  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia is planet in the Coreward Worlds and a founding member of the Galactic Republic.
  • Corellia is where Corellians come from. Corellia was the most important of the Core Worlds, hence the name Core-ellia. Due to the suspicious abundance of Corellians who played important roles in galactic history, it is even more suspicious that Darthipedia has no article about it. Someone really needs to write one, even if its only content is saying that someone need to write an article about it. Hey, wait a minute...
  • Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the "Eldest Brother" or the "Eldest." Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believed that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant.
  • Corellia is also home to the faithful CorSec Squadron, and those wishing to learn the piloting profession from this organization should seek out Sergeant Rhea. Like its neighbor Talus, Corellia is dominated by open grasslands, dense forests, and long beaches that make every corner of the planet a picturesque sight. Most areas of the planet are a quick ride from at least one major city, although the north-western mountains remain isolated from civilization; rumors hint at a hidden Rebel base somewhere in the area, though Imperial forces have been unable to verify these allegations. CorSec security has been similarly powerless to eliminiate the presence of terrorist Nyax, Drall, and Afarathu organizations that make their homes among Corellia's varied terrain.
  • Corellia Kategória:Planéty
  • Corellia is one of the Five Brothers because it is one of five inhabited planets of the Corellian system.
  • Corellia was één van de bekendste planeten in het universum. Deze faam had het te danken aan het belang dat de planeet heeft gespeeld in de kolonisatie van het universum en in de oprichting van de Republic.
  • Corellia was a Planet near the core world of the Galaxy. Humans were the main inhabitants of the planet. File:Corellia EaW.png
  • Corellia is a temperate planet covered by rolling hills, thick forests, lush fields, and large seas. Although regarded as an industrialized world, the majority of the planet's inhabitants occupy small towns or farms. The galaxy's most prolific starship manufacturing company, Corellian Engineering Corporation maintains orbital shipyards at Corellia, allowing the planet to remain largely rural.
  • Yleisesti aurinkokunnan planeetat tunnettiin Viitenä veljeksenä. Corelliaa kutsuttiin usein "Isoveljeksi" tai "Vanhimmaksi", koska se oli planeetoista suurin ja lähimpänä järjestelmän tähteä, Corellia. Historioitsijat uskovat, että järjestelmä oli keinotekoisesti rakennettu muualta galaksista tuoduista maailmoista. Jotkut myös uskoivat, että järjestelmän rakentajat asuttivat Corellian Coruscantilta tuoduilla ihmisillä.
  • Corellias Oberfläche wird von Gebirgen, dichten Wäldern, üppigen Feldern und großen Gewässern geziert. Obwohl Corellia als eine industrielle Welt angesehen wird, bewohnen die meisten seiner Einwohner Farmen und kleine Städte oder Dörfer. Der Planet fügte sich aus drei großen Kontinenten zusammen, die allesamt bewohnt waren. Da die Industrie sich überwiegend auf die Werften um den Planeten herum beschränkte, blieb Corellia selbst überraschend natürlich für eine so industrielle und einflussreiche Welt.
  • It's a planet and home of some of the famous Jedi Masters such as Bethany and Spark Vallen. More information and RP history are forthcoming.
  • Corellia era un planeta de los Mundos del Núcleo y un miembro fundador de la República Galáctica.
  • Queen Corellia is the beautiful and apparently ageless Queen of the Rainbow Nation, Anuenue. Her palace is in Komo Mai. She is a lover of peace and one of the few remaining pacifists in the world. She is very formal and business like when addressing Sagi and company, perhaps even a bit critical and pompous. She ignores his warnings until too late but is thankful for his help in driving out the empire. She becomes friends with Sagi and Milly over the course of the adventure. It is this friendship which softens her demeanor to outsiders. She wishes them the best and meets them in Alfard as they set off to Mira for their honeymoon.
  • corellia was the capital of the corellian system and the best ship making planet in the force unleashed universe it was home to anumber of tie fighter construction facilities but joined the rebellion at the treatey of corellia to make ships of the rebel fleet winning major victories for the rebellion.
  • Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. It was also the birthplace of smuggler and New Republic General Han Solo and Rogue Squadron pilot and New Republic hero Wedge Antilles.
  • Korelia (Corellia), to planeta znajdująca się w Światach jądra w układzie korelliańskim. Układ gwiezdny wokół gwiazdy Corell został sztucznie utworzony przez Niebiańskich, którzy przy pomocy stacji Centerpoint, posiadającej nadprzestrzenny promień ściagający, sprowadzili nadające się do zamieszkania planety. Na planecie nie wykształciły się żadne gatunki inteligentne - wszystkie są pochodzenia obcego.
