  • Darth Thanaton
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Darth Thanaton, born Teneb Kel, was a Human male and Dark Lord of the Sith who fought in the Great Galactic War. He was a member of the Dark Council and Head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. He is the main antagonist of the Sith Inquisitor Storyline in Star Wars: The Old Republic as well as the main protagonist villain of the tie-in webcomic Blood of the Empire
  • Darth Thanaton, born as Teneb Kel, was a Human male and Dark Lord of the Sith who fought in the Great Galactic War, Cold War and Second Great Galactic War.
  • Darth Thanaton, born as Teneb Kel, was a Human male and Dark Lord of the Sith who fought in the Great Galactic War, Cold War and Second Great Galactic War. As an apprentice, he learned the ways of the Sith under Lord Calypho and was frequently accompanied by a male Abyssin slave named Maggot.
  • Darth Thanaton was a Human male Inquisitor and Dark Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. Thanaton was born in 3696 BBY as Teneb Kel, a slave of the Empire who was discovered by the Sith Lord Calypho and taken as his apprentice on the Sith holy world of Korriban. There, Kel trained in the art of assassination and the secrets of the dark side of the Force until his Master's heresy and ambition resulted in Calypho's arrest and internment by the Empire's Dark Council. Now forced to carry the burden of his Master's disloyalty, Kel was sent by the Council to serve with the Imperial Military on the front lines of the Great Galactic War against the Galactic Republic and its Jedi Order. There he was joined by his Abyssin slave called Maggot and achieved many successe
  • Teneb Kel fue un esclavo humano que fue reclutado por el resurgente Imperio Sith para convertirse en un Sith bajo la tutela de Lord Calypho. Durante una escaramuza en Cholganna, Kel asesinó a un gran número de abyssinos, pero dejó vivir a uno, que se convirtió en su sirviente con el apodo de "Gusano". En la Gran Guerra Galáctica, después de ayudar a luchar contra la República Galáctica en la batalla de Begeren, el Concilio Oscuro arrestó a Calypho y asignó a Kel la misión de matar a Exal Kressh—la aprendiz del Emperador Sith. Rastreando a la aprendiz hasta Lenico IV, Kel no resultó ser capaz de matarla y fue derrotado. thumb|left No obstante, Kel descubrió en una visión de la Fuerza el objetivo de Kressh, el cual se trataba de destruir a los Hijos del Emperador, una división secreta de Sit
  • 50
  • Red
  • *Darth Kallous *Skar *Rolan
  • 1
  • Castaño oscuro, después gris
  • *Imperio Sith **Concilio Oscuro **Ámbito de conocimiento antiguo
  • 3641
  • c. 3.641 ABY, Korriban, Cámara del Concilio Oscuro
  • Carne
type of villain
  • Dark Knight / Rival / Fanatic
  • Azul; amarillo
  • 3695
  • Destroy Lord Kallig's power base
  • Kill Lord Kallig
  • Darth Thanaton / Teneb Kel
  • *Pale blue *Yellow
  • Jefe de la Esfera del Antiguo Conocimiento
  • Star Wars: The Old Republic
  • Mastery of the Dark Side of the Force
  • Immense Knowledge of Sith History and Sith Rituals
  • Proficient Single/Double-Bladed Lightsaber Wielder
  • Deceased
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Darth Thanaton#legends
  • Black/grey
  • Grey, previously light brown
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Sith
  • Male
  • *Meerdere Sith *Darth Kallous *Skar *Rolan
