  • Remember Me
  • Remember Me
  • Remember me
  • Remember Me
  • Remember Me
  • USS Wellington (menc.)
  • In the soft wind I was watching while the flower petals danced and made up my mind I’ll let the past be the past No longer scared to reach out ’cause It’s time I became someone Time to catch something So I took one step forward (What they say never matters) What will I see, and who will I meet? (What they say never matters) What could I become? All that want to The blue sky breathed in the flowers Please remember me Even if it’s not everyday
  • Betazoid; chocolade; communicator; Crusher, Jack; Delos IV; Durenia IV; Federatie; Ferengi; Hill, Cara; Hill, Richard; jazz; Kansas; Kenda II; Kosinski; poker; Quaice, Patricia; Selar; Starfleet; Sterrenbasis 133; sterrenkaart; Tau Alpha C; Troi, Lwaxana; Wellington, USS.
  • "Remember Me" was the 79th episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Remember Me.
  • W Bazie Gwiezdnej 133 USS Enterprise przebywa w celu wymiany załogi. W tym czasie Wesley przeprowadza eksperyment z nowym polem warp. Na pokład przybywa stary znajomy Dr Crusher, Dr Dalen Quaice. Kiedy nie przybywa na umówione śniadanie Dr Crusher odkrywa, że nikt taki nie istniał. Wkrótce zaczynają znikać inni członkowie okrętu. To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Pomóż Memory Alpha rozszerzając go.
  • Remember Me is the fourth episode of the fifth season and the 80th overall episode of Private Practice.
  • The game received mixed to positive reviews upon release, with general praise going to the story concept, some of the gameplay elements and the general setting while the main criticisms being laid against other aspects of the story, weak platforming, poor design choices and formulaic combat.
  • A high school girl discovers that her teachers, friends, and acquaintences no longer seem to recognize her. Later, even her own family members claim they don't know who she is, causing her to question her own sanity.
  • Remember Me is a song performed by Zendaya and appears in the season 3 and series finale of Shake It Up in the episode, Remember Me.
  • Remember Me is the first episode of the sixth series of Shameless. It focused on the life of Ian Gallagher and saw him temporarily leave Chatsworth.
  • thumb |} Remember Me (pol. Pamietaj o mnie (prawdopodobnie)) jest to dwudziesty szósty i zarazem ostatni odcinek odcinek trzeciego sezonu serialu Taniec rządzi. Jest to także ostatni odcinek tego serialu.
  • Remember Me is the ninth episode of the second season of The 100. It is the twenty-second episode of the series overall.
  • Remember Me is a 2010 drama film starring Robert Pattinson, Pierce Brosnan and Emilie de Ravin. It follows the lives of two families in New York city. Tyler (Pattinson) is a typical screw up young college student who only seems to care about his little sister Caroline as his home life is fairly screwed up since his parents are divorced and the father (Brosnan) has remained distant ever since the eldest brother killed himself. Tyler meets Allie (De Ravin) who has issues of her own, her mother being murdered on the subway in front of her when she was eleven and her father being an overprotective fireman.
  • A tunnel. A cave? Dark, damp, and warm. Scale-Song ran toward the hazy light, hearing his footsteps echo in the narrow passage, sinking deeper into the mud. "How can I sink in this?" he asked aloud. "I am of parents born in Black Marsh." When he could no longer move, Scale-Song bowed his head, listening to the moisture dripping from the roots twisted above him. Soon, it would be over. He would return to the Hist. How embarrassing, though, for an Argonian to suffocate in mud. "Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked aloud. "I am dead." "Dead? Who are you?" "It? What is it?"
  • It's a glorious morning as I wake up and go downstairs, ready to have breakfast. My mom comes down shortly after with my dad, and we all sit down ready to have breakfast, and we make general small talk. Before long, as usual, my dad leaves for work, which always bugs me in the morning. I wish he could spend some more time at home, but I guess I get to see him later on after school. Please, try and remember me. Remember me...
  • 2
  • 4
  • 336.0
  • 673.0
  • 1
  • 3
  • Legacy
  • 1990-10-22
  • 1
  • Pamiętaj o mnie
  • Final Entry
  • 4
Numer odcinka
  • 78
  • 250
  • Suddenly Human
  • 21600
  • TNG
  • No
  • "Remember me"
  • 2367
  • 405
  • brak
original upload date
  • Dec.4.2011
  • 441612
  • Remember Me
  • 44161.200000
  • 1
  • 9
  • 304
  • 2367
  • 2013-06-19
  • Sele-P
  • Jason Smith, Ryan Filkins, Cristina Lake
  • Remember Me
  • Single
  • episode
  • 1990-10-22
  • 2009-01-27
  • 2011-10-20
  • 2015-01-21
  • Sam and Addison kissing.