  • thumbCorellia er hovedplaneten i Det Corellianske Systemet, som inkluderer Drall, Selonia og tvillingplanetene Talus og Tralus. Corellia er hjemplanet til smugler og Opprører helt Han Solo, smugleren Garris Shrike og pilot Wedge Antillies. Corellianerne er kjent som smuglere, romfarere og eventyrere. Corellia har massive skipsverft og kjente produkter som YT-seriene som inkluderer Tusenårsfalken og Corellianske Korvetter eller "Blokadebrytere" som Tantive 4. Planeten er dekket av sletter, skoger, fjell, øyer og hav. Hovedstaden er Coronet, mens andre kjente byer indeholder Kor Vella, Tyrena og Doaba Guerfel. De tre hovedartene er Menneske, Drall og Selonianere. Det var på Corellia at Senatorene Mon Mothma, Bail Prestor Organa og Garm Bel Iblis signerte krigserklæringen mot Imperiet.
  • After the fall of Coruscant, and the death and destruction caused by it, Corellia rose to the eminent position in the Galaxy. No longer second to the Imperial Capital, Corellia now lead the Galaxy in production, art, education and, of course, nobility. The problem wasn't so much becoming first, but staying there. Corellia's nobles vowed that Corellia would never again be second, and have singlemindedly devoted their resources to maintaining Corellian superiority in everything.
  • System: Corellia Sector: Corellian Coordinates: (70, -32) Suns: 1 Planets: 7 Moons: 0 Asteroid fields: 0 Space stations: 9 Controlled By: Galactic Empire Population: 205,648,026 inhabitants Home of the Five Brothers and the Corellian Twins, the star system of Corellia is a system rich in history and is one of the civilized centers of the galaxy. With the Corellian Security Force, commonly known as CorSec, supplementing the defense of this system, this system is surprisingly safe to travel to despite its reputation of having an extensive population that act among the fringe of law.
  • [Source] Corellia était une planète se trouvant dans les Mondes du Noyau. Elle était renommée pour ses as du pilotage et ses imposants vaisseaux. Des navires comme le Faucon Millenium et des vaisseaux Impériaux étaient construits sur Corellia par la Corporation Technique Corellienne. La Voie Marchande Corellienne partait de Corellia pour Duro. Au cours de l'ère Impériale, une organisation connue sous le nom de Résistance Corellienne opérait sur la planète et affrontait l'Empire Galactique. Une de ses membres, Miru Nadrinakar, tenta d'empêcher l'éradication des cellules de résistance.
  • Corellia este planeta capitală a sistemului corellian, care includea şi Selonia, Drall, Tralus şi Talus. A fost de asemenea locul de naştere al contrabandistului şi generalului Noii Republici Han Solo, dar şi al pilotului din Escadrila Vagabond şi eroului Noii Republici Wedge Antilles şi a altor oameni care au jucat roluri importante în istoria Alianţei Rebele, Noii Republici şi Alianţei Galactice. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Corellia fu il pianeta capitale del Sistema Corelliano, il quale includeva inoltre Selonia, Drall, Tralus e Talus. Fu il luogo di nascita del contrabbandiere della Nuova Repubblica Han Solo, così come del pilota della Squadriglia Rogue ed eroe della Nuova Repubblica Wedge Antilles, senza contare altri numerosissimi guerrieri che parteciparono insieme all'Alleanza Ribelle nella sua guerra contro l'Impero.
  • Corellia, o Corelia, era el centro comercial e industrial de la Galaxia y planeta capital del Sector Corelliano, que incluye a: Corellia, Selonia, Drall, Talus y Tralus. Fue también el planeta de origen del contrabandista y General de la Nueva República Han Solo y del héroe del Escuadrón Pícaro Wedge Antilles.
  • Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the "Eldest Brother" or the "Eldest." Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believe that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant. Corellia's surface was extremely temperate, dominated by hills, forests, farmland, beaches, snow-capped mountaint and large seas. With most of its famed manufacturing centers lifted into orbit, the planet remained largely undeveloped, with small villages and farming communities compr
  • Корелия
  • Корелия
  • Корелия
  • Корелия
  • Корелия
Major Cities
  • Coronet - Capital
  • Κορέλλια
  • Normaal
  • 3000000000
  • 90000.0
  • 11000.0
  • Standaard
  • 329
  • *Selkathit *Niktot *Granit *Rodialaiset *Ithorialaiset *Gamorrit *Twi'lekit *Akvalishit
  • 25
  • 2.84256E7
  • Gemiddeld
  • Leuto
  • Corellians
  • anderen
  • Drall
  • Selonian
  • Heuvels
  • bossen
  • steden
  • vlaktes
  • Estándar
  • 250
  • Gus Grissom
  • Gus Talon
  • *Ääretön Imperiumi *Corellian Imperiumi *Corellian Neuvosto *Galaktinen Tasavalta *Galaktinen Imperiumi *Vapaiden planeettain liitto *Uusi tasavalta *Vapaiden planeettain galaktinen allianssi *Viisi maailmaa *Konfederaatio
  • Verschiedene
  • Corellia
  • *Imperio Infinito *Imperio Comercial Herglic *Consejo Corelliano *República Galáctica *Imperio Sith de Revan *Imperio Corelliano *Imperio Galáctico *Resistencia Corelliana *Alianza para Restaurar la República *Alianza de Planetas Libres *Nueva República *Federación Galáctica de Alianzas Libres *Cinco Mundos *Confederación *Imperio Galáctico de Darth Krayt
  • Terrestre
  • *Humanos *Selonianos *Drall
  • Besalisk
  • *Sand panthers *Selonians *Drall
  • 3000
  • M-11
  • Corellia
  • 1
  • 250
  • Umani
  • *Pianure *Urbano *Colline *Foreste *Mesas *Montagne *Isole *Giungle
  • Florestas, selva, urbano
  • Paisaje urbano con diseño ambiental
  • *Llanuras *Colinas *Bosques *Mesetas *Montañas *Mares *Islas *Junglas
  • *Academia CorSec *Hunchuzuc Den *Agujero Negro *Agrilat *Playas Doradas *Astilleros de la Corporación de Ingeniería Corelliana *Isla Vreni *Rogue CorSec *Cueva Afarathu *Base Rebelde CorSec *Cementerio de Droides *Meseta de Kor Vella *Montañas Nomad *Cuevas de los Patriotas
  • 2.84256E7
  • Sparks
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • *Repubblica Galattica *Impero Galattico *Alleanza per la Restaurazione della Repubblica
Espèces principales
  • *Humains *Besalisk
  • 1
  • 1
  • *Básico Galáctico Estándar *Anteriormente corelliano antiguo
  • 90000.0
  • 1
  • Human
  • *Selkath *Nikto *Gran *Rodianos *Ithorianos *Gamorreanos *Twi'lek *Aqualish *Klatooinianos *Bothans *Mon calamaris
  • Terrestrisch
  • 1
  • *Galaktische Republik *Galaktisches Imperium *Neue Republik
  • Starships
  • *Starships *Scoundrels *Attitude
  • 코렐리아
  • 코렐리아
  • 코렐리아
  • 코렐리아
  • 코렐리아
  • 코렐리아
  • 코렐리아
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Sparks
  • Oceans, inland lakes
  • 11000.0
  • Station Talmud
  • 90000.0
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Coronet City
  • Coronet , Corsica
  • *Coronet City *Bela Vistal *Kor Vella *Tyrena *Detroit *Tijuana
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
Official language
  • Galactic Standard
  • Coded
  • Terrestre
  • Standard
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • legends
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • 1.0
Native Species
  • Unknown
  • planeta skalista
  • *Forêts *Jungles *Villes
Points of Interest
  • Coronet, Jedi Temple
Lieux importants
Primary Terrain
  • Grassland, Hills, Forest,
  • 3
  • Tempéré
rasy inteligentne:
  • Ludzie Selonianie Drallowie
gwiazda systemu:
  • M-11
rodzaj objektu:
  • planeta
pozycja w układzie:
  • 1
  • Republican
  • Basic
  • *Galactic Basic Standard *Old Corellian
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Korelia
  • Korelia
  • Korelia
  • Korelia
  • Korelia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Plains, mountains, oceans
  • *Forests *Jungle *Urban
  • Environmentally-Conscious Cityscape
  • *Beaches *Continents *Forests *Hills *Islands *Jungles *Mountains *Oceans *Plains *Pretty standard, really
  • 3000000000
  • Unknown
  • Intel, Raw Materials, Wine
  • Vreni Island
  • Agrilat
  • CorSec Academy
  • Afarathu Cave
  • *Imperial training center *Navigation institute
  • Droid Graveyard
  • Gold Beaches
  • Hunchuzuc Den
  • Kor Vella mesa
  • Nomad Mountains
  • 250
  • 250
  • Corell Park, Razor End
  • mountainous, forested, large oceans
  • Кореллия
  • Кореллия
  • Кореллия
  • Кореллия
  • Кореллия
  • Кореллия/Канон
  • Кореллия/Канон
  • Кореллия/Канон
  • Terrestrial, with high and low-class areas
  • < 5.000 años luz
  • Korélia
  • Korélia
  • Korélia
  • Korélia
