  • Pakled
  • Pakled
  • Pakled
  • Die Pakleds sind eine Spezies aus dem Alpha-Quadranten.
  • A deceptively intelligent humanoid race. Characteristically heavyset, these humanoids maintain a profitable cargo shipping consortium along the Federation/Cardassian border. They have an obsession with advanced technology they did not develop. Pakled ships usually have stolen or copied Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and Federation technology. Because of this they often find trouble with governmental shipping contracts, preferring to stay to grey-market or low budget shipping. Their simple, slow speech conceals their highly cunning and ambitious nature.
  • De Pakleds zijn erg gemotiveerd om technologisch snel te ontwikkelen en zijn niet bereid om dat op een natuurlijke manier te doen. Ze willen meteen kennis, wapens, en andere zaken, zonder daar zelf onderzoek naar te doen. Dit doen ze door te stelen. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare") Een handelsschip van de Pakleds redde Lore nadat hij bijna twee jaar in de ruimte was. (TNG: "Brothers") Tijdens de zoektocht naar de zussen Duras, Lursa en B'Etor, in 2370, betrad de USS Enterprise het Kalla systeem, dat in ruimte van de Pakleds ligt. (TNG: "Firstborn")
  • The Pakleds' own technology was significantly less advanced than that of many other spacefaring races. According to Data in 2365, it remained "a genuine curiosity how they ever mastered the rudiments of space travel." They were driven by their unwillingness to develop technological knowledge on their own, desiring to instantly gain the power that other cultures enjoyed. They therefore tried to acquire technology from other species, generally by theft. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare" ) Lore is shown wearing a Pakled outfit in "Brothers".
  • class M planet conditions
Species Name
  • Pakled
  • Grebnedlog, a Pakled male
  • A Pakled crewman on Deep Space 9
  • purplish
  • independent
Distinctive Features
  • obesity
  • Pakled Promenade.jpg
  • Species 95012
  • Die Pakleds sind eine Spezies aus dem Alpha-Quadranten.
  • De Pakleds zijn erg gemotiveerd om technologisch snel te ontwikkelen en zijn niet bereid om dat op een natuurlijke manier te doen. Ze willen meteen kennis, wapens, en andere zaken, zonder daar zelf onderzoek naar te doen. Dit doen ze door te stelen. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare") In 2365 kwam een Pakled transportschip de USS Enterprise-D voor het eerst tegen, in de Rhomboid Dronegar sector 006. Het schip, dat de Mondor heette, zond een noodsignaal uit omdat hun schip defect was en ze nieuwe technologie nodig hadden. Ze kregen hulp aangeboden van de Enterprise, die Geordi La Forge stuurde. Hij was de Hoofdingenieur van het schip. Zij ontvoerden La Forge, maar lieten hem gaan nadat de Enterprise veel "kracht" vertoonde met ongevaarlijk vuurwerk, dat te maken had met de Bussard collectoren. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare".) Een handelsschip van de Pakleds redde Lore nadat hij bijna twee jaar in de ruimte was. (TNG: "Brothers") Tijdens de zoektocht naar de zussen Duras, Lursa en B'Etor, in 2370, betrad de USS Enterprise het Kalla systeem, dat in ruimte van de Pakleds ligt. (TNG: "Firstborn") Aan het einde van het jaar 2370 gingen Pakleds over de Gedemilitariseerde zone heen om Cardassians te voorzien van een lading vaccinaties. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike") Pakleds bezochten regelmatig Deep Space 9. Twee Pakleds bezochten Deep Space 9 tijdens de staking van werknemers bij Quark's bar. Samen met een vrouwelijke Bolian waren ze er bijna de enige gasten. (DS9: "Bar Association")
  • A deceptively intelligent humanoid race. Characteristically heavyset, these humanoids maintain a profitable cargo shipping consortium along the Federation/Cardassian border. They have an obsession with advanced technology they did not develop. Pakled ships usually have stolen or copied Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian, and Federation technology. Because of this they often find trouble with governmental shipping contracts, preferring to stay to grey-market or low budget shipping. Their simple, slow speech conceals their highly cunning and ambitious nature.
  • The Pakleds' own technology was significantly less advanced than that of many other spacefaring races. According to Data in 2365, it remained "a genuine curiosity how they ever mastered the rudiments of space travel." They were driven by their unwillingness to develop technological knowledge on their own, desiring to instantly gain the power that other cultures enjoyed. They therefore tried to acquire technology from other species, generally by theft. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare" ) In 2365, a Pakled transport named Mondor sent out a Mayday in the Rhomboid Dronegar sector 006 in order to lure in other ships whose technology could then be stolen. They were offered assistance by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D, who lent the Pakleds their chief engineer, Geordi La Forge, to help fix the Pakled ship. The Pakleds kidnapped La Forge, but eventually returned him, after the Enterprise demonstrated its "force" with a harmless pyrotechnic display involving the Bussard collectors. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare" ) In 2366, a Pakled trade ship found and retrieved Lore after he had drifted in space for nearly two years. (TNG: "Brothers" ) Lore is shown wearing a Pakled outfit in "Brothers". Pakleds frequently visited Deep Space 9 and were likely to be found at Quark's or on the Promenade. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition", "Whispers", et al.) In 2370, a pair of Pakleds spoke to each other at Quark's, while Odo and Rom conversed with each other nearby. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition") In a search for the Duras sisters, Lursa and B'Etor, in 2370, the USS Enterprise entered the Kalla system, which lay within Pakled space. (TNG: "Firstborn" ) In late 2370, the Pakleds crossed the Demilitarized Zone to supply the Cardassians with a shipment of retro-viral vaccines. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike" ) When Major Kira was paying Kubus Oak a visit in DS9's brig later that year, a Pakled was sitting in another of the brig's cells. (DS9: "The Collaborator") Two Pakleds visited Deep Space 9 while the employees of Quark's were on strike in 2372. Alongside a Bolian woman, they were almost the only guests in the establishment. (DS9: "Bar Association")
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is Spezies of
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is karakter of
is Species of