  • Disney's Anne Frank/WMG
  • The movie came from an alternate dimension where Disney was attempting to do Oscar Bait but the project had its budget cut and Disney was made to censor and Bowdlerize what was previously a straight adaptation of the The Diary of Anne Frank (it was around the time they were doing The Black Cauldron and they didn't realize that flopped until they were well into production). Due to the fact that the voice acting was already done when the budget was slashed this led to a cast far more notable than the movie would warrant. The Nostalgia Chick got her copy of the movie from Dr. Linksano in a Secret Santa exchange.
  • The movie came from an alternate dimension where Disney was attempting to do Oscar Bait but the project had its budget cut and Disney was made to censor and Bowdlerize what was previously a straight adaptation of the The Diary of Anne Frank (it was around the time they were doing The Black Cauldron and they didn't realize that flopped until they were well into production). Due to the fact that the voice acting was already done when the budget was slashed this led to a cast far more notable than the movie would warrant. The Nostalgia Chick got her copy of the movie from Dr. Linksano in a Secret Santa exchange.