  • Guild Wars 2
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Guild Wars 2
  • La grande question que tout le monde se pose au sujet de Guild Wars 2 est quand sort-il ? Nous ne pouvons malheureusement pas répondre avec certitute. Mais un article en anglais prétend que ce sera seulement pour 2012. Note actuel du 09/06/2014 : le jeu est sorti le 28 août 2012.
  • Guild Wars 2 is the name for the sequel to Guild Wars. The image is that of a dragon, but many think this is just a myth or symbol for some other strange and unknown creature. Dragons don't exist or do they?
  • This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Guild Wars 2.
  • Guild Wars 2 ist ein derzeit in der Entwicklung befindliches klassenbasiertes MMORPG, das eine Fortsetzung von ArenaNets Guild Wars darstellt. Die Handlung ist in dem von NCSoft vertriebenen Spiel 250 Jahre nach Guild Wars angelegt. Guild Wars 2 wird im Gegensatz zu den meisten Konkurrenten in diesem Spielesektor ein eventbasiertes Quest-System verwenden. Wie schon bei ArenaNets Erstling werden keine monatlichen Gebühren veranschlagt, die Finanzierung soll über den Verkauf des Spiels sowie über den internen Online-Shop realisiert werden. In diesem Jahr finden geschlossene Alpha- und Betatests statt, für die es keine Anmeldungen geben wird.
  • Guild Wars 2 Wiki espère offrir à la communauté des joueurs francophones de Guild Wars 2 une documentation dans leur langue.
  • Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Das Wiki soll den deutschsprachigen Benutzern ermöglichen, ihren Wissensdurst zu stillen und somit auf Informationen zum Spiel und Tipps zum Gameplay zurückgreifen zu können.
  • The resurfacing of Orr causes massive floods that destroy many coastal cities in Kryta, including its capital city, Lion's Arch. The Krytans move north, away from the coast, and establish a new capital in the former holy village of Divinity's Coast; there, they set up a republic that ends the years of feuds between the Shining Blade, a faction loyal to the Krytan royalty in waiting, and the rebel White Mantle. Many refugees flock to Kryta from the rest of Tyria; most importantly, the humans from Ascalon, which now belongs entirely to the Charr. Those Ascalons who did not flee to Kryta move southwards and barricade themselves in a fortress called Ebonhawke. Ascalon City itself becomes a ghost town, populated by the vengeful spirits of its former citizens who slay all who dare enter. A legen
  • The Yogscast have made a number of videos on Guild Wars 2. Lewis and Simon both received press passes to the Guild Wars 2 Beta in early-2012, and created a number of videos showing off the game's many features. Once the game was released to those who pre-purchased it, Simon and Lewis went ahead and created a series of videos on the finished game. Lewis and Simon began their YouTube careers playing World of Warcraft, the game in which they met, however, both Lewis and Simon set aside WoW to play Guild Wars 2 instead.
  • 333.0
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  • 1
  • 1
  • Gaming
  • 1
  • 1
  • inactif
  • Znarf
  • 267
  • unbekannt
  • TulipVorlax
  • 2012-09-26
  • 2008-09-07
  • Inaktiv
  • 12
  • PC
extra punctuation
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • unbekannt
  • unbekannt
  • unbekannt
  • unbekannt
  • unbekannt
  • 12
  • unbekannt
  • Voraussichtlich Ende 2011 bzw. Anfang 2012
  • 2012-08-28
  • Guild Wars 2
  • ArenaNet
  • NCsoft
  • fr.guildwars2
  • GuildWars2-1.jpg
  • Multiplayer, Online
  • unbekannt
  • ArenaNet
  • Guild Wars 2
  • Guild Wars 2
Date de Début
  • 2009-08-29
  • gw2
  • Wird als DVD erhältlich
  • Keine Angaben
  • unbekannt
  • La grande question que tout le monde se pose au sujet de Guild Wars 2 est quand sort-il ? Nous ne pouvons malheureusement pas répondre avec certitute. Mais un article en anglais prétend que ce sera seulement pour 2012. Note actuel du 09/06/2014 : le jeu est sorti le 28 août 2012.
  • Guild Wars 2 is the name for the sequel to Guild Wars. The image is that of a dragon, but many think this is just a myth or symbol for some other strange and unknown creature. Dragons don't exist or do they?
  • This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Guild Wars 2.
