  • Mercy Hartigan
  • Miss Hartigan was matron of the St Joseph's Workhouse (a job for which she showed great dislike). Some short time prior to Christmas 1851 she met the Cybermen and agreed to help them achieve their goals in return for the promise that she would be heralded when their plans were accomplished. She was also protected by a guard of Cybershades who drove her horse and coach.
  • The Cybermen betray her when they decide that they wish to make her their 'Cyber King' in a process which is supposed to remove her emotions and upgrade her, but it doesn't work due to her brilliant mind having overcome the programming. Miss Hartigan is given access to the full bounty of knowledge of the universe and in the colossal 'Cyber King' dreadnought-class assault droid, she seeks to make London bow at her feet as its maniacal dictator who combines cold Cyberman efficiency, knowledge and logic with human passion and determination. The Doctor offers Miss Hartigan the opportunity to relocate herself to another world which she can reign over harmlessly, but when she refuses he cuts her connection to the Cybermen and allows her to see what she has become rationally. In her moment of luc
  • Dervla Kirwan
  • Mercy Hartigan
  • Miss Hartigan confronts the Doctor and Rosita. - Doctor Who The Next Doctor - BBC
  • The Doctor Vs. The Cyber King - The Next Doctor - Doctor Who - BBC
  • Human
  • The Next Doctor
  • The Cybermen betray her when they decide that they wish to make her their 'Cyber King' in a process which is supposed to remove her emotions and upgrade her, but it doesn't work due to her brilliant mind having overcome the programming. Miss Hartigan is given access to the full bounty of knowledge of the universe and in the colossal 'Cyber King' dreadnought-class assault droid, she seeks to make London bow at her feet as its maniacal dictator who combines cold Cyberman efficiency, knowledge and logic with human passion and determination. The Doctor offers Miss Hartigan the opportunity to relocate herself to another world which she can reign over harmlessly, but when she refuses he cuts her connection to the Cybermen and allows her to see what she has become rationally. In her moment of lucidity, she becomes insane and then dies, as do all the Cybermen who are connected to her.
  • Miss Hartigan was matron of the St Joseph's Workhouse (a job for which she showed great dislike). Some short time prior to Christmas 1851 she met the Cybermen and agreed to help them achieve their goals in return for the promise that she would be heralded when their plans were accomplished. She was also protected by a guard of Cybershades who drove her horse and coach. When the Reverend Fairchild was killed, Miss Hartigan went to his funeral and set the Cybermen on the mourners, capturing the workhouse owners and killing the rest. The survivors were fitted with earpieces and told to bring their children to the Cybermen's base of operations. They led the children to a factory by the docks and made them work the machinery to generate electricity so that the CyberKing would rise. Miss Hartigan killed the workhouse owners and the Cyber-Leader told her she would be converted into the CyberKing. She realised they had been planning to betray her the whole time and tried to refuse to be converted but was forced into it. However, once converted, Miss Hartigan's superior mind gained control over the Cybermen's technology. She not only killed the Cyber-leader but also assumed leadership over the others. Shortly after this, the Cyberking rose out of the Thames and attacked London with Miss Hartigan as the "brain" of the vessel. The Tenth Doctor then used a device made from Infostamps to break the link between her and the Cybermen. She saw what she had become and, overcome with remorse and horror, destroyed both herself and the Cybermen in a suicidal attack. (TV: The Next Doctor)
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