Property | Value |
rdf:type | |
rdfs:label | - Lost World
- Lost world
- Lost World
- Lost World
- Lost World
- Lost World
rdfs:comment | - Lost World (ロストワールド Rosutowārudo?) – poziom w grach Sonic Adventure i Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. Grywalnymi postaciami są Sonic the Hedgehog i Knuckles the Echidna.
- Lost World is an Enchantix offensive convergence spell used by Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha, in which they shoot beams of energy at the enemy.
- Lost World is a holosseum stage in Custom Robo (GameCube). It is very similar to Mystic Chaos. This stage is a strange, organic arena with four round obstacles. It is recommended to fight at long range. Lost World is also the stage in which one fights Rahu III.
- Lost World is the fourth Thunderbirds novel released, and second by World Distributors. Published in 1966, the hardcover novel was written by John W. Jennison, and features a brand new adventure starring the International Rescue family of heroes.
- [[Category: Levels]] Image:Lij2-art.png This is The Raiders Super Bonus Level.. For The Jurassic Park episode, see The Lost World. Lost World is a level from . It is the level of .
- Lost World (ロストワールド Rosutowārudo?) is one of the action stages featured in Sonic Adventure, played as Sonic's ninth and Knuckles' fourth stage. It is located inside the Shrine of Knuckles's race in the heart of the Mystic Ruins.
- Die Lost World ist die sechste und letzte Welt in Donkey Kong Land III und enthält als Boss Baron K. Roolenstein. Bevor er bekämpft werden kann, müssen Dixie und Kiddy Kong alle DK-Münzen sammeln.
- Lost World aus Karlsruhe haben in den späten 1990ern hauptsächlich Anarcho Punk mit etwas Crust, aber auch mit melodischen Parts gemacht. Lost World hat mit Sängerin Tati sowohl auf Englisch als auch auf Deutsch gesungen, manchmal sogar auf Italienisch. → Siehe auch Crass, Poison Girls, Conflict, Aus-Rotten
- Lost World is the name given to a hidden location in the Donkey Kong Country 2 and Donkey Kong Land 2 and 3 games.
- Lost World (ロスト ワールド Rosutowārudo?) Es una de las etapas de acción que aparecen en Sonic Adventure, es la cuarta etapa de Sonic y la novena etapa de Knuckles. Se encuentra ubicado en un antiguo templo Echidna en el corazón de la selva de Mystic Ruins.
- The Lost World appears in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2 as a secret area of sorts. The only way to fully access it is for the player to collect all 75 Kremkoins. Once all have been given to Klubba, the player can play through each of the levels. Each level is significantly hard and can be beaten if one has patience and incredible skill.
- Lost World is a stage which first appeared in Dead or Alive 3.
- Bei der Lost World handelt es sich um die sechste und letzte Welt in Donkey Kong Land III dar. Als Boss muss Baron K. Roolenstein bekämpft werden, dazu müssen zuvor alle DK-Münzen gesammelt werden.
- Lost worlds are geographical locations, planets or entire universes that had been disconnected from time, local space, probability or the combination of the above three. They require special gateways or methods in order to be accessed.
- The Lost World is the name of a mysterious jungle-like land hidden within the Crocodile Isle one of the many known locations in the Donkey Kong universe. It first appeared in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land II. It is the secret kingdom of the Kremling Krew lorded over by King K. Rool. It is also the birthplace of the Kremling species. The centerpiece inside the volcano is a temple-like palace, which has an altar, a large amount of treasure and bones, and armored Kremling statues in the background of it.
owl:sameAs | |
Level | |
dcterms:subject | |
Grywalne | - *Sonic the Hedgehog
*Knuckles the Echidna
fr name | |
es lore | - Todos los monstruos en el Campo pierden 500 ATK y DEF, excepto monstruos de Tipo Dinosaurio. Una vez por turno, si un monstruo de Tipo Dinosaurio es Invocado de Modo Normal o Especial : puedes Invocar de Modo Especial 1 "Ficha Jurrahuevo" en Posición de Defensa al Campo de tu adversario. Mientras tu adversario controle una Ficha, no puede seleccionar monstruos en el Campo con efectos de cartas, excepto Fichas. Una vez por turno, si uno o más Monstruos Normales en el Campo fueran a ser destruidos en batalla o por efectos de cartas, puedes destruir en su lugar esa cantidad de monstruos de Tipo Dinosaurio en tu mano y/o Deck.