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Creating holocrons
  • Following tradition
  • Head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge
  • *Sith Lord *Dark Council member
  • Дарт Танатон
  • Дарт Танатон
  • Sith
  • Dark Thanaton#legends
  • 10
  • c. 3641 BBY
  • 250
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Darth Thanaton
  • Sith Lord
  • Member of the Dark Council
  • Head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge
  • Darth Thanaton
  • 68110
  • Teneb Kel
  • Elite
  • Fair
  • 3641
  • 3696
  • 300
  • c. 3641 BBY–
  • –c. 3641 BBY
  • *Darth Kallous *Skar *Rolan *Varios Sith
  • Darth Thanaton, born as Teneb Kel, was a Human male and Dark Lord of the Sith who fought in the Great Galactic War, Cold War and Second Great Galactic War. As an apprentice, he learned the ways of the Sith under Lord Calypho and was frequently accompanied by a male Abyssin slave named Maggot. After the arrest of Lord Calypho, Kel was sent on a dangerous mission by the Dark Council to hunt down the Emperor's traitorous apprentice, Exal Kressh. On the way, he experienced a Force vision in which he saw himself become a powerful Sith Lord named Darth Thanaton. He had even learned that Exal Kressh was a Child of the Emperor, an infiltrator among many who would do the Dark Lord's internal bidding. He had tracked Kressh all the way to Korriban and struck her down. Once the success of his mission, Kel returned to the Dark Council and demanded that he be granted the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and be renamed what he had been given in his vision. The Dark Council granted his wish and Darth Thanaton became a member of the Council - an honor he held for almost four decades until he was defeated by his powerful rival, the future Darth Nox, on the floor of the Council chambers on Korriban. He was then executed on the spot by one of his fellow Councillors, Darth Mortis.
  • Teneb Kel fue un esclavo humano que fue reclutado por el resurgente Imperio Sith para convertirse en un Sith bajo la tutela de Lord Calypho. Durante una escaramuza en Cholganna, Kel asesinó a un gran número de abyssinos, pero dejó vivir a uno, que se convirtió en su sirviente con el apodo de "Gusano". En la Gran Guerra Galáctica, después de ayudar a luchar contra la República Galáctica en la batalla de Begeren, el Concilio Oscuro arrestó a Calypho y asignó a Kel la misión de matar a Exal Kressh—la aprendiz del Emperador Sith. Rastreando a la aprendiz hasta Lenico IV, Kel no resultó ser capaz de matarla y fue derrotado. thumb|left No obstante, Kel descubrió en una visión de la Fuerza el objetivo de Kressh, el cual se trataba de destruir a los Hijos del Emperador, una división secreta de Sith cuyas mentes eran dominadas por la del Emperador. La República, usando información de Kressh, lanzó un ataque a Korriban, pero Kel asesinó a Kressh—con ayuda de Gusano, al que luego mató—poniendo fin a la batalla. Tras ésto, Kel se presentó ante el Concilio Oscuro, revelando la información sobre los Hijos del Emperador, y reclamando una posición en el Concilio bajo el nombre de Darth Thanaton. Posteriormente, en la Guerra Fría, Thanaton rivalizó con el Inquisidor Sith Kallig. Éste le retó a un duelo en la cámara del Concilio Oscuro en Korriban, y Thanaton terminó siendo derrotado por Kallig y eventualmente ejecutado a manos de Darth Mortis, otro consejero oscuro.