  • Season 5, episode 4
extra punctuation
  • 1
  • 1
  • Anonymous
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • 179
  • Remember Me
  • Crusher_Picard_Remember_Me.jpg
  • black; color:white
  • epair
  • epprod
  • Remember Me Thumbnail.jpg
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • TNG
  • Petescarlett.jpg
  • 4
  • 2010-07-18
  • --06-03
  • Remember Me
  • 4
  • Dontnod Entertainment
  • Capcom
Cover size
  • 250
  • Remember Me
Kod produkcji
  • 326
data premiery w USA
  • 2013-11-10
  • USS Wellington (menc.)
  • In the soft wind I was watching while the flower petals danced and made up my mind I’ll let the past be the past No longer scared to reach out ’cause It’s time I became someone Time to catch something So I took one step forward (What they say never matters) What will I see, and who will I meet? (What they say never matters) What could I become? All that want to The blue sky breathed in the flowers Please remember me Even if it’s not everyday
  • Betazoid; chocolade; communicator; Crusher, Jack; Delos IV; Durenia IV; Federatie; Ferengi; Hill, Cara; Hill, Richard; jazz; Kansas; Kenda II; Kosinski; poker; Quaice, Patricia; Selar; Starfleet; Sterrenbasis 133; sterrenkaart; Tau Alpha C; Troi, Lwaxana; Wellington, USS.
  • "Remember Me" was the 79th episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
  • Remember Me is a 2010 drama film starring Robert Pattinson, Pierce Brosnan and Emilie de Ravin. It follows the lives of two families in New York city. Tyler (Pattinson) is a typical screw up young college student who only seems to care about his little sister Caroline as his home life is fairly screwed up since his parents are divorced and the father (Brosnan) has remained distant ever since the eldest brother killed himself. Tyler meets Allie (De Ravin) who has issues of her own, her mother being murdered on the subway in front of her when she was eleven and her father being an overprotective fireman. The film is mostly remembered for its controversial ending which some found offensive but many people have spoken up in favor of it, saying it was handled in a very classy way. And to those who feel it was tacked on, the event itself actually inspired the film. * All There Is to Know About "The Crying Game": Yes this is the movie that has 9/11 as a twist ending. What's the actual plot though? * Berserk Button: Allie's father Neil seems like a sensible enough man but don't you dare mention his wife. And in Tyler's case, don't ever harm Caroline. * Book Ends: The film opens and ends with Allie in the subway. * Brick Joke: Aidan brags about having slept with a girl of every ethnicity. Allie asks about an eskimo and he responds that there is a certain girl who works at the library. The focus then switches to Tyler arriving home to find Allie's father waiting for him. After that big scene is over, Allie arrives home saying she'd just been at the library speaking with the girl in question. * Buffy-Speak: Tyler and Allie decide that Aidan is actually addicted to being an asshole and dub him an "assaholic". * Call Back: At the very end of the film Allie rides on the subway for the first time since her mother's murder, to show she's moving on. * Cerebus Callback: Inverted. Early on in the movie Tyler is bailed out of jail by his father in a sombre scene. The second time it happens, much later in the story, it's a humorous scene with Charles and Tyler laughing about it. * Chekhov's Gun: The reveal of 9/11 is foreshadowed by a shot of the Twin Towers at the beginning and Tyler goes to see American Pie 2 which was of course released in the summer of 2001. Not to mention that the start of the movie takes place in 1991 and then it skips ten years. * Chekhov's Gunman: The girls in Caroline's class are seen giggling unkindly at her in one scene and don't appear again until Caroline has to go to a birthday party, where the incident prompts the entire family to pull together. * Child Prodigy: Caroline. She's quite a talented artist and is implied to get good grades at school. * Cool Loser: Caroline. * Daddy Didn't Show: Charles misses Caroline's art show because he's at a business meeting. * Everyone Loves Blondes: Allie. She's funny, she's cute, she's perky and she loves life. * Expository Hairstyle Change: In the epilogue we see Caroline's hair grown back symbolising her and Charles bonding after Tyler's death while Allie's hair is also longer. * Fake American: British Robert Pattinson, Irish Pierse Brosnan and Australian Emilie De Ravin all playing New Yorkers. * Fan Service: Allie certainly gets plenty of scenes showing off her lovely legs. * Foreshadowing: A shadow of a bird in the shape of a plane can be seen on Tyler's back during a love scene. * Gilligan Cut: Allie says she'll stay at the party for a drink or two. Cut to her throwing up in the toilet and passing out. * Girl Posse: Eleven-year-old versions of them. * Humiliation Conga: The girls who bully Caroline aren't punished because the incident didn't happen on school property. So Tyler steps in. Half of it happens off-screen but the girls who bullied Caroline get their just desserts from