erster | |
Zdjęcie | |
Row 4 info | - Knuckles: Red Mountain
- Sonic: Sky Deck
Weitere | |
Romaji Name | |
ja lore | - ①:恐竜族以外のフィールドのモンスターの攻撃力・守備力は500ダウンする。②:1ターンに1度、恐竜族モンスターが召喚・特殊召喚された場合に発動できる。相手フィールドに「ジュラエッグトークン」(恐竜族・地・星1・攻/守0)1体を守備表示で特殊召喚する。③:相手フィールドにトークンがある限り、相手はトークン以外のフィールドのモンスターを効果の対象にできない。④:1ターンに1度、フィールドの通常モンスターが戦闘・効果で破壊される場合、代わりにその数だけ自分の手札・デッキの恐竜族モンスターを破壊できる。
Akty | |
Row 7 title | |
Lokacja | |
Nazwa | |
Danach | |
it lore | - Tutti i mostri sul Terreno perdono 500 ATK e DEF, eccetto i mostri di Tipo Dinosauro. Una volta per turno, se viene Evocato Normalmente o Specialmente un mostro di Tipo Dinosauro : puoi Evocare Specialmente 1 "Segna-Jurauovo" sul Terreno del tuo avversario in Posizione di Difesa. Mentre il tuo avversario controlla un Segna-Mostro, non può scegliere mostri sul Terreno come bersaglio con gli effetti delle carte, eccetto i Segna-Mostro. Una volta per turno, se uno o più Mostri Normali sul Terreno stanno per essere distrutti in battaglia o dall'effetto di una carta, puoi invece distruggere quel numero di mostri di Tipo Dinosauro nella tua mano e/o Deck.
pt name | |
Row 1 info | |
charas | - *Sonic the Hedgehog
*Knuckles the Echidna
Inne wystąpienia | |
Lore | - All monsters on the field lose 500 ATK and DEF, except Dinosaur-Type monsters. Once per turn, if a Dinosaur-Type monster is Normal or Special Summoned : You can Special Summon 1 "Jurraegg Token" to your opponent's field in Defense Position. While your opponent controls a Token, they cannot target monsters on the field with card effects, except Tokens. Once per turn, if a Normal Monster on the field would be destroyed by battle or card effect, you can destroy that many Dinosaur-Type monsters in your hand and/or Deck instead.
Juego | |
pt lore | - Todos os monstros no campo perdem 500 de ATK e DEF, exceto monstros do Tipo Dinossauro. Uma vez por turno, se um monstro do Tipo Dinossauro for Invocado por Invocação-Normal ou Especial : você pode Invocar por Invocação-Especial 1 "Ficha de Jurraovo" em Posição de Defesa no campo do seu oponente. Enquanto seu oponente controlar uma Ficha, ele não pode escolher monstros no campo como alvo de efeitos de card, exceto Fichas. Uma vez por turno, se um ou mais Monstros Normais no campo seriam destruídos em batalha ou por um efeito de card, em vez disso, você pode destruir esse mesmo número de monstros do Tipo Dinossauro na sua mão e/ou no Deck.
Poprzedni | - Knuckles
- Red Mountain
- Sonic
- Sky Deck
Vorkommen | |
1st app | |
it name | |
stat change | - * Your monsters lose ATK
* Your opponent's monsters lose ATK
* Your monsters lose DEF
* Your opponent's monsters lose DEF
Przeciwnicy | - *E-05 Boa Boa
*E-04 Leon
*E-17 Ghora
Row 4 title | |
other apps | - Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
m/s/t | - * Cannot be targeted by card effects
* Redirects destruction
* Destroys your Monster Cards
* Destroys hand
* Destroys Main Deck
Vorherige Zone | - Sonic: Sky Deck
- Knuckles: Red Mountain
passcode | |
ko lore | - ①: 공룡족 이외의 필드의 몬스터의 공격력 / 수비력은 500 내린다. ②: 1턴에 1번, 공룡족 몬스터가 일반 소환 / 특수 소환되었을 경우에 발동할 수 있다. 상대 필드에 "쥐라에그 토큰" 1장을 수비 표시로 특수 소환한다. ③: 상대 필드에 토큰이 있는 한, 상대는 토큰 이외의 필드의 몬스터를 효과의 대상으로 할 수 없다. ④: 1턴에 1번, 필드의 일반 몬스터가 전투 / 효과로 파괴될 경우, 대신에 그 수만큼 자신의 패 / 덱의 공룡족 몬스터를 파괴할 수 있다.
