  • Darth Kalnora vs. Brianna the Handmaiden and the Jedi Exile
  • Darth Kalnora vs. Brianna the Handmaiden and the Jedi Exile was a duel between Darth Kalnora, Brianna and the Jedi Exile. During the duel, Brianna became angry and struck at Kalnoran, and they fought using his Shadow Lightning power. Brianna was hit with it, but she was kept alive by the light inside of her. She tried to tell the Jedi Exile that she loved him, but even though she was holding onto her life it felt as though she was slipping from existence. The lightning was becoming stronger because the Force within her was being drained. As this was happening, the Jedi Exile awoke and broke out of the Force cage he had been held in.
  • Darth Kalnora vs. Brianna the Handmaiden and the Jedi Exile was a duel between Darth Kalnora, Brianna and the Jedi Exile. During the duel, Brianna became angry and struck at Kalnoran, and they fought using his Shadow Lightning power. Brianna was hit with it, but she was kept alive by the light inside of her. She tried to tell the Jedi Exile that she loved him, but even though she was holding onto her life it felt as though she was slipping from existence. The lightning was becoming stronger because the Force within her was being drained. As this was happening, the Jedi Exile awoke and broke out of the Force cage he had been held in. Once out of the cage, the Jedi Exile deflected the Shadow Lightning. Brianna was weak, so she pulled out her lightsaber. However, the Jedi Exile told her not to, saying that it was his task to face Kalnora and not hers because she could not withstand another hit. Despite this, Brianna insisted to stay, so they both attacked Kalnora. The Sith Lord dodged and hit Brianna with his fists, causing her to fly backwards. She got up onto a table while the Jedi Exile fought Kalnora. The Sith Lord tried to kick Brianna again, but she dodged it each time. The three of them dueled using Force Push and all of them went flying backwards. Kalnora used Shadow Lightning once again but changed to a ball of Force Lightning, which he threw at them. He traveled with the lightning and tried to slash at Brianna, but she deflected the blast and hit Kalnora with it. Because Kalnora had been significantly weakened, the Jedi Exile and Brianna went to look for Atton on Telos IV. Kalnora could barely move he grabbed one of his apprentices and drained his life and force.