Tyler and Charles. Tyler grabs one of the girl's desks off the floor, flings it at the wall and then throws it back in front of her before throwing a fire extinguisher through the classroom door. It's then revealed that Charles has pulled some strings so that the school can't press charges against Tyler or else he'll do the same for what happened to Caroline. And he's also threatened to sue all of the girls' parents unless they all immediately transfer to other schools. * Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Charles and Tyler. Guess it runs in the family. Aidan could also count. * Kick the Dog: Caroline, with her hair cut off, has to be brought into school by Tyler because she's so shaken. One of the other girls sarcastically remarks "I like your hair". * Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Allie is a more realistic version of the trope, while displaying a few of the characteristics such as eating desert at the start of a meal just in case she dies before she gets to have it, she has issues of her own with her father. And in a variation of the typical plot, Tyler actually seeks her out first. * Missing Mom: Allie's mother is murdered by muggers at the start of the film. Caroline's mother doesn't really seem to be that involved in her daughter's life. * Papa Wolf: Little girls, you should not have been mean to Caroline. * Posthumous Narrator: Tyler, by way of a Twist Ending. * Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Tyler and Aidan. * Shoot the Shaggy Dog: The family have all got their lives sorted out and then Tyler is suddenly killed in the 9/11 attacks. Subverted then when we see that the characters eventually do move on from his death. * Traumatic Haircut: Caroline goes to a slumber party with girls from school and the next time we see her a huge chunk of her hair has been cut off. * Viewers Are Geniuses: A viewer can easily see the twist coming by just simply doing the math in the time skip. * Wham! Line: The teacher casually writing the date on the blackboard: September 11th, 2001. * Who Wears Short Shorts?: Allie. Justified though since summers get very hot in New York. * Why Did You Make Me Hit You?: Neil strikes Allie in a moment of rage when she taunts him about her mother. * Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Even though the little girls traumatized Caroline, Tyler doesn't physically hit them -- he just settles for scaring them shitless instead.
  • It's a glorious morning as I wake up and go downstairs, ready to have breakfast. My mom comes down shortly after with my dad, and we all sit down ready to have breakfast, and we make general small talk. Before long, as usual, my dad leaves for work, which always bugs me in the morning. I wish he could spend some more time at home, but I guess I get to see him later on after school. I head off to school, and I meet up with my mates. There is Paul, the resident joker, he never fails to cheer us up on bad days. Then there is Gary, the gamer. Every group has one, you know, the one who talks nonstop about his favourite games? Yeah, that one. But he is a great guy, and we always have a laugh if we play games. Then there is Sarah, the rock chick. She's also the best thing that ever happened to me. Almost two years now since we met, and about two weeks after we met we were going out, and it's been the best time of my life. We set off to go to math class, and our teacher looks at us like he usually does. We're late, but he doesn't mind much, he's a great bloke. He will help you with anything you need, and he doesn't mind a few late turn-ups and a few missed homeworks, but don't take advantage, otherwise he will tear into you. He comes past, hands me my book and walks off, as usual. I do the least amount of work I can to get by and leave for my next class. The day is pretty much the same from there, next lesson, do work, chill with friends, see my girlfriend and hang out with her before we both go back to mine and chill. She is amazing, and I sometimes have to stop and reflect on how lucky I am. She looks into my eyes and says, "I love you." I say it back and we kiss, then she leaves and I play some games before turning in. Only, this time, something feels weird, almost like I'm dreaming already, but I know I'm not. Oh well, must just be tired, I'm zoning out already. I wake up to more glorious sunshine, and I go downstairs to find my mom and dad already there. Nothing unusual, it happens sometimes. I eat breakfast and my dad heads off as usual. Just before I go, I notice something. "Mom, where's our family photo gone? The one we had done a couple of years back?" "What photo, dear? Are you alright? You look pale," she replied. I was slightly pale, I know there was a picture there, it's the pride of our family, and it's gone, and my mom didn't notice. Oh well, she might be half asleep, and probably forgotten where she moved it to. I meet up with my friends and we head to lesson. It's maths first again, but this time, the teacher looks at me and asks if I'm in the right class. I tell him I am, but he insists that I'm not, but after my friends convince him, he just carries