjoner er ganske annerledes. Noen eksempler er "The Paladin boblet mens bærer flagget, noob!" og "Selv om jeg har vært gjennom Waling huler 3 ganger, jeg fortsatt føler meg som en noob der."
  • In Island Troll Tribes, noobs are quite detrimental to the team. There are three categories of noobs.
  • A noob is a person usually in an online game that can be annoying or immature, like the person that made this wiki...
  • Ein Noob ist jemand, der sich bei Onlinespielen nicht (oder schlecht)auskennt (meistens Anfänger). Der Begriff "Noob" entstammt hierbei ursprünglich dem englischen Wort "newbie", was übersetzt etwa soviel wie "Neuling" entspricht. Es ist zwar keine Beleidigung, jedoch fühlen sich diese Leute jedoch beleidigt und melden die Spieler, die sie als "noob" bezeichnet haben (Jedoch ist es kein Regelverstoß jemanden so zu nennen) Bei JaGeX Es gibt auch spezielle Sorten von Noobs z.B.: * Attack noob -> Spieler der fast nur Angriff trainiert * Prayer noob -> Jemand, der viel Zeit mit der Fertigkeit "Gebet " verbringt oder auch, sehr beliebt, jemanden zu nennen * Safer noob -> Spieler, der sich bereits heilt, obwohl nicht einmal die Hälfte seiner Lebenspunkte weg sind. * Froob -> Ähnlich wie "noob". Dies ist ein Spieler, der die Anfagsstadt "Lumbridge" nicht verlässt. Es gibt viele Varianten, auszudrücken, dass man jemanden einen noob nennt: "noobie", "newb", and "newbie". Es gibt aber auch seltsame Wörter wie etwa: "noobcake", "nooblet", "chicken mcnooblet", "nub", "nubblet", "nubcake", "froob", "choob", "narb", und viele andere. Viele Leute schreiben "noob" auch in Leetspeak: n0(null)0(bull)b;
  • El término "Noob" o "napa" es un término despectivo que designa a una persona novata, nueva, o que no sabe hacer algo en concreto. En Habbo, este término podría ser considerado como un insulto algo bestia para los que son nuevos y lo entienden, otros si les llamas Noob, se limitan a decir ¿Que significa Noob?
  • Znany też jako n0oB, nuub ang. Noob - Nobody / nikt Z pewnością osobom grającym w gry mmorpg i multi fps nie jest ono obce. Jest to gracz który zamiast myszki ma ziemniaka 50 pdi, a jego umiejętności przeszły do legendy nieumiejstwa. Ginie równie często, jak zostaje bannowany z serwerów za mordowanie członków drużyny z powodu braku umiejętności.
  • A noob is a derogatory term derived from the word Newbie (a newcomer to a particular field). The term noob is used on the Internet, where it might refer to ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. (Note: Newb is different from noob. Newb refers to new player while noob is described above) The actual term "noob" is however strictly by Internet definitions someone who has played a game for a (usually long) set period of time and still has failed to grasp some aspects of this game which is reflected upon their ability to play, AKA their "skill". However, specifically in Tibia, the term "noob" is used to imply of someone being "new" to the game, as to tell them that their abilities are sub-par.
  • A noob is a derogetory term derived from the word Newbie (a newcomer to a particular field). The term noob is used on the Internet, where it might refer to ignorant users of a game, a newsgroup, an operating system or the Internet itself. (Note: Newb is different from noob. Newb refers to new player while noob is described above)
  • Een Noob, Newb, N00B, etc.. is waarschijnlijk het meeste gebruike woord in MMORPG games. Het betekent beginneling, maar word vaker gebruikt in de betekenis van stommeling. Mensen voelen zich vaak aangevallen door dat woord, maar het heeft geen zin om iemand te rapporteren die je uitscheldt voor Noob! Je kan beter die persoon in je Ignore list zetten of weggaan.
  • By the time of the Fel Empire, an unseasoned recruit of the stormtrooper corps' 407th Division was pejoratively labeled a noob by his fellow compatriots. When Anson Trask was promoted to Joker Squad in 137 ABY, he acquired the moniker, which ironically saved him from the retribution of Darth Maleval when Trask annoyed the Sith Lord. He would outgrow the title in the eyes of his peers after he later shot and killed Maleval.
  • Noob is a term for new members on Sploder. Most people are known to make fun of noobs, because they have the default avatar, and sometimes they act "nooby". Sometimes "noob" would mean a member that has the default avatar and is inactive, even though noob is short for newbie. It is also used as an insult, or is sometimes used to describe a immature user.
  • I found all this helpful IMVU Information at Many people have been asking what an IMVU Noob is so I am going to try to explain it to you. A noob may be a person who is new on IMVU and just wears the same clothing that IMVU equipped your avatar with. This means anyone with a guest name who still wears the starter outfit that was given when they are no longer a new avatar. These people will enter chat rooms trying to get free stuff form you or will sit in the corner causing trouble with other avatars. If you see a person like this in your chat room it may be a good idea to kick them out. However, not all the time will it be a person with a guest name. A noob could also be a person who is very disrespectful and ignorant acting in the Metaverse. These people don't want to learn the basics of the metaverse but rather just cause disturbance between other users. You have the right to ban anyone from your chat rooms; however, make sure there is a good reason to ban them. Even if they have a guest name they may be a cool person to hang out with and get to know.
