  • 705
  • 705
  • 705
  • 705
  • Linia autobusowa, kursująca zastępczo za linie tramwajowe 3 i 5, w związku z remontem ulicy Krakowskiej. Linia ta jest wsparciem dla linii 703. Lista przystanków na trasie, w obu kierunkach: - WIERZBOWA - Galeria Dominikańska - Pl. Wróblewskiego - Pl. Zgody - NA NISKICH ŁĄKACH
  • [[Grafika:5581-705.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Ikarus 280 na linii 705 na pętli Żerań FSO]] [[Grafika:Zeran-FSO (przystanek, autobus 705).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Ikarus 280 na linii 705 na remontowanej pętli Żerań FSO]] 705 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Metra Marymont do Białobrzegów i Rynii, z jednym porannym podjazdem do Zegrza Południowego. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] About 705, an incarnation of the Doctor slew a dragon in Krakow. (PROSE: Only Human)
  • In Folge von Deniz' Verhaftung fordert Celine Mike auf, nach Essen zurückzukehren. Unterdessen verdichten sich die Beweise gegen Deniz. Wird Deniz als Bulles Mörder angeklagt? Resigniert erkennt Juli, dass sie trotz ihres Rücktritts von der Bankherrschaft, die Entfremdung von Oliver nicht stoppen kann und Oliver weiter Geheimnisse vor ihr hat. Als Oliver ihre Beziehung mit Sex kitten will, begreift Juli die Dimension ihres Verlusts. Maximilians Wut auf Richard wegen des Kusses mit Celine schlägt in Eifersucht um. Aber Maximilian ist nicht bereit, sich den offensichtlichen Beziehungsproblemen zu stellen...
  • El setecientos cinco (705) es el número natural que sigue al 704 y precede al 706. Categoría:Números
  • As the clock strikes 11pm, Judith checks Edith and leaves the room. Quentin sees her leave, as he is hiding in a corner and enters Edith's room. As he does she awakens and calls out, asking if it is Edward. He tells her yes, but she recognizes his voice. He grasps her about the shoulders and demands for her to tell him the family secret.
  • 705
  • 1969-02-28
  • 696
  • 1897
  • 1969-03-07
  • Quentin_attempts_to_force_Edith_to_reveal_the_secret.jpg
  • Linia autobusowa, kursująca zastępczo za linie tramwajowe 3 i 5, w związku z remontem ulicy Krakowskiej. Linia ta jest wsparciem dla linii 703. Lista przystanków na trasie, w obu kierunkach: - WIERZBOWA - Galeria Dominikańska - Pl. Wróblewskiego - Pl. Zgody - NA NISKICH ŁĄKACH
  • [[Grafika:5581-705.jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Ikarus 280 na linii 705 na pętli Żerań FSO]] [[Grafika:Zeran-FSO (przystanek, autobus 705).JPG|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Ikarus 280 na linii 705 na remontowanej pętli Żerań FSO]] 705 – linia autobusowa zwykła strefowa (rozkład jazdy), która kursuje z Metra Marymont do Białobrzegów i Rynii, z jednym porannym podjazdem do Zegrza Południowego. Linię obsługuje zajezdnia autobusowa Stalowa.
  • As the clock strikes 11pm, Judith checks Edith and leaves the room. Quentin sees her leave, as he is hiding in a corner and enters Edith's room. As he does she awakens and calls out, asking if it is Edward. He tells her yes, but she recognizes his voice. He grasps her about the shoulders and demands for her to tell him the family secret. Quentin threatens to kill Edith if she does not reveal the secret, but she is resolute that she will only tell Edward. She tells him he will gain nothing, and depriving Edward of the knowledge would be very dangerous. He starts to choke her when Judith returns and orders him to leave. Edith tells Judith that Quentin only shook her up, then berates Judith for leaving her alone. Judith uses the opportunity to bring up the family secret, and suggests that Edward may not return in time for her to pass it on. Edith, obviously expecting her to ask comments on how everyone is anxious to learn the secret, but that it is a terrible secret and Judith would be happier not knowing it. She tells her that Judith should let the others continue “feeding their anxiety”. In the Drawing room Quentin is throwing a tantrum when Judith enters and tells him she has locked the door to Edith’s room and she’s going to tell Edward. Quentin accuses her of being childish and she tells him he has always been afraid of Edward. Elsewhere, Edward tells Rachel Drummond that he has finally found a carriage to Collinwood, it appears they have been delayed. He only hopes he has a chance to speak with his Grandmother before it is too late. Edward and Rachel continue their conversation from earlier, that she will leave the disciplining of the children to him. She says she has no questions now, but she is sure when she meets Mrs. Collins she will have questions. Edward is visibly stricken and turns away from her as he explains that “there is no Mrs. Collins”. Rachel apologizes, assuming Edward is a widower. He tells her the children must forget their mother. Rachel seems puzzled. Quentin paces in the foyer and heads upstairs when Barnabas knocks on the door. Barnabas asks for Judith so he can tell her he has looked over The Old House and it suits him well to take up residence. Quentin, unaware that Judith has just walked onto the upstairs balcony, tells him that his living there will require Edward’s permission, not Judith’s and that her perceived