on anyway. He is quite old, so maybe it's old age, but I'm slightly worried now. I'm concerned that maybe he should get himself checked out. Ok, I'm freaking out slightly, I just checked the register and my name isn't on there. We spend the rest of the day talking about what happened, and trying to figure it out. Paul reckons it was a joke, and that it happens to someone every year. I don't believe him, but I act like it to keep him happy. I get back home (alone I might add, Sarah is ill), and the photo is back up, but I'm not in it for some reason. I ask my mom, and she seems puzzled, and says I was never in it. I go straight upstairs and go to bed, but it plays on my mind and I don't sleep very well. When I get up, it's raining, and I eat breakfast before making my way to school. I was running late, but I still met up with my friends, but they acted like they didn't know me. Paul asked me my name, and got freaked out when I knew all theirs. I asked where Sarah was, and they said she was ill and asked if I knew her. I don't believe this is happening, then a thought occurs: it's because of yesterday. I catch up with them and laugh about it. "Ok then, I get it, it's cause I wasn't on the register, very funny." But they walk off quicker, and Gary mutters "weirdo" under his breath as he passes me. I go to my class, annoyed with my friends, but apparently I'm not on the register, so I get up and leave. I head down to reception to sort it out, and see what's going on, but they don't know me and have no record of me being in this school. More freaked out, I just walk away and go home early. My mom greets me and asks why I'm home, and I tell her. She looks at me, and asks how I'm feeling. "I'm fine mom, why?" I say. She says back, "You don't go to that school, and you certainly don't know a Gary, or a Paul." Something else also caught my eye: all the photos of me were gone, and the photos that had me and others just had the others left. I'm scared now. I would say I woke up, but after recent events it's become impossible to sleep. I get up, slightly tired and head downstairs, and my mom asks if I'm okay, and I tell her I'm fine. I eat breakfast and tell her I'm off out. Since I apparently don't have school anymore, I head to Sarah's house, and after recent events I need her comfort. I knock on the door and greet her dad, but when I try to walk in, he asks me who I am. I tell him I'm Sarah's boyfriend, like he's always known, and he says she doesn't have one and asks me to leave. I ask to see Sarah, and she comes downstairs, but she doesn't know me, she asks who I am. I walk away, horrified and upset. How come nobody remembers me? What's happening to me? I go back home, and go straight to bed, crying. I don't understand what's going on at all. I stay up through the night, crying, and trying to think what is happening, but I don't know and I don't have any idea where to start. But I get up in the morning, head downstairs, and my mom screams when she sees me. I ask her what the matter is, and she just tells me to go away. My dad comes down, and threatens me with the police. I tell them I'm their son, but they say they have no son, so I run away, as far as I can, and I cry. I cry all the time, all day and all night. Why is this happening to me? What is going on? My own family doesn't even recognise me now, I have no one left. I walk, and I walk, never stopping. I find a police station, so I decide to ask them to see if they have any records on me. It sounds strange, but I wasn't exactly the cleanest kid around, just some minor shoplifting. They had nothing. They asked my name, I told them, but they didn't know anyone by that name. I told them what I'd done, so they arrested me. That was fine, at least they would know who I was, and I slept in a cell. When I woke up, they came to me and let me go, they asked how I'd gotten into the cell and why, but I just ran off. How come they don't remember me either? It's only been a day and they already forgot me! I can't stop crying, why am I still here if no one knows me? This is unbearable, I tried to find Sarah again, but she was kissing someone else! How could she do that to me?! Of course, I don't exist to her. Of course. I can't stop the tears now. I can't take this! From having a great life to having nothing! Why me? There's others who deserve it more than me, so why am I suffering? I begin to scream, and claw at my arms. I feel no pain anymore, I can't feel the tears on my cheeks, I can't feel the pain, just the blood trickling down my arm. I begin to laugh, and laugh harder, and then I cry while laughing. I'm gone! Ha ha ha! No one knows me, no one remembers me, I'm invisible! I'm closed off! I'm fucking no-one anymore! I'm a waste of space now, I'm just a wanderer, a worthless, miserable loner with nothing but a name. Literally. I'm staring at a gun, I found it in a house I broke into. What can they do, call the cops? Tell them a non-existent person just stole something? Well, no-one will miss me, seeing as no-one knows me. Might as well get this over with, but before I go, I ask one thing. Please, try and remember me. Remember me...
