  • Twisted Evil
  • This Fan-Fiction is on Hiatus for an unknown amount of time. Thank you. The most violent chapter, to make this rated E, will be Here. do not click if you don't want spoilers. I'll move to the bottom when I get there. Another Sidenote: All characters and bosses and such will be revealed here. Notice some will be listed before they appear in the story, so be careful when you click! Name given to me by Plumber, and it was his idea for me to post it. I thought I would never have to, and I'll try to skip most violent parts.
  • This Fan-Fiction is on Hiatus for an unknown amount of time. Thank you. The most violent chapter, to make this rated E, will be Here. do not click if you don't want spoilers. I'll move to the bottom when I get there. Another Sidenote: All characters and bosses and such will be revealed here. Notice some will be listed before they appear in the story, so be careful when you click! Name given to me by Plumber, and it was his idea for me to post it. I thought I would never have to, and I'll try to skip most violent parts.