  • Popinjay
  • Popinjay is a negative term synonymous with Credit card captain. Popinjay originally comes from the Old French word ‘papingay’ for parrot. Kind of like a noisy jay bird. Both Webster and the American Heritage Dictionary define popinjay as a vain, talkative person. The Oxford Dictionary goes a bit further by defining it as a vain or foppish person. In order to be considered a popinjay one must meet four criteria: an affinity for garish and gaudy clothes; pretentious and unjustified rank; no stats of any real distinction; and can not be an alternate (or Alt).
  • Popinjay is a negative term synonymous with Credit card captain. Popinjay originally comes from the Old French word ‘papingay’ for parrot. Kind of like a noisy jay bird. Both Webster and the American Heritage Dictionary define popinjay as a vain, talkative person. The Oxford Dictionary goes a bit further by defining it as a vain or foppish person. In order to be considered a popinjay one must meet four criteria: an affinity for garish and gaudy clothes; pretentious and unjustified rank; no stats of any real distinction; and can not be an alternate (or Alt). A curious side note is the tendency of popinjays to flock together in bird-like fashion. There is also a paradoxically absence of snappinjays and cracklinjays.