  • Korélia
  • Unimaginably wealthy
  • *Coronet *Kor Vella *Doaba Guerfel *Bela Vistal
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • *Corellian Run *Corellian Trade Spine
  • *Galaktinen peruskieli *Vanha corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • 225
  • 1184400.0
  • コレリア
  • コレリア
  • コレリア
  • コレリア
  • コレリア
  • コレリア
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Cânon:Corellia
  • Cânon:Corellia
  • 4000000000
  • Antares, Commenor, Corulag, Hyperion
Other Species
  • Human,
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Temperate
  • Varying
  • Varied, though known for wind and storms
  • temperate, mixed
  • 329
  • Swingin', baby
  • Unknown
  • Fashion, Whiskey, Ships, furs
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia
  • Corellia.png
wikipage disambiguates
  • 11000.0
  • 1
  • Temperato
  • Templado
  • Temperado
  • 3000000000
  • * Coronet * Kor Vella * Daoba Guerfel * Bela Vistal * Kolene * Tyrena
  • *Coronet *Tyrena *Bela Vistal
  • N, O2, CO2; hospitable
  • Standard
  • 90000.0
  • M-11
  • 3
  • *Tasankoja *Rinteitä *Metsiä *Ylätasankoja *Vuoria *Meriä *Saaria
  • *Rotta Corelliana *Spina Commerciale Corelliana
  • 1
  • 11.0
  • 3
ilość mieszkańców:
  • 3000000000
czas obrotu wokół gwiazdy układu:
  • 329
  • standardowa
  • tlenowa
czas obrotu wokół własnej osi:
  • 90000.0
główne osiedla:
  • Coronet CityKor VellaDoaba GuerfelBela VistalKoleneTyrena
  • Vaisseaux
  • Perus
  • *Mari *Oceani
  • Ilman seos, Tyyppi I
  • Assorted others
  • Core Artery, Corellian Corridor, Kessel Run
  • Corellia/Canone
  • System: Corellia Sector: Corellian Coordinates: (70, -32) Suns: 1 Planets: 7 Moons: 0 Asteroid fields: 0 Space stations: 9 Controlled By: Galactic Empire Population: 205,648,026 inhabitants Home of the Five Brothers and the Corellian Twins, the star system of Corellia is a system rich in history and is one of the civilized centers of the galaxy. With the Corellian Security Force, commonly known as CorSec, supplementing the defense of this system, this system is surprisingly safe to travel to despite its reputation of having an extensive population that act among the fringe of law. The Corellian System is the seat of government of the Imperial Corellian Sector, the home and administrative center of the Moff that is assigned to govern this system. Heavy capital ships frequent this system since the early days of the Old Republic, including the Star Destroyers of today. Some astrophysicists and other scientists hypothesize that this star system as one sees today is not of natural phenomenon, basing upon the observation that the orbits of the planets are simply too complicated. They insist that there must have had human or other sentient beings purposeful design for the star system to appear as so. Both the Five Brothers and the Corellian Twins planets occupy a narrow band of area around the Corellian sun that allows habitable climates, whereas no natural phenomenon usually allows this type of occurrence. During the birth years of planets, space dust from an area this narrow usually are collected to form one or two larger planets as opposed to so many as observed in this system. The Corellian Twins are especially of scientific interest, as the two similarly structured planets orbit each other around a focus without a center of mass in between them, while sharing a same orbit around the sun. Many theorists purpose that an antiquity species of beings moved planets from further reaches of the Corellian System and terraformed them into habitable worlds. Some even propose that these planets were once moved from other star systems, perhaps to escape disaster events such as a sun going into dying stages of its life. This may be a mystery that Corellians may not be able to solve for a long time simply because any potential hints to this hypothesis, even if it indeed had taken place, may have been dissolved away with time. Today, Corellia is a major attraction for tourism with galactically known resorts and top-ranked gaming preserves. This system perhaps sees more luxury space liners and yachts traffic than even Coruscant. With a strong tourism industry, the Corellian System provides significant resources in terms of tax dollars for its current over-rulers, the Galactic Empire. Star Wars Combine Rule Pages The word Corellian referred to both native inhabitants of the sector and naturalized citizens. Corellia's surface was extremely temperate, dominated by rolling hills, thick forests, lush farmland, golden beaches, and large seas. With most of its famed manufacturing centers lifted into orbit, the planet remained largely rural and undeveloped, with small villages and farming communities comprising the bulk