  • Gard
  • Gard
  • Gard
  • Gard
  • Gard
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre
  • El Gard es el lugar oficial en el que la Clave se reúne y el hogar del Cónsul e Inquisidor y sus familias (aunque al parecer vivir en el Gard es opcional ya que ambos disponen de lujosas y separadas residencias, junto con los miembros y representantes del Concilio). Se encuentra en Alacante, en la cima de la Colina de Gard.
  • Gard é um mago maligno que rogou a maldição sobre os vilões Ellen Redblade, Arthur Donovan III, Scythe e Sean Cavendish, obrigando-os a formar um grupo mortal e involuntariamente separável - o Grupo do Mal. Se qualquer um dos quatro morrer, outro (escolhido ao acaso) também morrerá.
  • Le Gard (30) est un dÉpartement du sud de la France et de la région Languedoc-Roussillon-Suds-de-France. Ses habitants sont les Doryphores. Leur langue, qu'on appelle également le "gardois", n'est ni écrite ni orale mais gutturale puisqu'à base de grognements. Les ricains appelent ce département : " The Fucking French Texas", en rapport aux taureaux, aux beuveries, aux voitures pleines de boue, et à la tendance politique très à droite.
  • Gard is a member of the Council of Beloveno. He planned the assasination of Herras, together with Riko. He was replaced by Melthar.
  • Miss Gard, whose real name is Sigrun, is a valkyrie who works as a security consultant of the supernatural. She first appears in Death Masks.
  • Gard är en av de två kyrkor på planeten Svoriin. Gard, den äldsta och mäktigaste kyrka på Svoriin, trodde att allt liv på planeten skapades av Högsta Guden, och deras allvetande välgörare, Thor, som hade använt det Stargate som fordon för att skapa Svoriin sig från kaos i universum. Gard och kyrkan Gemonite utkämpade många krig på grund av deras olika religiösa övertygelse, den mest framträdande som hade mycket olika uppfattningar om Stargate, som de inte kunde förena. Gemonite var dock bildats kring en enskild känd som Gemon, som hävdade att han var en profet av Thor under år 1198 och meddelade massorna att Stargate var helt enkelt ett heligt objekt genom vilket de kunde någon gång få återförenas med Thor. Även Gemon var stämplad som kättare av ledarna i Gard kyrkan, lyckades han samla et
  • Gard was a Trill symbiont who, over the centuries, consistently served as a special agent of the Trill Symbiosis Commission in seeking out the most serious threats to Trill society. Gard had had many more hosts than any other symbiont, and had also spent far longer than the usual several centuries as a joined Trill. The late-24th century host, Hiziki, remarked that he couldn't remember all of the previous hosts or their actions. He didn't know if this was because there were so many, or if it was due to some security measure he hadn't been briefed about. However, he didn't care as his purpose was all that mattered to him. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel: Trill: Unjoined)
  • The Svoriin fought many wars due to their differing religious beliefs; the most prominent two being the Gards and the Gemonites who had very differing beliefs about the Stargate, which they were unable to reconcile. The Gard, the oldest and most powerful church on Svoriin, believed that all life on their planet was created by the Supreme God, and their all-knowing benefactor, Thor, who had used the Stargate as a vehicle to create the Svoriin themselves from the chaos of the universe. The Gemonites, however, were formed around an individual known as Gemon who claimed he was a Prophet of Thor in the year 1198 and informed the masses that the Stargate was simply a holy object through which they would someday be reunited with Thor. Though Gemon was branded a heretic by the leaders of the Gard
Row 9 info
  • desconhecida
Row 8 info
  • desconhecidos
Row 4 info
  • Masculino
Row 7 title
  • Última Aparição
Row 1 info
  • desconhecido
Row 8 title
  • Classe e Nível
Row 4 title
  • Gênero
Row 9 title
  • Tendência
Row 2 info
  • Mago maligno
Row 6 info
Row 1 title
  • Status
Row 5 info
  • desconhecida
Row 2 title
  • Ocupação
Row 6 title
  • Primeira Aparição
Row 5 title
  • Espécie
Row 3 info
  • desconhecida
Row 3 title
  • Origem
Row 7 info
  • *John Marcone *Hendricks
Box Title
  • Gard
  • Gard
  • fed
  • Département
  • --08-19
  • "Valkyrien", painted by Peter Nicolai Arbo
  • *Fighter *Rune manipulation *Chooser of the slain
Character Name
  • Gard
  • Ice blue
  • Sigrun
  • Blonde
  • no
  • Female
  • Catégorie:lien vers Onomasticon Occitaniae sur Onomasticon Occitaniae (recueil de noms propres occitans)Catégorie:Renvoi vers Onomasticon OccitaniaeCatégorie:Nom propre
  • El Gard es el lugar oficial en el que la Clave se reúne y el hogar del Cónsul e Inquisidor y sus familias (aunque al parecer vivir en el Gard es opcional ya que ambos disponen de lujosas y separadas residencias, junto con los miembros y representantes del Concilio). Se encuentra en Alacante, en la cima de la Colina de Gard.
