  • AWikiaContributor007
  • Tier: Top [Kek] Tier Name: AWikiaContributor007 Origin: VS Battle Wiki Chat Gender: Most likely male (everyone on the internet is male) Age: Unknown Classification: A Wikia contributor Powers and Abilities: Kek warping, lulz production, shitposting, master at martial arts (especially small joint manipulation.) Attack Potency: At least Island level (sent the whole chatroom’s sides into orbit) Speed: Too fast (if you know what I mean) Lifting Strength: Unknown (but his right arm is a lot stronger than his left) Striking Strength: Struck me as a surprise when I saw his comment.
  • Tier: Top [Kek] Tier Name: AWikiaContributor007 Origin: VS Battle Wiki Chat Gender: Most likely male (everyone on the internet is male) Age: Unknown Classification: A Wikia contributor Powers and Abilities: Kek warping, lulz production, shitposting, master at martial arts (especially small joint manipulation.) Attack Potency: At least Island level (sent the whole chatroom’s sides into orbit) Speed: Too fast (if you know what I mean) Lifting Strength: Unknown (but his right arm is a lot stronger than his left) Striking Strength: Struck me as a surprise when I saw his comment. Durability: High (Regularly beats himself.) Stamina: Low (He explodes in short volumes.) Range: Shot all over his basement. Standard Equipment: A magazine, some lotion, a box of tissues and a mental image of Isaiah Mustafa (cause let’s face it who doesn’t) Intelligence: Expert at comedic timing. Weaknesses: His mom walking in without knocking.