of urban development. Corellia is a beautiful planet with a variety of different landscapes. Landmass consists of two large continents, which are both populated. The capital city of Coronet is a metropolis that boasts some of the finest brewed ales and lagers, the five-star hotels and taverns attracting tourists from all over the galaxy. The bars in the dark alleys, however, are not recommended for the outsiders. Deceit and treachery describe only the surface of what takes place behind the backs of law. Other tourist attractions at Coronet include the Coronet City Museum of Art with the complete collection of Venthan Chassus works and the Coronet City Zoological and Botanical Gardens. Corellia University located in Coronet has one of the best Astronautical Engineering programs among all universities in the galaxy. Corellia is also home to many luxury residences of important political figures or wealthy merchants. Some of these luxurious residences are open to tourist traffic, but most are not. Because of the concentration of the elite class on this planet, there are many hotels on Corellia that are among the galaxys best. The Grand Corellia, a very high-class hotel found in the center of the sister cities of Coronet, Carrara, and Corona, occupies hundreds of acres of land. Three separate buildings combine to offer guests indoor sports, casino gaming, dance halls, and restaurants manned with some of the galaxys most talented chefs. While outside of the buildings, there are also many activities available at its pools, hiking trails, or the wild game hunting grounds. Of course, a stay at the Grand Corellia carries a hefty price tag. A night of stay plus the usual meals and activities at this hotel's famous Imperial Suites may cost as much as a typical workers yearly salary. While the south pole region is formed above a frozen continent, the north pole has no actual land mass. Floating icebergs make seafaring in this region of the high seas especially dangerous in the winter months. The largest cities were Coronet - the planetary capital, the mountianous Cythera, Carystus, Corinth, Imperial Citadel, Memorial Park, Carthage, Argos, Corona, Korrian, Tyrena, Siagetopia, Dark Wing Headquarters, Larissa, Paradise Estates, Isola, Cardoune, Boniastoria, Vodotropolis, Emperor City, Glacier City. Emigrants native to the neighboring planet of Selonia constructed an elaborate network of tunnels beneath the planet's surface. These Selonian Tunnels were used by people of all races as a kind of subterranean metropolis. Space above Corellia was dominated by massive Shipyards. The Selonian Tunnels was the name given to groups of subterranean tunnels constructed by Selonian emigrants to Corellia. They were inhabited by peoples of all species The Forgotten Spires was three ancient, manufactured spires located on the plains of the planet Corellia. The origins and purpose of these monuments were lost to the ages, though they bore a striking resemblance to the Forgotten Spire on Dathomir.
  • Corellia is planet in the Coreward Worlds and a founding member of the Galactic Republic.
  • Corellia is where Corellians come from. Corellia was the most important of the Core Worlds, hence the name Core-ellia. Due to the suspicious abundance of Corellians who played important roles in galactic history, it is even more suspicious that Darthipedia has no article about it. Someone really needs to write one, even if its only content is saying that someone need to write an article about it. Hey, wait a minute...
  • Corellia este planeta capitală a sistemului corellian, care includea şi Selonia, Drall, Tralus şi Talus. A fost de asemenea locul de naştere al contrabandistului şi generalului Noii Republici Han Solo, dar şi al pilotului din Escadrila Vagabond şi eroului Noii Republici Wedge Antilles şi a altor oameni care au jucat roluri importante în istoria Alianţei Rebele, Noii Republici şi Alianţei Galactice. Împreună, planetele acestui sistem stelar erau cunoscute drept "Cei trei fraţi". Fiind cea mai mare şi mai apropiată de Corell, Corellia era des numită "Fratele mai mare" sau "Cel mai mare". Istoricii credeau că Celestialii asamblaseră sistemul artificial, lumile fiind aduse din alte părţi ale galaxiei din motive necunoscute. Unii credeau că aceşti Celestiali populaseră Corellia cu oameni de pe Coruscant. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. It was also the birthplace of smuggler and New Republic General Han Solo and Rogue Squadron pilot and New Republic hero Wedge Antilles. Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the "Eldest Brother" or the "Eldest." Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believed that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant.
