  • Azath Tower
  • The Azath Tower was a battered grey stone structure surrounded by lumpy, clay-shot earth located in the cemetery in the city of Letheras. Many Letherii held that the Azath tower was the very first true structure of the Azath on that world. This Azath House was dying and so made a bargain with Silchas Ruin, who was imprisoned within, to kill some of the more dangerous inhabitants that the House would free as it approached death, in exchange for his freedom.
  • The Azath Tower was a battered grey stone structure surrounded by lumpy, clay-shot earth located in the cemetery in the city of Letheras. Many Letherii held that the Azath tower was the very first true structure of the Azath on that world. This Azath House was dying and so made a bargain with Silchas Ruin, who was imprisoned within, to kill some of the more dangerous inhabitants that the House would free as it approached death, in exchange for his freedom. The child Kettle, the tower's guardian, became an Azath seed after its demise, which later led to the creation of Kettle House in the Refugium.