  • Dutch Bros. Coffee
  • Grass Pass was going through a terrible decline in weed in the year of 1992. In the 90's, marijuana was primarily used for spices in food, tea, doing the splits, singing like Michael Jackson, mistletoes, and laxatives. And this lead to the decline. The people of the town began to go utterly insane without their pot, to the point where they'd be beating up their co-workers and putting fish eggs in tapioca. No wonder why it's so lumpy...but yet we still eat it.
  • Grass Pass was going through a terrible decline in weed in the year of 1992. In the 90's, marijuana was primarily used for spices in food, tea, doing the splits, singing like Michael Jackson, mistletoes, and laxatives. And this lead to the decline. The people of the town began to go utterly insane without their pot, to the point where they'd be beating up their co-workers and putting fish eggs in tapioca. No wonder why it's so lumpy...but yet we still eat it. It needed the genius of two Dutch tourists, Jan Van Smoyke and Van Jan Hjih to understand combining soft drugs and coffee beans to come up with their brand which they called Dutch Bros. It was to be more hip than white bread Starbucks and combine the spirit and smells of Dutch coffee houses with a lot of overpriced brown liquid for the next generation who would drink thinking it was a sign of the 'new cool'. From the company's founding in 1992, it didn't take them long to open coffee shops or drive-thru brew stops in places like Methford, Crack Junction, Klammy Balls, and in New Zealand. Indeed their success there was one reason why the film Lord of the Rings was filmed there as the entire country had got as 'high as hobbits' by that time.