  • After the fall of Coruscant, and the death and destruction caused by it, Corellia rose to the eminent position in the Galaxy. No longer second to the Imperial Capital, Corellia now lead the Galaxy in production, art, education and, of course, nobility. The problem wasn't so much becoming first, but staying there. Corellia's nobles vowed that Corellia would never again be second, and have singlemindedly devoted their resources to maintaining Corellian superiority in everything. The fault cannot be placed soley on the Nobility, of course. The Corellian people are proud. And when other planets began expanding, Corellia not only wished to remain atop the ladder, but maintain their advantage. So they simply added rungs to climb. Pushing their factories harder, building new ones on fertile land. They have abused their planet nonstop, and her fertile lands are now turning into a desert. A famous showdown between the Elder Solo (General Solo of the Rebellion) and the Noble Council ended with the General storming out after berating the mostly younger council for their folly and greed. They say that Han Solo never returned to Corellia after that meeting, and he died a few years later on Vasatissa. But that did not stop Corellia. The people and the nobility continue to feed their factories and their coffers. At the cost of their own planet. Many farmers have lost their land to ecological damage, and many others have lost jobs hauling food. Corellia's factories churn out weapons, armor, and ships, and some haulers still move mass cargo from the factories over the dangerous deserts to the spaceports. Their shipments are watched enviously by the unemployed who sit in their desert shantytowns, eking out a miserable living and watching the planet slide toward total desertification.
  • Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the "Eldest Brother" or the "Eldest." Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believed that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant.
  • Corellia is also home to the faithful CorSec Squadron, and those wishing to learn the piloting profession from this organization should seek out Sergeant Rhea. Like its neighbor Talus, Corellia is dominated by open grasslands, dense forests, and long beaches that make every corner of the planet a picturesque sight. Most areas of the planet are a quick ride from at least one major city, although the north-western mountains remain isolated from civilization; rumors hint at a hidden Rebel base somewhere in the area, though Imperial forces have been unable to verify these allegations. CorSec security has been similarly powerless to eliminiate the presence of terrorist Nyax, Drall, and Afarathu organizations that make their homes among Corellia's varied terrain.
  • Corellia Kategória:Planéty
  • Corellia is one of the Five Brothers because it is one of five inhabited planets of the Corellian system.
  • Corellia was één van de bekendste planeten in het universum. Deze faam had het te danken aan het belang dat de planeet heeft gespeeld in de kolonisatie van het universum en in de oprichting van de Republic.
  • Korelia (Corellia), to planeta znajdująca się w Światach jądra w układzie korelliańskim. Układ gwiezdny wokół gwiazdy Corell został sztucznie utworzony przez Niebiańskich, którzy przy pomocy stacji Centerpoint, posiadającej nadprzestrzenny promień ściagający, sprowadzili nadające się do zamieszkania planety. Na planecie nie wykształciły się żadne gatunki inteligentne - wszystkie są pochodzenia obcego. Po roku 27500 BBY Ludzie z Coruscant przejęli od swych rakatańskich zniewolicieli technologię hibernacji, która umożliwiła im wreszcie wyrwać się z rodzimego układu gwiezdnego i wysłać statki kolonizacyjne ku innym gwiazdom (tzw. Sleeper Ship). Jedną z tych gwiazd była Corell. Po setkach lub tysiącach lat podróży dotarły uśpione statki kolonizacyjne na Korelię. W układzie koreliańskim, na Drallu oraz na Selonii, istniały już cywilizacje Drallów i Selonian. Pierwszych sprowadzili tu Niebiańscy, drudzy wyewoluowali w układzie. Nie wiadomo czy oba gatunki posiadały już kolonie na Korelii, czy zamieszkały tam aż po przybyciu Ludzi. W każdym razie Ludzie zdobyli dominację na