Następny | - Knuckles
- Final Egg
- Sonic
- Sky Deck
de lore | - Alle Monster auf dem Spielfeld verlieren 500 ATK und DEF, außer Monstern vom Typ Dinosaurier. Einmal pro Spielzug, falls ein Monster vom Typ Dinosaurier als Normal- oder Spezialbeschwörung beschworen wird : Du kannst 1 „Juraei-Spielmarke“ als Spezialbeschwörung auf die Spielfeldseite deines Gegners in die Verteidigungsposition beschwören. Solange dein Gegner eine Spielmarke kontrolliert, kann er keine Monster auf dem Spielfeld als Ziel für Karteneffekte wählen, außer Spielmarken. Einmal pro Spielzug, falls ein oder mehr Normale Monster auf dem Spielfeld durch Kampf oder einen Karteneffekt zerstört würden, kannst du stattdessen so viele Monster vom Typ Dinosaurier in deiner Hand und/oder deinem Deck zerstören.
obecny | |
ko name | |
greaterloc | |
Row 2 info | |
Row 6 info | |
Anterior | |
Row 1 title | |
es name | |
wystąpienie | |
fr lore | - Tous les monstres sur le Terrain perdent 500 ATK/DEF. Une fois par tour, si un monstre de Type Dinosaure est Invoqué Normalement ou Spécialement : vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Jeton Jurraœuf" sur le Terrain de votre adversaire en Position de Défense. Tant que votre adversaire contrôle un Jeton, ils ne peuvent pas cibler de monstres sur le Terrain avec des effets de carte. Une fois par tour, si un ou plusieurs Monstres Normaux sur le Terrain vont être détruits au combat ou par un effet de carte, vous pouvez détruire autant de monstres de Type Dinosaure dans votre main et/ou Deck à la place.
Row 5 info | - Knuckles: Sky Deck
- Sonic: Finnal Egg
LatestAppearance | - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Row 2 title | |
Row 6 title | |
Ähnliche | |
Nächste | - Sonic: Final Egg
Knuckles: Sky Deck
card type | |
Row 5 title | |
effect types | - Continuous-like, Trigger-like, Continuous-like, Continuous-like
Row 3 info | |
Spiel | |
database id | |
Row 3 title | |
Gra | |
Siguiente | |
Summoning | - * Special Summons Tokens
* Special Summons to your opponent's field
Gegner | |
Row 7 info | |
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Form | |
Number | |
Previous | |
Misc | |
Box Title | |
Appearances | - Dead or Alive 3
- Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
- Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate
Theme | - Spell
- *Ancient ruins theme
*Underwater theme
Levels | |
Games | - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest, Donkey Kong Land 2
nome | |
FirstAppearance | - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
Game | |
Supports | - * Dinosaur
* Normal Monster
Nummer | |
Name | |
Type | |
Caption | - Lost World in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate.
- Sonic in Lost World.
Property | |
Boss(e) | |
danger zone | |
Livelli | |
modalità | |
Continente | |
dbkwik:de.donkey-kong/property/wikiPageUsesTemplate | |
Inhabitants | |
Ruler | |
Title | |
immagine | |
Enemies | |
Image size | |
Image | - File:DOA5U Lost World 1.jpg
Beschreibung | - Mystische Ruinen-/ Tempelanlage
Current | |
User | - Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna, Aisha
Ja Name | |
Action | - * Activates upon Normal Summon
* Activates upon Special Summon
Titel | |
Image File | |
Stage | |
NEXT | |
Writer | |
ACTs | |
Stato | |
Slogan | |
Bild | - 250
- DKL3 Screenshot Lost World.png
Location | |
zona | |
Numer | |
Presente | |
Derzeitige Stage | |
Nächste Stage | |
Vorherige Stage | |
abstract | - Lost World (ロストワールド Rosutowārudo?) – poziom w grach Sonic Adventure i Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut. Grywalnymi postaciami są Sonic the Hedgehog i Knuckles the Echidna.