  • This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Remember Me.
  • W Bazie Gwiezdnej 133 USS Enterprise przebywa w celu wymiany załogi. W tym czasie Wesley przeprowadza eksperyment z nowym polem warp. Na pokład przybywa stary znajomy Dr Crusher, Dr Dalen Quaice. Kiedy nie przybywa na umówione śniadanie Dr Crusher odkrywa, że nikt taki nie istniał. Wkrótce zaczynają znikać inni członkowie okrętu. To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Pomóż Memory Alpha rozszerzając go.
  • A tunnel. A cave? Dark, damp, and warm. Scale-Song ran toward the hazy light, hearing his footsteps echo in the narrow passage, sinking deeper into the mud. "How can I sink in this?" he asked aloud. "I am of parents born in Black Marsh." When he could no longer move, Scale-Song bowed his head, listening to the moisture dripping from the roots twisted above him. Soon, it would be over. He would return to the Hist. How embarrassing, though, for an Argonian to suffocate in mud. His eyes opened suddenly. He'd had the same dream every night for weeks. Each night, he felt he was nearly at the cave's exit. Everything would be made clear once he reached it. And each morning, Scale-Song awoke, no closer to understanding the meaning of the imagery. "Clearly, the Hist speaks to you," said his egg-brother Gash-Tail. "Tonight, ask what it wants. Talk to it.""I'll try," said Scale-Song, "but I never remember it's a dream until I'm awake." Gash-Tail reached into an earthenware jar on the shelf beside him. He handed Scale-Song a thick roll of leaves tied with twine. "Burn this," he said. "The incense may clear your mind. If the Hist wants you, you must listen." Scale-Song nodded. Advice like this was precisely why he sought Gash-Tail's help. For the first time in a long while, he couldn't wait for night to fall. The burnt incense filled his hut with thick gray smoke that coiled heavily along the ground like fog. Scale-Song hadn't expected it to smell so horribly. Still, he watched the smoke spread slowly throughout the room, his eyelids growing heavier and heavier. A cave. A tunnel? Smoke drifted along the muddy floor. Scale-Song stopped running and reached out a hand toward the smoke. Talk. Ask. Speak. "Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked aloud. "I am dead." "Dead? Who are you?" The smoke coalesced into a shimmering figure, hooded and cloaked. Its tail twitched. "I am dead," the figure said. "Without it, all that I am will be lost forever. Find it. Remember." "It? What is it?" Scale-Song followed the figure through the dark passage. His feet no longer sank into the mire, as in all the other dreams. They walked in silence. Scale-Song was alert, but untroubled. It seemed like hours before the pair reached the tunnel's exit. The shimmering figure sighed deeply, pointing toward a shriveled tree. "A Hist," said Scale-Song, surprised. "Is this it? Dead … but how?" "Remember," said the figure, unfurling into the wind, but not before it pressed a Mnemic Egg into Scale-Song's hands.
  • Remember Me is the fourth episode of the fifth season and the 80th overall episode of Private Practice.
  • The game received mixed to positive reviews upon release, with general praise going to the story concept, some of the gameplay elements and the general setting while the main criticisms being laid against other aspects of the story, weak platforming, poor design choices and formulaic combat.
  • A high school girl discovers that her teachers, friends, and acquaintences no longer seem to recognize her. Later, even her own family members claim they don't know who she is, causing her to question her own sanity.
  • Remember Me is a song performed by Zendaya and appears in the season 3 and series finale of Shake It Up in the episode, Remember Me.
  • Remember Me is the first episode of the sixth series of Shameless. It focused on the life of Ian Gallagher and saw him temporarily leave Chatsworth.
  • thumb |} Remember Me (pol. Pamietaj o mnie (prawdopodobnie)) jest to dwudziesty szósty i zarazem ostatni odcinek odcinek trzeciego sezonu serialu Taniec rządzi. Jest to także ostatni odcinek tego serialu.
  • Remember Me is the ninth episode of the second season of The 100. It is the twenty-second episode of the series overall.
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