planecie. Niedługo jednak na układ zwrócili uwagę Rakatanie i ich Bezkresne Imperium podbijając wszystkie planety. Kiedy około roku 25200 BBY Rakatanie zostali zaatakowani przez zgubny wirus, który pozbawiał ich możliwości korzystania z Mocy (używali ciemnej strony Mocy) i Bezkresne Imperium zaczęło się rozpadać Korelianie zbuntowali się przeciwko nim i zwyciężyli. Uzyskali dostęp do znajdujących się w układzie okrętów rakatańskich, które wyposażone były w Hipernapęd, jednak był on dla nich bezużyteczny, bowiem napędzała go ciemna strona Mocy. Niemal dwieście lat prowadzili badania nad hipernapędem i próbowali odkryć sposób w jaki możnaby było uruchomić hipernapęd bez uzycia Mocy. Udało im się to wreszcie w roku 25053 BBY. Skonstruowanie hipernapędu doprowadziło do utworzenia regularnych i szybkich połączeń z pozostałymi koloniami ludzkimi na Światach jądra oraz z innymi zaawansowanymi cywilizacjami w tym regionie Galaktyki. W konsekwencji tych wydarzeń powstała Republika Galaktyczna, która następnie rozszerzała się do dalszych obszarów Galaktyki. Korelianie utworzyli bardzo oryginalną cywilizację ludzką z domieszką Selonian i Drallów. Korelia była przez większość czasu monarchią (absolutną w latach 25200 BBY - 312 BBY, konstytucyjną w latach 312 BBY - 150 BBY), potem rządy przejął Dyktat, który rządził aż do roku 12 ABY. Korelianie mieli opinię Ludzi wierzących, że potrafią dokonać cokolwiek bez uwzględniania prawdopodobieństwa sukcesu. Z Korelii pochodziło bardzo wielu znanych pilotów i przemytników. Korelianie są znani z przywiązania do swojej ojczystej planety i skłonności do poświęceń, także w walce.
  • Corellia was a Planet near the core world of the Galaxy. Humans were the main inhabitants of the planet. File:Corellia EaW.png
  • Corellia is a temperate planet covered by rolling hills, thick forests, lush fields, and large seas. Although regarded as an industrialized world, the majority of the planet's inhabitants occupy small towns or farms. The galaxy's most prolific starship manufacturing company, Corellian Engineering Corporation maintains orbital shipyards at Corellia, allowing the planet to remain largely rural.
  • Yleisesti aurinkokunnan planeetat tunnettiin Viitenä veljeksenä. Corelliaa kutsuttiin usein "Isoveljeksi" tai "Vanhimmaksi", koska se oli planeetoista suurin ja lähimpänä järjestelmän tähteä, Corellia. Historioitsijat uskovat, että järjestelmä oli keinotekoisesti rakennettu muualta galaksista tuoduista maailmoista. Jotkut myös uskoivat, että järjestelmän rakentajat asuttivat Corellian Coruscantilta tuoduilla ihmisillä.
  • Corellias Oberfläche wird von Gebirgen, dichten Wäldern, üppigen Feldern und großen Gewässern geziert. Obwohl Corellia als eine industrielle Welt angesehen wird, bewohnen die meisten seiner Einwohner Farmen und kleine Städte oder Dörfer. Der Planet fügte sich aus drei großen Kontinenten zusammen, die allesamt bewohnt waren. Da die Industrie sich überwiegend auf die Werften um den Planeten herum beschränkte, blieb Corellia selbst überraschend natürlich für eine so industrielle und einflussreiche Welt.
  • Corellia fu il pianeta capitale del Sistema Corelliano, il quale includeva inoltre Selonia, Drall, Tralus e Talus. Fu il luogo di nascita del contrabbandiere della Nuova Repubblica Han Solo, così come del pilota della Squadriglia Rogue ed eroe della Nuova Repubblica Wedge Antilles, senza contare altri numerosissimi guerrieri che parteciparono insieme all'Alleanza Ribelle nella sua guerra contro l'Impero. I pianeti del sistema erano di fatto conosciuti anche collettivamente con i Cinque Fratelli. Essendo il pianeta più grande ed il più vicino alla stella Corell, Corellia era chiamato il Fratello Anziano, o il Vecchio. Gli storici credono come l'intero Sistema fu assemblato artificialmente dai Celestiali, prendendo i suoi pianeti da differenti zone dell'intera Galassia per ragioni sconosciute. In effetti il Sistema Corelliano è forse l'unico ad essere composto quasi totalmente da mondi abitabili, cosa che invece non accade nella maggior parte degli altri sistemi dove solitamente uno o due pianeti sono in grado di ospitare la vita. Secondo alcuni, infine, i Celestiali popolarono il sistema con Umani provenienti da Coruscant.