  • Darth Thanaton was a Human male Inquisitor and Dark Lord of the reconstituted Sith Empire during the Great Galactic War. Thanaton was born in 3696 BBY as Teneb Kel, a slave of the Empire who was discovered by the Sith Lord Calypho and taken as his apprentice on the Sith holy world of Korriban. There, Kel trained in the art of assassination and the secrets of the dark side of the Force until his Master's heresy and ambition resulted in Calypho's arrest and internment by the Empire's Dark Council. Now forced to carry the burden of his Master's disloyalty, Kel was sent by the Council to serve with the Imperial Military on the front lines of the Great Galactic War against the Galactic Republic and its Jedi Order. There he was joined by his Abyssin slave called Maggot and achieved many successes on the battlefield—including a vital victory in the battle for Begeren, wherein Kel's efforts ensured that the ancient Sith world would be reclaimed by the Empire. However, even after numerous military triumphs, Kel still carried with him the taint of his Master's failures in the eyes of the Dark Council. To ensure his obedience and put the young Sith to proper use, the Council recalled Kel to the Imperial capital of Dromund Kaas in 3678 BBY. There, they forced him to combat and nearly kill the imprisoned Calypho before giving Kel a mission of the utmost importance: to locate and execute Exal Kressh, former apprentice to the Sith Emperor and traitor to the Empire. After receiving direction from the Emperor himself, Kel took Maggot to the Lenico system where he unsuccessfully attempted to kill the rogue Sith; he was beaten by Kressh and left stranded on the dead world of Lenico IV, where he experienced a Force-induced vision that revealed to him Kressh's history. He learned that the Emperor was planning on turning her and countless others into his "Children"—puppets of his will and extensions of his presence—thereby ensuring his immortality and omnipotence. Kel escaped Lenico IV with Maggot's help and tracked Kressh to Korriban, where she had sparked a massive battle to distract from her plans to destroy the Emperor's Children. In the tombs beneath the Valley of the Dark Lords, Kel caught and killed his quarry, but was also forced to murder Maggot to ensure the Emperor's secret plans would not be revealed. His victory over Kressh and knowledge of the Emperor's Children allowed for Kel to return to the Dark Council and demand that they promote him from an apprentice to a Sith Lord. He seized the mantle of Darth Thanaton for himself and went about building a formidable power base within the Empire's Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. Throughout the remainder of the Great Galactic War, Thanaton gathered to himself a considerable amount of influence within the Imperial hierarchy and garnered a reputation as a strict Sith traditionalist—one who sought to uphold the historical precedents of Imperial politics and dark side philosophy. This disposition repeatedly brought him into conflict with Lord Zash, a young Sith witch who bucked tradition in favor of pursuing her own paths to power. Thanaton and his ally, Darth Skotia, believed Zash to be a corrupting influence, particularly given her supervisory position at the Korriban academy. Together, they worked to block her ascension until 3643 BBY, when Zash manipulated her apprentice into murdering Skotia so that she could access the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. Thanaton's attempts to punish Zash for the murder backfired and the Dark Council instead promoted her to Darth Zash, replacing Skotia as Thanaton's immediate subordinate. To Darth Thanaton's chagrin, Zash used her new position to pursue knowledge of immortality and spirit transfer by way of her apprentice, sending the slave-turned-Sith into the Dark Temple and the galaxy beyond to gather ancient artifacts of power. Zash's gambit ended when she was killed by her own apprentice, who then took the title of Lord Kallig. Around this time, Thanaton ascended to the Dark Council and used his place on the Empire's governing body to pursue the death of Kallig, who he believed was equally as corrupt as Zash. Despite his rise to the pinnacle of Sith power, Thanaton failed to kill Kallig on several occasions, motivating him to declare that he and the young Sith would engage in a Kaggath on the contested world of Corellia. The ancient Sith honor battle ended in defeat for Thanaton, who was forced to flee the planet and seek aid from his fellow Councilors on Korriban. Thanaton was followed and again defeated by Kallig in view of the Council; the elder Sith's weakness and violation of Kaggath decorum disappointed the Dark Lords and Darth Mortis snapped Thanaton's neck for his failures. Following his death, his command of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge was passed to Kallig, who took Thanaton's seat on the Council and the name Darth Nox.
  • Darth Thanaton, born Teneb Kel, was a Human male and Dark Lord of the Sith who fought in the Great Galactic War. He was a member of the Dark Council and Head of the Sphere of Ancient Knowledge. He is the main antagonist of the Sith Inquisitor Storyline in Star Wars: The Old Republic as well as the main protagonist villain of the tie-in webcomic Blood of the Empire
  • Darth Thanaton, born as Teneb Kel, was a Human male and Dark Lord of the Sith who fought in the Great Galactic War, Cold War and Second Great Galactic War.
is side of
is Apprentices of
is Después of
is Antes of
is Before of
is After of
is Masters of
is aprendices of