  • Permit Huffam to accompany you during the dying of the season
  • From: [[]] The Hallowmas revellers pay court to you. They touch their masks respectfully as you pass. They press offerings of candle-stubs into your hands. Huffam scurries at your heels like a hungry dog. His pen is never still. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Success title
  • 'A fair, even-handed, noble adjuster of things'
From Card/Storylet title
  • The Hallowmas Edition
Unlocked with
  • 500
Success description
  • […T]he entire edition [is] dedicated to your seasonal exploits! […] Mr Wines describes you as 'essentially splendid'. Mr Pages says you are 'a reservoir of scintillant and promising fathoms'. Fires calls you 'luminous'; Iron 'tolerable'.
  • The Hallowmas revellers pay court to you. They touch their masks respectfully as you pass. They press offerings of candle-stubs into your hands. Huffam scurries at your heels like a hungry dog. His pen is never still.
  • From: [[]] The Hallowmas revellers pay court to you. They touch their masks respectfully as you pass. They press offerings of candle-stubs into your hands. Huffam scurries at your heels like a hungry dog. His pen is never still. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__