authority is not real. Judith speaks up, saying she has plenty of authority. Judith comes down the stairs and Barnabas gives her his message himself, then asks if he could possibly see Edith to give her a present. Quentin’s ears perk up and he asks what it is, and Barnabas reveals it is an family heirloom, a necklace which belonged to Naomi Collins, the first mistress of Collinwood. Quentin, quite impressed with the jewelry, asks how Barnabas came to own it. Barnabas explains that the original Barnabas took it to England and it has since been passed down. He says the head of the English side of the family asked him to give it to the head of the American side of the family. Quentin asks why he did not mention it earlier and Barnabas reminds him he was busy defending his good name (if not his good neck) (704). Judith decides that a brief visit could be arranged and takes Barnabas upstairs. Quentin childishly asks why Barnabas can see her and he can’t. Judith hurls a veiled insult back. Barnabas, like a true gentleman pretend not to notice their fight. Quentin stews in front of the Portrait of Barnabas until he hears a carriage arrive. He goes outside to see who it is, then goes into the drawing room to pour himself a drink. Edward and Rachel arrive and Edward goes to see if there are any servants near, but, of course, there are none to be found. Quentin comes out of the drawing room, surprising Edward into speechlessness. He circles Rachel, appraising her before Edward finally regains his voice and asks what Quentin is doing in Collinwood, to which Quentin says he is living there. Upstairs, Edith asks why Edward hasn’t arrived. Judith says she doesn’t know, but she has a visitor for her. Edith replies that there is no one else she will tell the secret to and Judith tells her he is a distant relative who has traveled a long way to meet her and has brought a present. Edith perks up and agrees to see him for a few moments. She sits up, preparing for her guest while downstairs Quentin asks Edward to introduce him to Rachel. When Edward refuses, Quentin introduces himself and Rachel returns the favor. Quentin asks Rachel if she is married and Edward pointedly asks if it made any difference to him if she were? They share an awkward silent moment before Edward asks Rachel to excuse them and he and Quentin step into the drawing room. Edward closes the door, pulls out his pocket watch and reminds Quentin that he has been banished. He gives Quentin 24 hours to pack and leave, swearing he will kill Quentin if he is still there at midnight tomorrow. Quentin applauds Edward’s speech and tells him he is not leaving because Edith invited him. Edward says he intends to speak to her about it and he supposes Quentin has been trying to learn the secret. Quentin says he has not been successful in that endeavor. He tells him that it was Jamison who persuaded Edith to invite him back, that he has always been more fond of him than of Edward. Edward explodes, ordering Quentin to stay away from Jamison. Quentin laughs and suggests they rejoin Miss Drummond in the foyer. Upstairs, Judith helps Edith to sit up and fixes her clothes for her visitor. Judith lets Barnabas in, telling him the room must remain dark, as the light hurts Edith’s eyes. She opens the drapes so Edith can see her guest and spies Edward’s carriage. Edith tells Judith to go downstairs, that she must see Edward at once. After Judith leaves, she tells her visitor that she hears he has brought her a present, that she is not used to that kind of thoughtfulness since her husband died some 34 years ago. Barnabas, still standing in the dark, tells her about the heirloom. When Edith asks Barnabas his name and he tells her, a look of concern comes over her face and she asks him to come closer to her. Edith immediately recognizes him, and blurts out that he is the family secret! Barnabas is aghast as she says “We have failed” and tells him to stay away. She tells Barnabas that she knows what he is and she must warn Edward, who arrives just at that time. Edward rushes to Edith’s side, asking Barnabas to leave, which he does. Edith begs Edward to come closer, and Edward tells her she must reveal the secret to him quickly. Barnabas eavesdrops outside the door, horrified a what she might say.
  • [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] About 705, an incarnation of the Doctor slew a dragon in Krakow. (PROSE: Only Human)
  • In Folge von Deniz' Verhaftung fordert Celine Mike auf, nach Essen zurückzukehren. Unterdessen verdichten sich die Beweise gegen Deniz. Wird Deniz als Bulles Mörder angeklagt? Resigniert erkennt Juli, dass sie trotz ihres Rücktritts von der Bankherrschaft, die Entfremdung von Oliver nicht stoppen kann und Oliver weiter Geheimnisse vor ihr hat. Als Oliver ihre Beziehung mit Sex kitten will, begreift Juli die Dimension ihres Verlusts. Maximilians Wut auf Richard wegen des Kusses mit Celine schlägt in Eifersucht um. Aber Maximilian ist nicht bereit, sich den offensichtlichen Beziehungsproblemen zu stellen...
  • El setecientos cinco (705) es el número natural que sigue al 704 y precede al 706. Categoría:Números
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