  • Gard was a Trill symbiont who, over the centuries, consistently served as a special agent of the Trill Symbiosis Commission in seeking out the most serious threats to Trill society. Gard had had many more hosts than any other symbiont, and had also spent far longer than the usual several centuries as a joined Trill. The late-24th century host, Hiziki, remarked that he couldn't remember all of the previous hosts or their actions. He didn't know if this was because there were so many, or if it was due to some security measure he hadn't been briefed about. However, he didn't care as his purpose was all that mattered to him. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel: Trill: Unjoined) One of Gard's specific concerns was dealing with the rare joined Trill who were so unstable as to become murderers. The first such "monster" was known as "The Butcher of Balin"; the fourth was executed by Kirista Gard circa 2195. The fifth, Joran Dax, was killed by an intended victim, but Verjyl Gard was present to help save the Dax symbiont. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor") Because of this specific purpose, the hosts selected for Gard underwent an even more rigorous screening process than for normal initiates. The potential host would be told about Gard's purpose and allowed to make an informed decision about whether to go ahead with the joining. As of 2376, only one selected host, a female, had refused. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel: Trill: Unjoined) Circa 2356, Verjyl Gard was approached by Taulin Cyl and informed about the Parasites, and the potential threat they posed to Trill. Gard became part of an unofficial group of Watchers who kept vigil for the creatures' return. In 2376, it was suspected that First Minister of Bajor Shakaar Edon had come under influence of the Parasites, and Hiziki Gard was assigned to a Trill diplomatic team to Deep Space 9. Upon determining Shakaar was indeed irreversibly infected, Gard assassinated the Bajoran leader. Shortly thereafter, Gard volunteered to be joined with a "mother" Parasite, in order to determine the extent of their infiltration on Bajor. He was able to obtain vital information before the Parasite was removed from him, with no permanent damage done. With the Parasite threat publicly acknowledged and defeated, Hiziki Gard was extradited to Trill and pardoned. (DS9 novel: Unity) Gard was present during the neo-Purist incited riots in early October 2376. He worked with Taulin Cyl, Ezri Dax and Julian Bashir during the crisis. (DS9 - Worlds of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine novel: Trill: Unjoined)
  • Gard é um mago maligno que rogou a maldição sobre os vilões Ellen Redblade, Arthur Donovan III, Scythe e Sean Cavendish, obrigando-os a formar um grupo mortal e involuntariamente separável - o Grupo do Mal. Se qualquer um dos quatro morrer, outro (escolhido ao acaso) também morrerá.
  • Le Gard (30) est un dÉpartement du sud de la France et de la région Languedoc-Roussillon-Suds-de-France. Ses habitants sont les Doryphores. Leur langue, qu'on appelle également le "gardois", n'est ni écrite ni orale mais gutturale puisqu'à base de grognements. Les ricains appelent ce département : " The Fucking French Texas", en rapport aux taureaux, aux beuveries, aux voitures pleines de boue, et à la tendance politique très à droite.
  • Gard is a member of the Council of Beloveno. He planned the assasination of Herras, together with Riko. He was replaced by Melthar.
  • The Svoriin fought many wars due to their differing religious beliefs; the most prominent two being the Gards and the Gemonites who had very differing beliefs about the Stargate, which they were unable to reconcile. The Gard, the oldest and most powerful church on Svoriin, believed that all life on their planet was created by the Supreme God, and their all-knowing benefactor, Thor, who had used the Stargate as a vehicle to create the Svoriin themselves from the chaos of the universe. The Gemonites, however, were formed around an individual known as Gemon who claimed he was a Prophet of Thor in the year 1198 and informed the masses that the Stargate was simply a holy object through which they would someday be reunited with Thor. Though Gemon was branded a heretic by the leaders of the Gard church, he managed to garner a large following through so-called "miracles" he performed thanks to a cache of Asgard technology which he discovered. (SG1: "Bane")
  • Miss Gard, whose real name is Sigrun, is a valkyrie who works as a security consultant of the supernatural. She first appears in Death Masks.
  • Gard är en av de två kyrkor på planeten Svoriin. Gard, den äldsta och mäktigaste kyrka på Svoriin, trodde att allt liv på planeten skapades av Högsta Guden, och deras allvetande välgörare, Thor, som hade använt det Stargate som fordon för att skapa Svoriin sig från kaos i universum. Gard och kyrkan Gemonite utkämpade många krig på grund av deras olika religiösa övertygelse, den mest framträdande som hade mycket olika uppfattningar om Stargate, som de inte kunde förena. Gemonite var dock bildats kring en enskild känd som Gemon, som hävdade att han var en profet av Thor under år 1198 och meddelade massorna att Stargate var helt enkelt ett heligt objekt genom vilket de kunde någon gång få återförenas med Thor. Även Gemon var stämplad som kättare av ledarna i Gard kyrkan, lyckades han samla ett stort följe genom sk "mirakel" han framförde tack vare en gömma av Asgard teknologi som han upptäckte. (RPG: "Stargate SG-1: Friends and Foes: Stargate Season Two") Kategori: Svoriin
is Row 5 info of