  • Tardis:Guide to images
  • This section illustrates the dramatic impact of width on your images, especially as used in infoboxes. Your pictures must be a minimum of 250px wide, but it would be better if they were at least 450px. Look at what happens when we try to use a <250px width picture in an infobox. We'll use two images of the Spanish flag, since that flag has lots of intricate detail. The image at far right has a maximum width of 50px. But our infobox code will try to stretch the image to fill the space. Result: massive pixellation.
  • This section illustrates the dramatic impact of width on your images, especially as used in infoboxes. Your pictures must be a minimum of 250px wide, but it would be better if they were at least 450px. Look at what happens when we try to use a <250px width picture in an infobox. We'll use two images of the Spanish flag, since that flag has lots of intricate detail. The image at far right has a maximum width of 50px. But our infobox code will try to stretch the image to fill the space. Result: massive pixellation. The picture on the left is an obvious improvement. Because its maximum width is 450px, it easily scales down to 250px and completely fills the frame. The infobox therefore "looks right".