- The Lost World is the name of a mysterious jungle-like land hidden within the Crocodile Isle one of the many known locations in the Donkey Kong universe. It first appeared in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land II. It is the secret kingdom of the Kremling Krew lorded over by King K. Rool. It is also the birthplace of the Kremling species. The Lost World itself is located deep within the Crocodile Isle and is fairly large in size. The land also has a bizarre climate, some portions of it being a jungle-like environment, others being volcanic mountains and some frozen caverns. In the center of the lake at the heart of the Lost World is a temple-like structure built into an volcano known as the Krocodile Kore, which happens to resemble a Kremling's head. The volcano is home to the energy generator which pumps out an upward stream of purple, white and blue-colored supernatural energy which somehow powers the entire island itself. The centerpiece inside the volcano is a temple-like palace, which has an altar, a large amount of treasure and bones, and armored Kremling statues in the background of it. While travelling through the volcanic arena called the Crocodile Cauldron, Diddy and Dixie Kong encountered a large burly Kremling named Klubba. Klubba had been ordered by Kaptain K. Rool to guard the many entrances of the Lost World and to not let anyone pass. However, Klubba would let the 2 young kongs for the price of 15 Kremkoins per entrance. In order to unlock all 5 of the Lost World's entrances, the Kongs would have to collect all 75 Kremkoins scattered about the game's levels. If the Kongs manage to obtain the game's seventy-five Kremkoins and clear all the levels in the Lost World, then the mouth of the Krocodile Kore will open and the Kongs will be free to venture inside. Here in the Krocodile Kore that Diddy and Dixie Kong faced the mad K. Rool and, after a long fight (which consists mostly of dodging blasts from K. Rool's blunderbuss), the Kongs managed to defeat the Kremling king who was then flung into the energy flow of Krocodile Kore. K. Rool's bulk ended up blocking the volcano's flow of energy, which subsequently built up. Eventually, the Krocodile Kore exploded and collapsed due to excess energy build up; this explosion ended blowing off the top of the island and sinking the rest of it. In Donkey Kong Land 2, the Lost World is risen up from the bottom of the ocean along with the rest of the Crocodile Isle. This time there is only one entrance to the Lost World, it is located near Gloomy Gulch. This time around, Diddy and Dixie Kong needed to pay Klubba all 47 Kremkoins at once to enter the Lost World. After paying Klubba and entering and clearing all of the Lost World's levels, the Kongs get the chance to once again enter the Krocodile Kore (which no longer pumps out energy). Once again K. Rool is defeated and the whole Crocodile Island collapses and sinks to the bottom of the sea, this time permanently.
- Lost World is an Enchantix offensive convergence spell used by Stella, Flora, Musa, Tecna and Aisha, in which they shoot beams of energy at the enemy.
- Lost World is a holosseum stage in Custom Robo (GameCube). It is very similar to Mystic Chaos. This stage is a strange, organic arena with four round obstacles. It is recommended to fight at long range. Lost World is also the stage in which one fights Rahu III.
- Lost World is the fourth Thunderbirds novel released, and second by World Distributors. Published in 1966, the hardcover novel was written by John W. Jennison, and features a brand new adventure starring the International Rescue family of heroes.
- [[Category: Levels]] Image:Lij2-art.png This is The Raiders Super Bonus Level.. For The Jurassic Park episode, see The Lost World. Lost World is a level from . It is the level of .
- Lost World (ロストワールド Rosutowārudo?) is one of the action stages featured in Sonic Adventure, played as Sonic's ninth and Knuckles' fourth stage. It is located inside the Shrine of Knuckles's race in the heart of the Mystic Ruins.
- Die Lost World ist die sechste und letzte Welt in Donkey Kong Land III und enthält als Boss Baron K. Roolenstein. Bevor er bekämpft werden kann, müssen Dixie und Kiddy Kong alle DK-Münzen sammeln.
- Lost World aus Karlsruhe haben in den späten 1990ern hauptsächlich Anarcho Punk mit etwas Crust, aber auch mit melodischen Parts gemacht. Lost World hat mit Sängerin Tati sowohl auf Englisch als auch auf Deutsch gesungen, manchmal sogar auf Italienisch. → Siehe auch Crass, Poison Girls, Conflict, Aus-Rotten
- Lost World is the name given to a hidden location in the Donkey Kong Country 2 and Donkey Kong Land 2 and 3 games.
- Lost World (ロスト ワールド Rosutowārudo?) Es una de las etapas de acción que aparecen en Sonic Adventure, es la cuarta etapa de Sonic y la novena etapa de Knuckles. Se encuentra ubicado en un antiguo templo Echidna en el corazón de la selva de Mystic Ruins.
- The Lost World appears in Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest and Donkey Kong Land 2 as a secret area of sorts. The only way to fully access it is for the player to collect all 75 Kremkoins. Once all have been given to Klubba, the player can play through each of the levels. Each level is significantly hard and can be beaten if one has patience and incredible skill.
- Lost World is a stage which first appeared in Dead or Alive 3.
- Bei der Lost World handelt es sich um die sechste und letzte Welt in Donkey Kong Land III dar. Als Boss muss Baron K. Roolenstein bekämpft werden, dazu müssen zuvor alle DK-Münzen gesammelt werden.
- Lost worlds are geographical locations, planets or entire universes that had been disconnected from time, local space, probability or the combination of the above three. They require special gateways or methods in order to be accessed.
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