  • The Man without a Face
  • I am a frequent redditor and while surfing /r/ nosleep, I found a post called "The Man With No Face(She Is Mine)". Later I stumbled upon a post from a different person called "The Man Without A Face". I figured that it was the same guy on a different account, however their writing styles are too different, the first is well thought out and much more specific while the second one seemed to have been written faster and without any thought of pursuing the creature in the story.
  • I am a frequent redditor and while surfing /r/ nosleep, I found a post called "The Man With No Face(She Is Mine)". Later I stumbled upon a post from a different person called "The Man Without A Face". I figured that it was the same guy on a different account, however their writing styles are too different, the first is well thought out and much more specific while the second one seemed to have been written faster and without any thought of pursuing the creature in the story. I didn't find any activity from the newer post that they knew the first post, the user didn't even comment on the "She is Mine" post until after his was up, and he was linked through the comments of his by someone who has read both stories. Here are the two stories in their order of appearance.