  • Valentino's
  • Valentino's was a nightclub in Brooklyn owned by the glamourous Mona Scarletti, however it was immediately seized on opening by Tony Tattaglia, who initiated a brothel in the backrooms of the club in exchange for protection. Unlike most Tattaglia businesses, this brothel was notoriously difficult to infiltrate (or rather, to leave it alive again). However in 1946, Aldo Trapani managed to forcefully gain an audience with Tattaglia, and after some negotiation, the club became property of the Corleone family. (Maximum protection of proprietor is $2250).
  • Valentino's was a nightclub in Crazy Town owned by the glamourous Mona Scaleri, however, it was immediately seized on opening by Tony Tattaglia, who initiated a club in the backrooms of the nightclub in exchange for protection. Unlike most Tattaglia businesses, this club was notoriously difficult to infiltrate (or rather, to leave it alive again). However, in 2009, Charlie Trapani managed to forcefully gain an audience with Tattaglia, and after some negotiation, the club became property of the Corleone Family.
  • Valentino's
  • Fleet Alley and Plymouth Street
racket boss
maximum extortion
  • 3000.0
maximum protection
  • 2250.0
venue difficulty
  • Easy
racket difficulty
  • Medium
proprietor weakness
  • Using Firearms
racket boss weakness
  • Hand-to-Hand Strikes
  • Valentino's was a nightclub in Brooklyn owned by the glamourous Mona Scarletti, however it was immediately seized on opening by Tony Tattaglia, who initiated a brothel in the backrooms of the club in exchange for protection. Unlike most Tattaglia businesses, this brothel was notoriously difficult to infiltrate (or rather, to leave it alive again). However in 1946, Aldo Trapani managed to forcefully gain an audience with Tattaglia, and after some negotiation, the club became property of the Corleone family. (Maximum protection of proprietor is $2250).
  • Valentino's was a nightclub in Crazy Town owned by the glamourous Mona Scaleri, however, it was immediately seized on opening by Tony Tattaglia, who initiated a club in the backrooms of the nightclub in exchange for protection. Unlike most Tattaglia businesses, this club was notoriously difficult to infiltrate (or rather, to leave it alive again). However, in 2009, Charlie Trapani managed to forcefully gain an audience with Tattaglia, and after some negotiation, the club became property of the Corleone Family.