  • Wushu
  • Wushu
  • Wushu to mod popularny wśród zaawansowanych graczy. Przez duży dystans, pierwsza tura zazwyczaj wykorzystywana jest na przygotowanie ataku, który następuje w drugiej turze. Podczas pierwszej tury gracze rzadko w ogóle się dotykają. Z powodu problemów z zdmowaniem przeciwnika i braku grabowania, w wushu nacisk kładzie się bardziej na obrażenia niż na dq.
  • Wushu is a hybrid martial art based off of traditional Chinese styles. While it incorporates many combative techniques it also a performance art to an extent, with many acrobatic techniques as well. Wushu teaches striking, kicking, throwing, joint locks, pressure points and weapons techniques, among others. The term "Wushu" is also the Chinese term for any martial art.
  • The game Blade and Soul is based on the martial art style of Wushu, so we thought it was a good idea for players to know what Wushu refers to. Wushu, by definition, encompasses the entirety of Chinese Martial Arts. The Chinese culture however separates Wushu from Kung Fu and considers them to be different styles. The Chinese equivalent of the term "Chinese martial arts" is Zhongguo wushu. Chinese martial arts originated during the Xia Dynasty more than 4000 years ago. Chinese fighting styles are often classified according to common traits identified as "families", "sects" or "schools" of martial arts. The genesis of Chinese martial arts has been attributed to the need for self-defense, hunting techniques and military training in ancient China and include physical exercises involving animal
  • China
  • Wushu
  • Wushu to mod popularny wśród zaawansowanych graczy. Przez duży dystans, pierwsza tura zazwyczaj wykorzystywana jest na przygotowanie ataku, który następuje w drugiej turze. Podczas pierwszej tury gracze rzadko w ogóle się dotykają. Z powodu problemów z zdmowaniem przeciwnika i braku grabowania, w wushu nacisk kładzie się bardziej na obrażenia niż na dq.
  • Wushu is a hybrid martial art based off of traditional Chinese styles. While it incorporates many combative techniques it also a performance art to an extent, with many acrobatic techniques as well. Wushu teaches striking, kicking, throwing, joint locks, pressure points and weapons techniques, among others. The term "Wushu" is also the Chinese term for any martial art.
  • The game Blade and Soul is based on the martial art style of Wushu, so we thought it was a good idea for players to know what Wushu refers to. Wushu, by definition, encompasses the entirety of Chinese Martial Arts. The Chinese culture however separates Wushu from Kung Fu and considers them to be different styles. The Chinese equivalent of the term "Chinese martial arts" is Zhongguo wushu. Chinese martial arts originated during the Xia Dynasty more than 4000 years ago. Chinese fighting styles are often classified according to common traits identified as "families", "sects" or "schools" of martial arts. The genesis of Chinese martial arts has been attributed to the need for self-defense, hunting techniques and military training in ancient China and include physical exercises involving animal mimicry, or training methods inspired by Chinese philosophies, religions and legends. The story of Blade and Soul was inspired by Chinese history, martial arts and both current and past culture. For more information regarding how Wushu and Blade and Soul relate, check out this livestream from the NCSoft team. File:Blade & Soul Announce Livestream - May 21, 2015