  • Krim (General)
  • Krim (General)
  • thumb|General Krim (2370) General Krim ist ein bajoranischer Offizier, dem 2370 die Verteidigung der bajoranischen Hauptstadt unterstellt ist. Später ist er maßgeblich an der Übernahme der Raumstation Deep Space 9 durch die Allianz für globale Einheit, genannt "Der Kreis", beteiligt.
  • General Krim was a flag officer in the Bajoran Militia. He refused to use the militia to put down civil unrest on Bajor, believing that it would lead to civil war. In reality, he was a member of the Circle, who wanted the Federation to leave the Bajoran sector. Krim led a siege on Deep Space 9 in 2370, but ultimately surrendered the station back to the Federation after meeting with Li Nalas and discovering that the Circle was backed by the Cardassians. He expected the Bajoran Provisional Government would ask for his resignation.
  • 2370
  • General Krim
  • Active
  • Flag officer of the Bajoran Militia
  • thumb|General Krim (2370) General Krim ist ein bajoranischer Offizier, dem 2370 die Verteidigung der bajoranischen Hauptstadt unterstellt ist. Später ist er maßgeblich an der Übernahme der Raumstation Deep Space 9 durch die Allianz für globale Einheit, genannt "Der Kreis", beteiligt.
  • General Krim was a flag officer in the Bajoran Militia. He refused to use the militia to put down civil unrest on Bajor, believing that it would lead to civil war. In reality, he was a member of the Circle, who wanted the Federation to leave the Bajoran sector. Krim led a siege on Deep Space 9 in 2370, but ultimately surrendered the station back to the Federation after meeting with Li Nalas and discovering that the Circle was backed by the Cardassians. He expected the Bajoran Provisional Government would ask for his resignation. Although Krim was on the opposing side, he appeared to have a respect for his adversary, Benjamin Sisko, noting during their meeting that Sisko gave him information rather than use it as a bargaining chip. He had first met Sisko at a session of the Bajoran Executive Committee in 2369. In the later takeover of Deep Space 9, he was pleased to discover that Sisko had not abandoned his post, as it increased his esteem for the commander. (DS9: "The Circle", "The Siege") Krim was played by actor Stephen Macht, who had been previously considered for the role of Jean-Luc Picard.
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