  • The Yogscast have made a number of videos on Guild Wars 2. Lewis and Simon both received press passes to the Guild Wars 2 Beta in early-2012, and created a number of videos showing off the game's many features. Once the game was released to those who pre-purchased it, Simon and Lewis went ahead and created a series of videos on the finished game. Lewis and Simon began their YouTube careers playing World of Warcraft, the game in which they met, however, both Lewis and Simon set aside WoW to play Guild Wars 2 instead. At E3 2012, Simon said that he thought Guild Wars 2 would be the "final kick-in-the-balls" to World of Warcraft. Lewis and Simon continue to cover World of Warcraft on rare occasions, like when they received beta passes for the new Mists of Pandaria expansion, however, it appears that both of them have stopped playing the game frequently, although Lewis did say that he's leveling a paladin for the release of the game's fourth expansion. Simon claimed that he's not going to play the expansion because of Guild Wars 2.
  • Guild Wars 2 ist ein derzeit in der Entwicklung befindliches klassenbasiertes MMORPG, das eine Fortsetzung von ArenaNets Guild Wars darstellt. Die Handlung ist in dem von NCSoft vertriebenen Spiel 250 Jahre nach Guild Wars angelegt. Guild Wars 2 wird im Gegensatz zu den meisten Konkurrenten in diesem Spielesektor ein eventbasiertes Quest-System verwenden. Wie schon bei ArenaNets Erstling werden keine monatlichen Gebühren veranschlagt, die Finanzierung soll über den Verkauf des Spiels sowie über den internen Online-Shop realisiert werden. In diesem Jahr finden geschlossene Alpha- und Betatests statt, für die es keine Anmeldungen geben wird.
  • Guild Wars 2 Wiki espère offrir à la communauté des joueurs francophones de Guild Wars 2 une documentation dans leur langue.
  • Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Das Wiki soll den deutschsprachigen Benutzern ermöglichen, ihren Wissensdurst zu stillen und somit auf Informationen zum Spiel und Tipps zum Gameplay zurückgreifen zu können.
  • The resurfacing of Orr causes massive floods that destroy many coastal cities in Kryta, including its capital city, Lion's Arch. The Krytans move north, away from the coast, and establish a new capital in the former holy village of Divinity's Coast; there, they set up a republic that ends the years of feuds between the Shining Blade, a faction loyal to the Krytan royalty in waiting, and the rebel White Mantle. Many refugees flock to Kryta from the rest of Tyria; most importantly, the humans from Ascalon, which now belongs entirely to the Charr. Those Ascalons who did not flee to Kryta move southwards and barricade themselves in a fortress called Ebonhawke. Ascalon City itself becomes a ghost town, populated by the vengeful spirits of its former citizens who slay all who dare enter. A legend says that if one of the two relics of Ascalon's sundered royal line, the flaming swords of Prince Rurik and King Adelbern, are returned to Ascalon, then the spirits will finally be at rest. Lion's Arch is eventually rebuilt and becomes the new portal into the Mists with the blessing of the god of war, Balthazar; it takes the place of the Battle Isles, which also sinks in the floods. In Cantha, the successor of emperor Emperor Kisu defeats the warring Kurzick and Luxon factions and reunites Cantha under one banner. Under his strong leadership, Cantha forces all non-human races off their lands and fortifies its borders, becoming much more isolationist than before. The few Canthans who oppose the new empire are exiled to Kryta. When Arah resurfaces, the Corsair ships that used to take refuge in that archipelago are corrupted by the dragon to form a deadly fleet of black ships that seal off all trade routes between Cantha and the other continents. At the start of the Guild Wars 2 story, there has been no contact with mainland Canthans for a generation. In Elona, the undead general Palawa Joko, who had briefly formed an alliance with the Order of the Sunspears to defeat the fallen god Abaddon in Nightfall, successfully reconstitutes his undead army and begins a long siege on the Elonian provinces of Vabbi, Kourna and Istan. Vabbi is all but destroyed, its former splendor ruined by a ravaging famine when the river Elon is diverted by Joko. The Sunspears are eventually broken by Joko's armies, and many of their former leaders are converted to his service, some alive, some undead. The land bridge between Elona and the Crystal Desert is blocked by Joko's minions and the dragon, and the only news that slips through is carried by the mysterious and secretive Order of Whispers, who are now spread over all of Tyria. Besides the humans, the other sentient races have a comparatively better time. The Norn and the Charr continue to honor their peace formed from a mutual respect. The Asura spread through all the cities, maintaining a network of teleportation gates but also remaining strictly neutral. The Charr achieve total victory over Ascalon and settle into the former human capital of Rin. A new race, the Sylvari, appear fully formed from the mysterious tree that the centaur Ventari tended to until his death. The Dwarves, who pursued the Destroyers deep and long at the end of Eye of the North, are now deathless creatures of stone; the few who remain watch the ages go by, interacting little with the other sentient races, if at all.
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