  • Tammy Wakefield
  • Tammy Wakefield appeared on Coronation Street in two roles: firstly as a Paramedic who in October 2000 attended a dying Dean Sykes who had been shot by police markswoman Emma Taylor after an unsuccessful armed robbery attempt at Freshco supermarket. She returned to the programme in November 2001 as midwife Vicky Jones who ran an antenatal class held at Rosamund Street Medical Centre that Emma attended with friend Charlie Ramsden.
  • Tammy Wakefield appeared on Coronation Street in two roles: firstly as a Paramedic who in October 2000 attended a dying Dean Sykes who had been shot by police markswoman Emma Taylor after an unsuccessful armed robbery attempt at Freshco supermarket. She returned to the programme in November 2001 as midwife Vicky Jones who ran an antenatal class held at Rosamund Street Medical Centre that Emma attended with friend Charlie Ramsden. Formerly serving for five years as a Medic in the Royal Navy, she completed a two-year acting course at The Bridge Theatre Training Company in 1998. Also credited for a similar role in London's Burning, she has appeared in feature films Oranges and Sunshine, The Passing Place, Vacation Hunter and The Trailer as well as stage productions including Gut Girls and Loot.