  • [Source] Corellia était une planète se trouvant dans les Mondes du Noyau. Elle était renommée pour ses as du pilotage et ses imposants vaisseaux. Des navires comme le Faucon Millenium et des vaisseaux Impériaux étaient construits sur Corellia par la Corporation Technique Corellienne. La Voie Marchande Corellienne partait de Corellia pour Duro. Au cours de l'ère Impériale, une organisation connue sous le nom de Résistance Corellienne opérait sur la planète et affrontait l'Empire Galactique. Une de ses membres, Miru Nadrinakar, tenta d'empêcher l'éradication des cellules de résistance. Corellia était le monde natal de Han Solo, Wedge Antilles, Crix Madine, BoShek, le Besalisk Gadren, le chasseur de primes Dengar, ainsi que les initiés Jedi Kalifa et Petro.
  • Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus. Collectively, the planets of the system were known as the Five Brothers. As the largest planet and the closest to Corell, Corellia was often called the "Eldest Brother" or the "Eldest." Historians believed the Celestials assembled the system artificially, the worlds brought from other parts of the galaxy for unknown reasons. Some believe that these Celestials populated Corellia with Humans from Coruscant. Corellia's surface was extremely temperate, dominated by hills, forests, farmland, beaches, snow-capped mountaint and large seas. With most of its famed manufacturing centers lifted into orbit, the planet remained largely undeveloped, with small villages and farming communities comprising the bulk of urban development. It is rumored to have many deep underwater caverns with orange Lightsaber crystals. The largest city was Coronet—the planetary capital. Immigrants from the neighboring planet of Selonia constructed an elaborate network of tunnels beneath the planet's surface. These Selonian Tunnels were used by people of all races as a kind of subterranean metropolis, though the deepest levels were traveled exclusively by Selonians. Space above Corellia was dominated by vast shipyards.
  • It's a planet and home of some of the famous Jedi Masters such as Bethany and Spark Vallen. More information and RP history are forthcoming.
  • Corellia era un planeta de los Mundos del Núcleo y un miembro fundador de la República Galáctica.
  • Corellia, o Corelia, era el centro comercial e industrial de la Galaxia y planeta capital del Sector Corelliano, que incluye a: Corellia, Selonia, Drall, Talus y Tralus. Fue también el planeta de origen del contrabandista y General de la Nueva República Han Solo y del héroe del Escuadrón Pícaro Wedge Antilles. Este sistema era conocido colectivamente como los Cinco Hermanos. Siendo el planeta más grande y el más cercano a Corell, Corellia solía ser conocido como el “Hermano Mayor” o simplemente el “Mayor”. Los historiadores creen que el sistema fue formado artificialmente por los celestiales con planetas traídos desde otras partes de la Galaxia por razones desconocidas. Algunos creen que estos celestiales poblaron Corellia con humanos de Coruscant.
  • thumbCorellia er hovedplaneten i Det Corellianske Systemet, som inkluderer Drall, Selonia og tvillingplanetene Talus og Tralus. Corellia er hjemplanet til smugler og Opprører helt Han Solo, smugleren Garris Shrike og pilot Wedge Antillies. Corellianerne er kjent som smuglere, romfarere og eventyrere. Corellia har massive skipsverft og kjente produkter som YT-seriene som inkluderer Tusenårsfalken og Corellianske Korvetter eller "Blokadebrytere" som Tantive 4. Planeten er dekket av sletter, skoger, fjell, øyer og hav. Hovedstaden er Coronet, mens andre kjente byer indeholder Kor Vella, Tyrena og Doaba Guerfel. De tre hovedartene er Menneske, Drall og Selonianere. Det var på Corellia at Senatorene Mon Mothma, Bail Prestor Organa og Garm Bel Iblis signerte krigserklæringen mot Imperiet. * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • Queen Corellia is the beautiful and apparently ageless Queen of the Rainbow Nation, Anuenue. Her palace is in Komo Mai. She is a lover of peace and one of the few remaining pacifists in the world. She is very formal and business like when addressing Sagi and company, perhaps even a bit critical and pompous. She ignores his warnings until too late but is thankful for his help in driving out the empire. She becomes friends with Sagi and Milly over the course of the adventure. It is this friendship which softens her demeanor to outsiders. She wishes them the best and meets them in Alfard as they set off to Mira for their honeymoon.
  • corellia was the capital of the corellian system and the best ship making planet in the force unleashed universe it was home to anumber of tie fighter construction facilities but joined the rebellion at the treatey of corellia to make ships of the rebel fleet winning major victories for the rebellion.
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