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  • Andur Sunrider was a Human male who served as a Jedi trainee during the days of the Galactic Republic. During his childhood he demonstrated a natural interest in the history of the Jedi Order, and enjoyed hearing stories from his grandfather, the Jedi Master Jev Sunrider. Following the death of his grandfather, Andur intensified his dedication to studying everything he could regarding the Jedi. During this time he married a young woman by the name of Nomi and bought a ship which he renamed the Lightside Explorer.
  • Old Republic era
  • *Jedi Order *Galactic Republic
  • Brown
  • Andur Sunrider
  • Human
  • Darada
  • Male
  • 4000
  • Chamma
  • 4021
  • Andur Sunrider was a Human male who served as a Jedi trainee during the days of the Galactic Republic. During his childhood he demonstrated a natural interest in the history of the Jedi Order, and enjoyed hearing stories from his grandfather, the Jedi Master Jev Sunrider. Following the death of his grandfather, Andur intensified his dedication to studying everything he could regarding the Jedi. During this time he married a young woman by the name of Nomi and bought a ship which he renamed the Lightside Explorer. Eventually, his dedication to his studies caught the attention of Jedi Master Chamma, who invited Andur to train as his apprentice on the planet of H'ratth. He studied under Master Chamma for two years and excelled at his training, learning everything that Chamma could teach him. During his time on H'ratth, he and Nomi gave birth to a young daughter whom they named Vima. Once Chamma realized that Andur required further training from a more experienced master, Chamma advised him that he would finish his training under the guidance of Master Thon on Ambria. During Andur's trip to Ambria, he was murdered by criminals who were after the Adegan crystals he was carrying. Many years after his death, Andur's memory lived on through his daughter Vima, who constructed an enormous ice sculpture of her father during her Jedi training on Rhen Var.