  • Hu Where
  • Hu Where is a Ninja Picnicker NPC who hangs out at the Avant Gardens Launch Area. After defeating the Spider Queen and destroying the Maelstrom fog hanging over the Launch Area, players can talk with Hu Where, Swabby Bilgebarrel, and Eeekums to complete the Making Friends achievement. Hu Where is also a Model Vendor. His inventory consists of Ninja and Fortress models for Free-to-Play players who cannot go to Forbidden Valley.
  • Hu Where is a Ninja Picnicker NPC who hangs out at the Avant Gardens Launch Area. After defeating the Spider Queen and destroying the Maelstrom fog hanging over the Launch Area, players can talk with Hu Where, Swabby Bilgebarrel, and Eeekums to complete the Making Friends achievement. Hu Where is also a Model Vendor. His inventory consists of Ninja and Fortress models for Free-to-Play players who cannot go to Forbidden Valley. Hu Where is secretly a Paradox agent who came to Avant Gardens to collect a Maelstrom Cube for his master in Forbidden Valley. He sends players to talk to Wisp Lee about getting a Maelstrom Cube. After players return with the cube, Hu Where vanishes to give the Maelstrom Cube to his master, but reappears a few minutes later so players can continue to buy and sell items with him. He has a reputation for carrying around picnic baskets, as noted by Wisp Lee when players get a Maelstrom Cube from him. He is apparently one of Paradox's top agents because no one ever knows where he is, and he's smarter than the average Ninja.
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