  • Als Noob wird ein Spieler bezeichnet, der noch sehr unerfahren, also ein Anfänger ist. Auch Spieler, die Vollelite sind, können Noobs sein. Noobs begehen oft schwere Fehler im Spiel, zum Beispiel eine Battlefahrt auf der Heimatmap angreifen oder bei einem Angriff regungslos stehen bleiben und sich plöppen lassen. Viele Noobs sind vogelfrei und besitzen viel Minusehre. Noobs können auch User sein, die keine vernünftigen Konfigurationen haben, z.B "Null-Schild"-Konfis, oder immer mit wenig HP rumfliegen. Kategorie:Interaktion
  • Selon certains, newbie, noob ou n00b est un terme pour discriminer les petits bleus de ceux qui ont déjà une certaine expérience, au lieu de les conseiller et de les aider dans la rude épreuve qui les attend dans leur chambre devant leur ordi alors qu'ils pourraient sortir avec leurs amis (en même temps, la question ne se pose pas, vu qu'ils n'ont pas d'amis). Selon eux, newbie est le terme utilisé pour décrire un nouveau venu qui a le vouloir d'apprendre, tandis que noob ou n00b est le terme utilisé pour décrire une personne dans le non-vouloir d'apprendre comment jouer à un certain jeu vidéo ou dans toutes autres choses de la vie courante. On peut constater assez souvent ce non-vouloir des n00bs dans les jeux où il est possible d'obtenir un perso de très haut lvl et stuffé à mort en payant quelqu'un, ou tout autre moyen d'obtenir le mieux du mieux en demandant à quelqu'un de tricher. Car le n00b va se vanter d'avoir acquis tous ses avantages de lui-même, et, comble de la malhonnêteté, il va même se vanter de les mériter ! Mais ce qui est stupéfiant, c'est que le mot newbie/n00b est un gros pléonasme. En effet, ça veut dire "New Beginner"... Ceux qui l'ont inventé devaient l'être eux-mêmes, pour inventer un mot aussi stupide. C'est pas possible autrement ! À moins que les newbies soient à l'origine de leur propre dénomination, auquel cas ils auraient cherché à insister sur leur manque d'expérience afin d'appeler à plus d'indulgence. Indulgence qui leur sera systématiquement refusée, par ailleurs...
  • Noob (inaczej n00b, nób, nub) – maniak komputerowy o niespecjalnie rozwiniętej mózgownicy. Mimo braku pojęcia na dany temat, noob podejmuje się grania w gry online, gdzie do jego najczęstszych zajęć należy dręczenie administratorów tychże gier i wyzywanie zwracających na niego uwagę graczy od niego samego.
  • The word, "noob" is partly not synonymous with "newbie" in the ROBLOX community. "Newbie" refers to a new or inexperienced user and has a mostly neutral connotation. However, "noob" is generally used with a negative connotation.
  • Noob - pokrewne do newbie pojęcie wymyślone przez graczy, bardzo często używane, szczególnie w grach MMO. Oznacza początkującego użytkownika, który najpewniej nie przeczytał regulaminu lub zasad, bądź uprzykrza zabawę innym osobom. W odróżnieniu od newbie jest negatywnym określeniem. Kategoria:Rodzaje graczy
  • A noob "otherwise known as a drooling rock" is a type of NR member frowned upon by all the staff, and everyone on the Internet. Noobs appear in several ways, and one kind has been put on NR way too much.
  • Νουμπάς h alliws n00bas einai autos p dn 3erei n paizei to game. Proerxetai apo tin aggliki le3i newbie p gia kapoion elliniko logo legetai n00bas. Polles fores i frasi xrisimopoieitai xwris na exei kapoio idiatero noima apla gia na meiwsei ton allon.
  • Noob is a slang term for a newcomer or a player who has an unfair advantage over everyone else. It can also be used to indicate an individual inexperienced and unexperienced in any other activity. It can have derogatory connotations, but is also often used for descriptive purposes only, without a value judgment. They seen often in Nevah Nevah Land as a martyrs.
  • Abwertende Bezeichnung für Spielanfänger, oft auch als Schimpfwort benutzt Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
  • Teh Noob, a.k.a TEH NUBINATOR LOLOLOL!!11!!, is an animal that inhabits teh intawebby lol. lololololol teh noob isnt teh l33t nd teh noob iz u OMGROFLOLMAO!!!11one!!!! lol we noobs r vry lolololol lol nd lol lololololololroflmaoloaalmojdwop!!!11one!!! omg nub!!! llolololollll Uncyclopedia is teh worst roflmaolololololollolololol!!!11!!!one!!11!!!!! so is Illogicopedia!!11!!!!one!! ur teh n00b if u cum heer fur funee stuf.
  • Noob (also n00b) is a derogatory form of "newb", short for "newbie", which refers to a new player.
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