  • Camila Schiapp
  • Camila Schiapp was a female human, born on Earth in the 23rd century. A cultural anthropologist, Schiapp was a member of the covert Federation team assigned to the planet Mestiko in the mid-2260s. Schiapp remained on Mestiko following the discovery of a rogue pulsar heading through the Mestiko system, and died in 2265 a result of its close passage. (TOS eBook: Things Fall Apart)
  • Camila Schiapp was a female human, born on Earth in the 23rd century. A cultural anthropologist, Schiapp was a member of the covert Federation team assigned to the planet Mestiko in the mid-2260s. Schiapp remained on Mestiko following the discovery of a rogue pulsar heading through the Mestiko system, and died in 2265 a result of its close passage. (TOS eBook: Things Fall Apart)